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United States Cotton Production

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 Production Detail for the United States
Crop Year:
Planted Acreage:
Average Price:
Value of Crop:

3-yr Avg Production:
10-yr Avg Production:  
19,206,900 bales 1
10,827,200 acres
56.37 cents per pound
$5.20 billion

21,561,633 bales (2007 - 2005)
19,177,720 bales (2007 - 1998)
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 Latest Industry Profile for the United States 2
Sector Businesses Jobs     Revenue      
Farms 3 24,805 126,862 5,574,119,000
Gins 921 23,025 808,598,000
Merchants 202 1,761 6,593,601,397
Warehouses 465 6,474 415,555,444
Cottonseed Dealers/Processors 69 1,036 1,168,345,354
Textile Mills 1,098 75,130 12,747,279,382
Total 27,560 234,288 $ 27,307,498,577
State Businesses Jobs     Revenue     2007
Alabama 1,438 13,096 1,322,652,052 416,000
Arizona 460 5,414 268,533,215 518,600
Arkansas 1,315 9,146 832,536,407 1,896,000
California 1,654 28,012 2,001,910,358 1,443,000
Florida 314 2,773 98,120,918 116,000
Georgia 3,448 26,790 2,582,300,366 1,660,000
Kansas 174 982 25,978,466 57,200
Louisiana 1,154 5,986 343,962,456 699,000
Mississippi 1,750 13,421 1,650,481,158 1,318,000
Missouri 651 4,283 269,137,545 764,000
New Mexico 302 2,380 46,787,952 97,200
North Carolina 2,366 29,777 3,817,545,891 783,000
Oklahoma 619 3,533 139,299,749 281,000
South Carolina 645 13,989 2,177,749,401 160,000
Tennessee 1,029 6,861 3,164,042,037 600,000
Texas 9,375 45,315 4,778,942,375 8,296,000
Virginia 352 5,890 936,112,792 101,900
Total 27,560 234,288 $ 27,307,498,577 19,206,900

  1. Includes upland and Pima cotton.
  2. Business and jobs are from 2002 Census information. Business revenue represents the most recent crop year information.
  3. Defined as any business that produced agricultural commodities with a (potential) value of at least $1,000 and planted at least some cotton in 2002.