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Twenty-first century environmental challenges provide an opportunity to re-examine traditional regulatory issues like environmental performance and cost, as well as to address often overlooked concerns, such as procedural fairness, environmental justice, and distributional questions. Resources for the Future seeks to improve regulatory outcomes by evaluating the performance of environmental regulations and programs, comparing alternative regulatory approaches, and refining analytical techniques for regulatory analysis.  RFF scholars employ a diverse set of approaches to these issues, including risk and uncertainty analysis, policy analysis, and economic tools like cost-benefit analysis.
New Protocols for Keeping Planes Apart
As air traffic volume continues to grow, the need for new – and safe – ways to merge and separate planes in flight is more important than ever. A new paper by Chauncey Starr Senior Fellow Roger Cooke assesses proposed NASA protocols.
Floodproofing the Future
The best way to reduce damage from floods is to keep people out of harm's way, argues Carolyn Kousky in a recent op-ed published in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Kousky, a new fellow, joined RFF in September.
Does Disclosure Reduce Pollution? Evidence from India’s Green Rating Project
Nicholas E Powers, Allen Blackman, Thomas P. Lyon, Urvashi Narain
RFF Discussion Paper 08-38 | October 2008
Does Disclosure Reduce Pollution? Evidence from India’s Green Rating Project
Nicholas E Powers, Allen Blackman, Thomas P. Lyon, Urvashi Narain
RFF Discussion Paper EfD 08-27 | October 2008
Taxes, Permits, and the Diffusions of a New Technology
Jessica Coria
RFF Discussion Paper EfD 08-26 | October 2008
How Should We Tackle the Forest Fire Problem?
Arun S. Malik
Resources | Summer 2008 (169)
Long-Term Risks and Short-Term Regulations: Modeling the Transition from Enhanced Oil Recovery to Geologic Carbon Sequestration
Alexander Bandza, Shalini Vajjhala
RFF Discussion Paper DP 08-29 | September 2008
System Level Risk Analysis of New Merging and Spacing Protocols
Roger M. Cooke, Tina Singuran
RFF Report | September 2008
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