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Administrative Notes: Newsletter of the FDLP

Vol. 28, no. 07-08 GP 3.16/3-2:28/07-08 July 15/Aug. 15, 2007

Registration Open for Fall Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference

Registration is now open for the fall meeting of the Depository Library Council and Federal Depository Library conference. For details, including hotel location and registration, go to the events page on the new FDLP Desktop.

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Census 2000 Partnership Renewed

GPO is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with the Kelvin Smith Library of Case Western Reserve University and the Census Bureau through 2011. Originally signed in 2002, this partnership provides permanent public access to the mirror site of Census 2000 ASCII text files on the Case Western Reserve University Web site. These files are used to load large amounts of data from census tables into other applications such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), database management programs or statistical analysis systems.

GPO thanks Case Western Reserve University for their efforts to maintain this valuable resource, and looks forward to continuing this successful partnership with the University and the Census Bureau.

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Enhancements on the Horizon for GPO's Federal Bulletin Board Services

In continuing its ongoing efforts to provide better service to its customers, GPO is working toward migrating its Federal Bulletin Board (FBB) services to a new platform environment.

During these modifications, no data will be lost or eliminated, and users will continue to be able to receive the same services the FBB has always provided. All data will simply be migrated to a new environment.

This initiative is currently in the planning stages, and in moving forward with these service enhancements, GPO would like to obtain your valuable feedback on the current FBB and how you use this service now or have used it in the past. Your feedback is very important to us and is an integral part of a successful implementation of these enhancements.

If you have used the FBB service in any way in the past, please complete our brief feedback form. This feedback form will be available through September 16, 2007.

We want to thank you for your assistance as we work to improve the functionality of GPO's online services for our library partners and the public.

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FDLP Desktop Beta 3.0 Launch

The time has come to unveil Beta 3.0 of the FDLP Desktop. This limited release features:

  • New and improved forms--specifically Fall DLC Conference & Meeting registration. Users will receive an email confirmation of their submission. Meanwhile, LS&CM staff will receive email notifications of submissions and all entries are saved to a database. No more guessing if GPO received your registration! In the future, your FDLP Desktop user profile will store your contact information (if desired) and insert this information into forms to save you time. You will also have the ability to unregister should the need arise.
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest news regarding the FDLP with newsflashes, RSS feeds, news articles, and more! Our new and improved RSS feed is updated automatically as new content is published. In the future, your site profile will allow you to subscribe to receive email alerts of content based on content sections and categories.
  • Site search functionality. Our site search is two-fold. As you type your search term, a list of content items related to your search will appear. If you see what you want, use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate to the item and then hit <ENTER> to go to that article. If you don't see what you want, finish your query and hit <ENTER> to get a list of search results for your query.

This is only a glimpse of what has been done and what is yet to come! Stay tuned as we continue to release new features of the Desktop. Other features pending release include:

  • Individual user profiles
  • Self-moderated Needs & Offers
  • Online ordering of GPO promotional materials with order tracking
  • Private messaging
  • Moderated online chats
  • Discussion forums

LS&CM staff are currently conducting a comprehensive analysis of the information disseminated on the FDLP Desktop in order to ensure that it is current and catered appropriately for the Web and to our community's expectations. We have decided to launch what has been completed so far so that our community can take advantage of the completed, new features while also having the chance to provide us feedback so we can make the site as useful as possible. Due to the size of the site and scope of the redesign, we will be maintaining dual sites during the migration and will begin creating redirects to migrated content starting next week.

In the meantime, our beta user is still active. Log in and check out what registration will offer:

  • Username: ahasse
  • Password: sudoc1

As an added bonus, we are announcing a new URL for the FDLP Desktop. Access us now!

Please report any bugs or provide your suggestions, rants, raves, et cetera via our feedback form.

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Redesigned Browse Topics Online Overview

An archive of the FDLP Web-based training session is now available for viewing in the GPO OPAL archive. John Dowgiallo, Web Content Specialist at the U.S. Government Printing Office, presented an overview of the redesigned Browse Topics site, which is in final beta.

Browse Topics is a browseable tool that incorporates the work of volunteer contributors from depository libraries, who create and maintain individual Web pathfinders of Federal Government information in specified topical areas. In a partnership with GPO, Oklahoma State University, Edmon Low Library (OSU) maintains the site and coordinates the volunteer contributors.

Many of the changes in the new Browse Topics were designed to make it easier for contributors to update their pages, and also easier for researchers to find new sources of information. Many topics are still waiting contributors, and it is hoped that the more user-friendly site will attract more volunteers.

View the site.

If interested in contributing to Browse Topics, fill out the application form under the "Contributors" link. OSU and GPO are trying to populate as many of the topics as possible prior to public release, which is scheduled for October 2007.

A detailed video for contributors on how to create and modify listings on the new Browse Topics is available on the new FDLP Desktop. Log in with our beta user to view the video:

  • Username: ahasse
  • Password: sudoc

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GPO Releases Summary of Comments on Brief Bibliographic Records

In an effort to provide Federal depository libraries and the general public with more timely access to bibliographic records in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, Library Services and Content Management conducted a Library Technical Information Services (LTIS) internal pilot project to develop standards for the creation of brief bibliographic records for monographs. Following the completion of the pilot, the depository community was asked to review a sample of the brief bibliographic records and provide feedback to LTIS. LTIS appreciates all of the comments received from the community about the Brief Bibliographic Records Pilot Project. Summary of comments received and GPO responses.

LTIS will take all the comments into consideration as we move forward with an implementation plan. More information will be shared with the community once this plan has been completed. LTIS anticipates that brief bib record implementation will occur in early fall 2007.

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Interagency Depository Seminar Participants Learn About Federal Information Products

GPO was host to the 20th Annual Interagency Depository Seminar in Washington, DC from July 30 – August 3, 2007. The Interagency Depository Seminar is designed to allow Federal agencies to showcase their products and services to both new and experienced Federal depository library documents staff. During the week, twenty-eight Federal speakers provided intense classroom presentations and tours that focused on the content of and access to various Federal products and services, interspersed with question and answer sessions. Thirty-two participants had the opportunity to acquire information as well as to discuss and exchange ideas with colleagues, agency representatives, and Government Printing Office staff.

The Federal agencies represented this year included:

  • National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
  • Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
  • Patent & Trademark Office (PTO)
  • U.S. Bureau of the Census
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)

This year, tours were offered by both GPO and the Library of Congress. GPO tours featured the inner workings of the Federal depository distribution program and were highlighted by the lighted bin system. The Library of Congress tour featured excursions to the Madison and Jefferson buildings.
PDF versions of various PowerPoint presentations from the event have been released with permission from the issuing agency. These presentations can be accessed in our file repository.

GPO would like to thank all those who helped make the 20th annual interagency depository seminar a success. We look forward to next year's seminar.

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Appreciation for Vi Moorhouse Retired GPO Map Cataloger

Vi Moorhouse, a long-time map cataloger at GPO, retired on July 31, 2007, with nearly 40 years of service. Vi came to work at the U.S. Government Printing Office in 1968 committed to serve the public via the United States government, a commitment strengthened by a desire to do something positive following the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy in 1968.

During her long career, Vi worked in almost every type of library, including public, school, university, and special libraries. Prior to coming to GPO, she cataloged documents at the New York Public Library, Reference Collection. Starting out at GPO cataloging general monographs from many different Federal agencies, Vi enthusiastically turned to map cataloging when maps were brought into the Federal Depository Library Program in the late 1970s. She cataloged all types of Federal Government maps, including serial maps and maps on microfiche and CD-ROM from the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Forest Service, the National Park Service and other Federal agencies. She pioneered many currently used cataloging practices for maps, while welcoming advances in technology and cataloging that allowed more timely access to these important materials. She also trained incoming librarians in map cataloging, and was generous in sharing her expertise and detailed knowledge of the nuances of Federal maps with others.

Vi contributed well over 100,000 bibliographic records to the Catalog of United States Government Publications and initiated many geographic name authority records in the Library of Congress authority database, providing a deep contribution to the field of geophysical data. Her prodigious talents were so valued that in 1998 she received the American Library Association’s Map and Geography Round Table (MAGERT) award presented to librarians for outstanding service to map librarianship. Her articles on GPO map cataloging appeared regularly in the MAGERT publication “base line” and in GPO's “Administrative Notes” newsletter. She also wrote the chapter on the Superintendent of Documents classification of maps in GPO's Classification manual. Vi was active in ALA’s Government Documents Round Table and in the Cartographic Users Advisory Council, as well as in MAGERT.

Vi Moorhouse earned a B.A. in English and comparative literature at the University of California, Berkeley. She earned an M.L.S. while on a one-year fellowship at Berkeley. She also did graduate work in Far Eastern Regional studies, emphasis China, at the University of the Pacific, and continued her academic studies in the computer and cartographic fields in Washington, DC.

We’d like to thank Vi Moorhouse, one of the greatest assets in the Office of Bibliographic Control, for her significant contributions to the GPO and to the American public through her service in the Federal Depository Library Program.

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You may also contact the GPO Customer Contact Center at 866-512-1800 (Toll-free), or at 202-512-1800 (DC Metropolitan Area), Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., EST.