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Obama and Carbon Pricing
The Obama Administration should endeavor to set a price on carbon emissions as a high priority, asserts RFF Senior Fellow Richard  
McConnell in the Marketplace
In a commentary aired December 15 on American Public Media’s Marketplace Radio, Senior Fellow Virginia McConnell  
RFF Researchers Contribute to New GAO Climate Report
Senior Fellows Joe Aldy and Dallas Burtraw contributed to a General Accountability Office (GAO) study released in November  
Cap-and-Trade in the Current Economic Climate
On NPR’s All Things Considered, RFF Senior Fellow Dallas Burtraw discussed the implications of the current economic  
The Cartography of Climate Change
Climate change is an inherently spatial problem, where the locations of impacts, people, and resources are critical. According to RFF Fellow Shalini Vajjhala and GIS consultant Janet Nackoney, digital mapmaking helps us build a deeper understanding of the complex geographic implications of emerging climate policy decisions.
Reshaping Government to Address Climate Policy
Will wholesale government restructuring be needed to deal with the complex questions around climate change in the Obama Administration? A December 3 RFF roundtable addressed this topic in a discussion encompassing regulation, diplomacy and international engagement, science and information, and economic policy. Video and audio available.
The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa
High poverty rates and the need for increased agricultural pro­ductivity remain acute in rural areas across sub-Saharan Africa. A new book from RFF Press marks the first systematic attempt to address emerging land markets in Africa and their implications for poverty, equity, and efficiency.
RFF and Environment for Development
To improve environmental policymaking in developing countries, RFF is working with the University of Gothenburg in Sweden to support national centers for economic analysis in countries around the globe.
Assessing EIA Track Record on Energy Demand Forecasts
In a new paper, RFF Senior Fellows Carolyn Fischer and Richard Morgenstern and Research Assistant Evan Herrnstadt examine the accuracy of Energy Information Administration projections of U.S. energy demand.
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Juha V. Siikamäki
Siikämaki discusses his interest in blending economics with biology in gauging the value of ecosystems.
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Does “Green” Corporate Social Responsibility Benefit Society?
By Thomas P. Lyon and John W. Maxwell
January 2, 2009
Environment for Development
Organizing Federal Government to Address Climate Change
First Wednesday Seminar
December 3, 2008
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