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The Bright Schools Program

Make Your Facilities Energy Efficient — Reap Big Benefits!



As school budgets are shrinking, costs for school operations keep going up. One way to save money is by reducing your energy costs. The Bright Schools Program offers services to help find ways for you to become more energy wise.

Do you need help identifying the most cost-effective energy saving opportunities? The Bright Schools Program can help, usually at no cost to you.

Savings are proven to typically reduce annual utility costs by an average of 20 percent. Administrators confirm that our recommendations and assistance led to better learning environments. All of your district's programs can share these savings, thereby benefiting the students!

Plus efficiency upgrades reduce annual maintenance costs, conserves finite resources and improves indoor air quality.

The Bright Schools Program Can Help!

Let us help you identify cost-effective energy efficient assistance. Whether you are renovating an existing school, building a new one, or want to save on energy bills.

Who is eligible for the Bright Schools Program?

All publicly funded California K-12 school districts and non-profit K-12 schools are eligible for assistance from the Bright Schools Program.

Here's how we can assist you

  • Conduct energy audits
  • Review existing proposals and designs
  • Develop equipment performance specifications

Is There a Cost to Participate in the Bright Schools Program?

For many K-12 public schools there may be no cost. The Energy Commission can provide an energy audit that identifies energy saving recommendations. To assist you, we provide technical assistance services (up to $20,000 of our consultant's costs). The cost of a study depends on the facility size, type and scope of the project. We contract with experienced engineering and architectural consultants who provide the technical assistance.

How do I pay for our energy saving project?

If you need financing to implement the projects recommended by the Bright Schools Program (or as a result of an independent analysis), you can apply for a low interest loan from the Energy Commission.

Loans are available at competitive rates for public K-12 schools.

For information, go to www.energy.ca.gov/efficiency/financing/

Existing Schools

With an evaluation of your maintenance plans or an energy audit of your facilities, we can identify energy-related projects. Schools planning major renovations can also benefit from our technical assistance services during the planning and design processes. For existing schools, the Bright Schools Program can:

  • Conduct energy audits and feasibility studies
  • Review existing proposals and designs
  • Develop equipment performance specifications
  • Assist with contractor selection
  • Review equipment bid specifications
  • Review commissioning plans

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New School Construction

Schools built with energy efficient designs will cost less to operate, offering continuous savings and leaving more money for education. Many new schools being built today just meet current California Title 24 energy efficiency standards and could save more energy. Many of these designs could be improved with little or no additional expense. The Bright Schools Program provides technical assistance to your district's architectural and engineering team early in the design phase, before the plans are finalized. The savings accumulate from the first day of operation! For new school construction projects, the Bright Schools Program can:

  • Provide design consultation

  • Identify cost-effective energy-saving measures

  • Provide recommendations to maximize Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) energy credits for state funding
  • Compare different technologies

  • Provide equipment specification consultation

  • Develop computer simulation models of your planned project

  • Help select design professionals with energy efficiency expertise

  • Review schematics and construction plans

  • Assist with system commissioning

Bright Schools Program Collaborates with Key State Programs

Our staff works closely with the Office of Public School Construction, the Division of the State Architect, and the California Department of Education to ensure that recommended projects meet program eligibility requirements. We can help you secure low-interest loans to provide all or a portion of the funds you need for your energy-related projects.

Download Brochure
The Bright Schools Program Brochure is available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). For more information about PDF files or to download Acrobat Reader, please visit Adobe's Web site at www.adobe.com.

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The Application Process

How do I apply for an energy audit?

  1. Complete the Technical Assistance Application. (updated: 4/08)
  2. Provide supplemental information, such as past energy studies, preliminary plans or proposals, 12 months of energy bills (e.g., gas and electric), and energy using equipment inventories for the buildings or facilities that you are requesting assistance for.
  3. Complete the Governing Board Resolution. The resolution may be mailed separately, but no technical assistance will be provided until we receive the resolution.
  4. Mail your application, Governing Board Resolution, and supplemental information to:

    California Energy Commission
    Bright Schools Program
    Public Programs Office
    1516 Ninth Street, MS 42
    Sacramento, CA 95814-5512

How will you evaluate my application?

The application must indicate how your district plans to execute and fund recommended projects. Also, the Governing Board Resolution must demonstrate your district's commitment to implementing the Bright Schools Program's energy efficiency recommendations.

When is my application due?

The Bright Schools Program is continuously open program with no final filing date. Program funds are limited, however, so filing promptly will help increase your chances of receiving assistance. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

What if I need funding for my energy saving projects?

If you need funds to finance and implement the projects recommended by the Bright Schools Program or as a result of your independent analysis, you can apply for a low interest loan from the Energy Commission. Loans are available at competitive rates for public K-12 schools. For information, go to www.energy.ca.gov/efficiency/financing/.

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Other Information

Costs for school operations keep going up, but one way to save money is by reducing energy costs. Find out how some California schools have reduced their operating costs by exploring the PDF documents below.

Case Studies of Program Participant's Energy Saving Projects

School Case Studies

General Technical Assistance Document

  • Schools
    updated: April 2008. (2 pgs, 740 kb)

Contact Us

Jim Holland
California Energy Commission
1516 Ninth Street, MS-42
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-651-9857
E-mail: jholland@energy.state.ca.us