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Vegetation Management
Before You Plant That Tree
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Vegetation Management
Before You Plant That Tree

PSNH maintains over 13,000 miles of power lines and utility poles throughout New Hampshire. A major part of our work consists of trimming the trees and vegetation around these lines so they won't cause power outages and dangerous situations.

You can help keep PSNH power lines free of vegetation by following a few simple rules:

  • Plan before you plant.
  • Choose trees and shrubs carefully, keeping in mind how tall they will grow and how wide they will spread when mature.
  • Plant only low-growing shrubs and small trees (under 30 feet at maturity) beneath power lines. Good choices include several species of cherry, crabapple, dogwood, hawthorn, magnolia, and viburnum.
  • Plant medium trees (between 30 - 50 feet at maturity) at least 30 feet from power lines. Examples include Columnar European Beech, a European Hornbeam, a Katsura Tree, a Regent Scholartree, or a Carolina Silverbell.
  • Plant trees that will reach more than 50 feet high at maturity at least 50 feet from the wires. Examples of tall trees include conifers, Giant Arborvitae, Pin Oak, or Japanese Zelkova.
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