Argonne National Laboratory Division of Educational Programs
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About the Division of Educational Programs

Organizational Chart

The U.S. Department of Energy is directly sponsoring research participation programs at Argonne National Laboratory as well as 18 other DOE facilities. Apply for specific research assignments through the Argonne site. The Division of Educational Programs (DEP) serves as the interface between the Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the academic community. Within Argonne are unique capabilities which afford numerous opportunities for domestic and international participants interested in energy research and training in science and technology. DEP remains a full partner with scientific divisions at Argonne in identifying and providing educational opportunities for persons at all educational levels. It continues to make serious investments in expanded opportunities, for career pursuits by all, including women, people of color, economically disadvantaged and those with disabilities. While the focus of the programs is primarily on individuals, DEP collaborates with several universities, colleges, technical institutes, informal educational centers, consortia, and the precollege community. In support of the educational mission of Argonne, DEP presents this information. The intent is to promote, develop, and facilitate educational and research interactions among Argonne and interested institutions, organizations and agencies. Your participation in programs described is invited and encouraged.

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