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Coal and Power Systems
Independent Peer Reviews of NETL Technology Programs

NETL is conducting a series of independent Peer Reviews of its Strategic Center for Coal Technology Programs in accordance with Departmental guidelines.  Using a standard set of selection criteria, each technology program selects between 15 and 20 projects to be peer reviewed that represent the program's project portfolio and a significant portion of their fiscal year budget. Selected projects undergo a rigorous review during which the Principal Investigators summarize the status of their research, accomplishments, and future planned activities to an independent panel of experts.  Projects are evaluated using a standard set of metrics to assess the progress of the Project Team towards achieving the Statements of Project Objectives as well as specific project milestones of the research.  Following the Peer Review, NETL uses the results to guide and redirect the projects, as appropriate, underscoring NETL’s commitment to funding and managing a portfolio of high-quality research.

For information regarding the Peer Review conducted, click on the links below.

FY 2007 Peer Reviews:

FY 2008 Peer Reviews: