
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics. It is available in official versions for Windows, Mac OS/Mac OS X and i86 Linux. The source code is available for those wanting to do their own ports.

  Download and Navigation  

To navigate about this site please use the navigation links at the top of this page. If you want to download POV-Ray, please visit our download page. If you are interested in our beta-test for SMP and multi-core systems, please visit our beta-test page.

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To contact us, please use the address given at the bottom of our license page. You may also wish to read our privacy policy.

  What's New  
Bishop3D beta

Bishop3D, the interactive Windows modeler and animation tool with native POV-Ray SDL import and keyframe animation, has been updated. The new beta includes improvements and bug fixes and is available for download now.

[July 30, 2008] [Permalink]
LionSnake 1.7.10

A new update of the subdivision surface LionSnake Modeler is available ... [read more]

[July 30, 2008] [Permalink]
POV-Ray for Windows v3.7 beta 27

The Win32 version of POV-Ray version 3.7 beta 27 is now available. This ... ... [read more]

[July 02, 2008] [Permalink]
GDesign 2.0 - L-Systems and Cellular Automata

GDesign, a 2D/3D L-System program to generate complex fractal, organic and inorganic objects for POV-Ray and 3D Studio MAX, has now reached version 2.0 ... [read more]

[June 23, 2008] [Permalink]
Dimensions: A two hour movie made in POV-Ray!

Jos Leys, working with Etienne Ghys and Aurélien Alvarez (both mathematicians from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon, France) produced a two hour movie in POV-Ray which explores in beautiful visuals the concepts of dimensions and mathematics ... [read more]

[June 19, 2008] [Permalink]
PovEdge released - draw edges and creases of mesh objects

PovEdge, a new tool for rendering the edges of POV-Ray mesh objects (allowing for the creation of various drawing, sketch-like and cartoon styles) has been released by Thibaut Jonckheere ... [read more]

[May 22, 2008] [Permalink]
Ani2Pov 0.5 released, new file format support

Version 0.50 of the Anim8or (a free modeller) .an8 to POV-Ray file converter, Ani2Pov, is now available. This new version supports files created with the Anim8or v0.97 Preview release ... [read more]

[May 21, 2008] [Permalink]
Y.A.P.R.M. 0.6 released

A new version of "Yet Another POV-Ray Modeller" is available, featuring saving of view port setups, command line parameters ... [read more]

[May 01, 2008] [Permalink]
POV-Ray df3 import/export for ImageJ

[April 26, 2008] [Permalink]
Tkxture - Fast POV-Ray patterned material textures

A new utility for Linux and Windows, Tkxture, has been released. Tkxture allows for the rapid creation of POV-Ray textures, especially those involving patterns ... [read more]

[April 23, 2008] [Permalink]
LionSnake 1.7.10

A new version of subdivision surface LionSnake Modeler has been released. ... [read more]

[April 23, 2008] [Permalink]
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"Hyperboloides 4"
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