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Essential Titles List, Proposed Revision

GPO's Essential Titles List was developed to be fluid, so that titles could be added or removed when an agency no longer publishes a title in a tangible form, or when depository library preferences change. In spring 2005, GPO conducted a survey of the depository community to identify additional essential titles for public use that should remain in paper and other tangible formats. In 2006 the Depository Library Council established a task force that recommended a methodology for a new survey. After further discussion, GPO and the Council decided to develop an alternative proposal. This new proposal takes into account the overall item selection rates and selection rates by type of library as a means to determine what is essential to the community.

GPO sought feedback on this proposed methodology for determining essential titles, the assumptions, library types or the process. The deadline for comments was August 1, 2006.

Community Response to the Proposed Revision

Essential Titles Proposal Documents

SOD 301, Dissemination/Distribution Policy for the Federal Depository Library Program, is an internal policy statement that guides format distribution and dissemination decisions. In addition to titles on the Essentials Title List, SOD 301 stipulates that in certain instances tangible formats will be distributed to depository libraries. It will be helpful to review SOD 301 as you evaluate the essential titles proposal.