
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10:00 a.m.
SR-301, Russell Senate Office Building

Repealing the Limitation on
Party Coordinated Expenditures On
Behalf of Candidates in General Elections

Click here to view the February 7th hearing.

Hearing Transcript

Opening Statement - The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

Opening Statement - The Honorable Robert Bennett
Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration


Panel 1:

Dr. John Samples (Statement)
Center for Representative Government
Cato Institute
Washington, DC

Mr. Marc Elias, Esq. (Statement)
Perkins Cooie LLP
Washington, DC

Panel 2:

Mr. Fred Wertheimer (Statement)
President, Democracy 21
Washington, DC

Dr. Thomas E. Mann (Statement)
Senior Fellow, Governance Studies
The Brookings Institution
Washington, DC

Mr. Gary Kalman (Statement)
Democracy Advocat, U.S. PIRG
Washington, DC

Mr. Michael Malbin (Statement)
Executive Director
Campaign Finance Institute
Washington, DC

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