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Glossary of Terms

Ampere (Amp): A unit measure for the flow (current) of electricity. Typical service to a residence is 100 amps; 200 amps is required for homes with electric heat.

Cable: A fully insulated conductor that can be installed underground or overhead.

Code(s): The latest revision of the National Electrical Code and/or applicable state or local codes and ordinances.

Conductor: A wire, cable, bar, rod or tube which serves as a path for electric flow. The most common conductor is the overhead wire.

Conduit System: Our electrical distribution facilities installed underground, in electrical grade Schedule 40 PVC conduit.

Construction Services Support Center (CSSC): Technical Assistance and information group at PSNH. Processes new requests for temporary and permanent service installations and upgrades to existing installations. Single point of contact for established Work Requests. Available Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at 1-800-362-PSNH. Technical, scheduling, and procedural questions about projects may be directed to these technicians.

Customer Charge: Recovers costs associated with making service available to a customer, such as installing and maintaining meters, utility poles, power lines and equipment, as well as meter reading and PSNH's 24-hour customer service center.

Customer Request System (CRS): PSNH Computer system used for maintaining information about Work Requests, Contractors, and Municipal Inspectors. Customers and Contractors may enter Work Requests by calling our Construction Services Support Center at 1-800-362-PSNH or by visiting the Customer Request System online at PSNH.com. Customers and Contractors may check their Work Requests status online by simply entering their 6-digit Work Request number and town. Municipal Inspectors may notify PSNH of approved electrical inspections through CRS, as well.

Delivery Charge: Recovers costs related to the maintenance and operation of PSNH's transmission and distribution system, and PSNH's power restoration and service operations. The kWh charge is based on the amount of kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity a customer has used during a billing period. The kilowatt (kW) charge (also known as "demand" charge) is based on the greatest amount of electricity used by a customer in any half-hour period during the billing cycle.

Demand Factor: For an electrical system, this is a ratio of the amount of load (in kVa or amperes) that is operating at the same time to the total amount of connected load on the circuit. An 80% demand factor, for instance, indicates that only 80% of the connected load on a circuit will ever be operating at the same time. Conductor capacity can be based on that amount of load.

Electricity Consumption Tax: A state-mandated tax on energy consumption.
Energy Charge: Based on the amount of kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity a customer has used during a billing period. It includes the supplier's costs to generate and/or buy power.

Hours' Use (HU): The relationship between the customer's maximum demand and total amount of kilowatt-hours used. Example: If a customer's maximum demand is 100 kW and energy used is 40,000 kWh, then the HU is 400 for the month (40,000 kWh/100 kW). In this case, the discount for Long Hours' Use would apply to 10,000 kWh [40,000 kWh - (300 HU x 100 kW)].

Kilovolt (kV): 1000 volts.

Kilo-volt-ampere (kVa): A measure of electrical load on a circuit or system: single phase = amperes x voltage / 1000 three phase = amperes x voltage x 1.732 / 1000.

Kilowatt (kW): 1000 watts. A measure of electrical load on a circuit or system - related to kVa: single phase = amperes x voltage x power factor / 1000 three phase = amperes x voltage x power factor x 1.732 / 1000.

Kilowatt Hour (kWh): The work performed by one kilowatt of electric power in one hour. The unit on which the price of electrical energy is based. A 1000 watt light bulb operating for one hour would use one kWh.

Kilowatt of Demand: The amount of electricity that a customer demands from PSNH in a specific interval of time (PSNH uses ½ hour intervals).

Metering Sequence: Cold Sequence: main disconnect required before meter. Hot Sequence: main disconnect after meter.

Network: A distribution system in which the secondaries of the distribution transformers are connected to common conductors for supplying power directly to a customer's service. These are special systems generally located in downtown areas of cities.

On-Peak/Off Peak (if applicable): The off-peak period is between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and throughout the entire day on weekends and holidays. The on-peak period shall be all hours not included in the off-peak period.

Primary Service: Service voltage above 600 volts.

Secondary Service: Service voltage of 600 volts or less.

Service: The conductors and equipment for delivery of electric energy from our distribution (supply system) to the wiring system of the premises served.

Service Charges: When you establish or re-establish an electric service account for residential or general service, one of the following service charges will be applied to your electric bill:

$14.00 - When it is not necessary to send an employee to the meter location.
$35.00 - When it is necessary to send an employee to the meter location during normal business hours.
$70.00 - When it is necessary to send an employee to a meter location outside of normal business hours.

Service Drop: Overhead service conductors between our facilities and your structure.

Service Entrance Capacity: The rating in amps of the service entrance equipment ("main").

Service Equipment: The necessary equipment -- usually consisting of the main control or circuit breaker, and fuses and their accessories -- intended to constitute the main control and means of cutoff of the supply.

Service Lateral: Underground service conductors and conduit starting: at the street main; or at the top of a riser on a pole or other structure; or from a transformer; to the first connection of the service in a terminal box, meter box or other enclosure.

Service Location: The approved point of attachment of our service drop or the approved point of entry of our service lateral to a building.

Service Point: The point of connection between the facilities of the serving utility and the premises wiring.

Single Phase Line: A conductor installation carrying electrical loads capable of serving the needs of residential customers, small commercial customers and streetlights. Carries a relatively light load as compared to heavy duty three phase. Consists of one high voltage wire and one neutral wire.

Stranded Cost Recovery Charge: Helps fund the recovery of PSNH's past investment costs, including expenses incurred through mandated power contracts and other long-term investments and obligations. The kWh charge is based on the amount of kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity a customer has used during a billing period. The kilowatt (kW) charge (also known as "demand" charge) is based on the greatest amount of electricity used by a customer in any half-hour period during the billing cycle. A portion of this charge is owned by PSNH Funding LLC and is being collected on its behalf.

System Benefits Charge: Funds energy efficiency programs for all customers as well as assistance programs for residential customers within certain income guidelines.

Three Phase Line: A conductor installation capable of carrying heavy loads of electricity. Consists of three high voltage wires and one neutral wire.

Work Request: Request for work to be done by PSNH line crews, tracked by PSNH with a unique number within our Customer Request System. All new construction service requests start by initiating a Work Request through our Construction Services Support Center at 1-800-362-PSNH. Please retain your 6-digit Work Request number and refer to it when you contact PSNH in regards to your job.


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