
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
10:00 a.m.
SR-301, Russell Senate Office Building

Hearing to receive testimony on funding challenges and facilities maintenance issues facing the Smithsonian Institution

Click here to view the December 12th hearing.

Hearing Transcript

Opening Statement - The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

Opening Statement - The Honorable Robert Bennett
Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration


Mr. Mark Goldstein (Statement)
Director, Physical Infrastructure Team
U.S. Government Accountability Office

Dr. Cristián Samper (Statement)
Acting Secretary
Smithsonian Institution

Mr. Roger W. Sant (Statement)
Member, Smithsonian Board of Regents
Smithsonian Board of Regents

Mr. Robert P. Kogod (Statement)
Chair, Facilities Revitalization Committee
Smithsonian Board of Regents

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