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Renewable Rate for Customers with a Generator

The Net Energy Metering Program is available to any customer with a generator that has a capacity of 100 kilowatts or less and uses a renewable energy source, such as solar, wind or water to produce electricity. Under this billing option, a customer’s monthly PSNH bill amount will reflect the difference between the power generated and the power used during the month.

There are certain requirements necessary in order to connect to the PSNH system. For net metering projects using an inverter, please refer to PSNH's "Interconnection Standards for Inverters Sized Up to 100 KVA". To learn more about net metering requirements, please contact PSNH in one of the following ways:

To apply for this service, print and mail the completed (PDF File Format 28 KB/8 KB) Need Adobe Acrobat Application and Indemnity Forms to:
    PSNH, Supplemental Energy Sources Department
    PO Box 330
    Manchester, NH 03105-0330.
A representative from the Supplemental Energy Sources Department will contact you.

For additional information on Net Metering:

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