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Wisconsin Water Science Center

Water Resources Data - Wisconsin, Water year 2004

U.S. Geological Survey WDR-WI-04

By R.J. Waschbusch, D.L. Olson, S.B. Marsh, and P.A. Stark

This report is available as a pdf.


Water-resources data for the 2004 water year for Wisconsin include records of streamflow at gaging stations, partial-record stations, and miscellaneous sites, records of precipitation, and records of chemical, biological, and physical characteristics of surface water. In addition, water levels in observation wells are reported. These data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with State and local agencies and other Federal agencies in Wisconsin.

Table of Contents



Surface-water stations, in downstream order, for which records are published in this volume

Ground-water wells, by county, for which records are published in this volume

Discontinued surface-water discharge stations

Discontinued surface-water-quality stations


Summary of hydrologic conditions


Water quality

Ground-water levels

Downstream Order and Station Numbers

Special networks and programs

Explanation of the stage- and water-discharge records

Data collection and computation

Data presentation

Station manuscripts

Peak discharge greater than base discharge

Data table of daily mean values

Statistics of monthly mean data

Summary statistics

Identifying estimated daily discharge

Accuracy of the records

Other records available

Explanation of precipitation records

Data collection and computation

Data presentation

Explanation of the water-quality records

Collection and examination of data

Water analysis

Surface water-quality records

Classification of records

Accuracy of the records

Arrangement of records

On-site measurements and sample collection

Water temperature


Laboratory measurements

Data presentation

Remark codes

Water-quality control data

Blank samples

Reference samples

Replicate samples

Spike samples

Explanation of ground-water-level records

Site identification numbers

Data collection and computation

Data presentation

Water-level tables

Ground-water-quality data

Data collection and computation

Laboratory measurements

Access to U.S. Geological Survey water data

Definition of terms

Techniques of water-resources investigations of the U.S. Geological Survey

Surface-water records

Gaging station records

Discharge at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites

Crest-stage partial-record stations

Measurements at miscellaneous sites

Water-quality analyses at miscellaneous sites

Ground-water records

Ground-water levels

Quality of ground water

Wisconsin District Publications



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This document is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) full report (58.2 MB)

The accessible pdf file is split for easier access:

Cover Page, Calendar, Title page—(680KB)

Page 1-44 (1.5MB)

Page 45-54—Lake Superior Basin (2MB)

Page 55-99—Menominee-Oconto-Peshtigo Basin (5.5)

Page 100-158—Fox-Wolf River Basin (7.6MB)

Page 159-349—Lake Michigan Basin (23.6MB)

Page 350-363—St. Croix River Basin (1.7MB)

Page 364-399—Chippewa River Basin (4.6MB)
Page 400-456—Trempealeau-Black River Basin (7.1MB)

Page 457-459—Upper Wisconsin River Basin (545MB)

Page 460-473—Central Wisconsin River Basin (1.5MB)

Page 474-490—Lower Wisconsin River Basin (2MB)

Page 491-514—Grant-Platte-Galena River Basin (1.9MB)

Page 515-630—Rock River Basin (13MB)

Page 631-641—Illinois River Basin (1.3MB)

Page 642-656—Discharge at Partial-Record Stations and Miscellaneous (417KB)

Page 657-875—Water-Quality Analyses at Miscellaneous Sites (28.4MB)

Page 876—Figure 5. Location of observation wells in Wisconsin (75KB)

Page 877-966—Ground-Water Records (13.9MB)

Page 967-982—Wisconsin District Publications (300KB)

Page 983-990—Index (20KB)

For more information:

U.S. Geological Survey

Wisconsin Science Center

8505 Research Way

Middleton, WI 53562

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Page Contact Information: Publishing Service Center
Last modified: Monday, October 24 2005, 10:55:49 AM
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