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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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December 15, 2000

GP 3.16/3-2:21/16
(Vol. 21, no. 16)

Table of Contents


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ALA Attendees Invited to Tour GPO: Behind the Scenes of the Federal Depository Library Program

Visit the Government Printing Office (GPO) during ALA and tour the Library Programs Service, which manages the Federal Depository Library Program. For demonstrations of GPO Access, stop by the GPO booth in the Convention Center.

Tuesday, January 16, 2001
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
(choose one)

U.S. Government Printing Office
732 North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC
(Main entrance, not the Bookstore entrance)

Getting There:
Union Station Metro stop on the red line
1 and 1/2 blocks to GPO

To register, contact:
Laurie Hall
phone: (202) 512-1114
fax: (202) 512-1432
e-mail: lhall@gpo.gov

street map of and around GPO

The tour groups will form at the main GPO entrance. All visitors must be escorted while in GPO.

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Documents Converted to Electronic Only Status
Are in Transition Stage

LPS has received many inquiries about the status of publications that have been converted to online electronic only dissemination format as noted in the Administrative Notes Technical Supplement and WEBTech Notes. Libraries have noted the change, but continue to see physical copies arrive in the shipment boxes, and many people are questioning when the delivery of physical products will stop for the depository libraries.

When LPS notifies libraries via the Technical Supplement and WEBTech Notes that a specific title will no longer be physically distributed to the libraries, steps have already been taken to stop the acquisition of the physical product. However, physical distribution may continue after the notice has been made, due to the timing of the ordering process for the title. Many times there are still orders in process, thus the material arrives after the notification. These straggler copies are distributed to the libraries because the funds have already been expended for the product, and any other action would be inappropriate from a fiscal viewpoint. Another scenario occurs when the agency has been notified of the change, but the change has not been processed all the way through the ordering process at the agency. LPS is contacting the agency when this happens to be sure the distribution count is changed, and to ensure we are not being charged for copies we did not order.

LPS does not compile sales availability information separately for those tangible products that have been converted to online dissemination for Federal depositories. Sales information will continue to be included in the cataloging records in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP). Libraries are encouraged to check the online CGP located at <www.access.gpo.gov/catalog>, or the annual Serials Supplement (GP 3.8/8-8: Item 0557-D-01) for information on sales availability. Another good resource is the U.S. Government Online Bookstore located at <http://bookstore.gpo.gov/index.html> or the U.S. Government Printing Office Sales Program. That office may be contacted at (202) 512-1800 (between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time) or by fax at (202) 512-2250.

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Depository Library Council to the Public Printer
Fall 2000 Meeting
Recommendations, Commendations, and Action Items


  1. Cataloging Priorities
  2. Council recommends that GPO articulate its cataloging priorities for all publications, both tangible and online. Council further recommends that GPO identify the scope of its cataloging activities for online resources; i.e., what will be cataloged, what will not, and whether records for tangible publications will be updated when electronic versions are discovered.


    Federal depository libraries can make best use of both GPO cataloging records and local staff resources when they are able to dovetail their own workflows and procedures with those used by the GPO Cataloging Branch. Libraries can plan activities such as enhancement of GPO records with URLs for online versions if they know whether or not GPO will add PURLs/URLs to its records retrospectively, or they can catalog online resources that are not a priority for GPO Cataloging.

  3. GPO Participation in Governmentwide Initiatives
  4. Council recommends that GPO continue to interact with agency and interagency initiatives that focus on access to government information utilizing new and emerging technologies.


    GPO has much to offer new information access initiatives given its experience in providing government information through the FDLP. FirstGov is the latest in a series of government initiatives that would benefit from the consultation and assistance of GPO in such areas as metadata, PURLs/URLs, Web site design for public access, Web search engines, and policies such as permanent public access.

  5. PURL Identification
  6. Council recommends that GPO enhance the online versions of Administrative Notes Technical Supplement and WEBTech Notes by adding a GPO PURL server search box so that URLs may be searched easily to identify associated PURLs. Council further recommends that the URL for the GPO PURL Server Search page be published in each issue of the paper format Administrative Notes Technical Supplement to aid FDLP library staff in resolving PURL issues.


    Council is aware that many FDLP libraries wish to add PURLs to their catalogs and Web pages when Electronic Library (EL) titles are announced in Administrative Notes Technical Supplement. Recognizing that the time lag between discovery of online titles and PURL assignment would result in an unacceptable delay if inclusion of PURLs were required for announcement of online titles in Administrative Notes Technical Supplement, Council suggests this solution to support timely announcement of accurate information.

  7. Policy and the Infrastructure for Permanent Public Access
  8. Council recommends that GPO, with assistance from a Council working group and selected members of the depository community, examine policy and infrastructure necessary for the hosting and maintenance at multiple FDLP sites of digital government information for the purpose of providing no-fee permanent public access.


    In light of the dramatic increase in online products, there is a need to identify the policies and infrastructure necessary to accelerate the partnership processes. Council believes that the establishment of a working group, consisting of the Council Electronic Preservation Committee and selected experts from the depository community, would assist GPO in accomplishing the recommendation. The working group should consult with content partners and others involved in digital preservation for their experiences relating to costs and lessons learned. The issues to be examined should include:

    • Official status and authenticity
    • Currency (maintenance and updating of serial files)
    • Integrity and viability of files
    • Costs involved (to include public services)
    • File types (source files, PDF, text, HTML, etc.)
    • Redundancy (mirror sites).

  9. Draft SOD
  10. Council recommends that GPO proceed with the draft SOD dated October 6, 2000. We further recommend that GPO consider a review of the definitions listed in the policy, a clarification of the concepts therein, and an expansion of the essential titles to be available for selection in paper.


    Council understands that GPO must take serious steps to balance their budget in light of the $2 million budget reduction directed by Congress. However, the policy can be clarified in the following ways: 1) adding and defining the term announcement and reviewing the definitions for dissemination and distribution in relation to the term announcement; 2) adding the term online product to parallel the term tangible product; 3) reviewing the entire document to reflect these new and changed definitions; and 4) editing and amending the content as Council discussed.

    Council is concerned that the list of essential titles needs broader input from the depository community. Council requests that interested parties submit additional titles for consideration to Laurie Hall <lhall@gpo.gov&gt; by November 10, 2000.

  11. Official Status of Online Bills
  12. Council recommends that GPO work with the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate to certify the official status of Congressional bills available through GPO Access. Council requests that GPO report on their progress at the Spring 2001 meeting of the Depository Library Council. Council further recommends as an interim solution that GPO add a statement on applicable Web pages that the official print bills are produced from the same source as the online products available on GPO Access.


    It is the sense of Council that users need to be assured of the official status of the online Congressional bills. We believe that this can be accomplished by a certification statement similar to that used by the National Archives and Records Administration on GPO Access for the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations.

  13. Identification of Online Products for Inclusion in the FDLP
  14. Council recommends that GPO establish a working group for the purpose of tracking selected agency Web sites for online-only government publications. The goals of the working group would be to determine the scope of agency online publishing, recommend priorities for inclusion in the FDLP, and examine other issues as identified by the working group.


    Recent trends by government agencies toward exclusive use of the Internet to publish information have challenged the FDLP, as information dissemination is very different in the digital environment. GPO needs to bring these resources into the FDLP. However, GPO’s resources to discover these products are limited. Therefore, Council believes that the depository community should participate in bringing these documents into the FDLP. The above working group will plan this pilot project, seek volunteers, and implement and manage this undertaking.


  1. Council commends GPO and the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for their recently completed partnership agreement. This agreement assures permanent public access to many NLM titles and covers important online resources such as PubMed. The agreement exemplifies Council’s desire and the stated Electronic Collection Plan goal that GPO partner with agencies to assure permanent public access to Federal Government information.
  2. Council commends GPO for the development and implementation of NET: New Electronic Titles. Council is especially pleased with the deliberate and thorough process used in development of NET as evidenced by the April 2000 report on GPO’s Cataloging and Locator Services.
  3. Council commends GPO for the Conference that now runs in conjunction with the Depository Library Council Meeting. Experts from all fields of government and librarians offer information and advice, and hear input from depository librarians from all across the country. This has been especially valuable during the ongoing transition to an electronic environment as:
    • The Proceedings of the Conference are a concrete body of work depository staff can use for training and referral in their home libraries.
    • Increasing attendance at the Conference provides Council with a variety of valuable input for its deliberations.
    • Library administrations across the country recognize the value of the programs, training opportunities, and networking environment, and show the importance by supporting attendance at the Conference.

    Council further commends Sheila M. McGarr (Chief, Library Division, Library Programs Service) for her enthusiasm, energy, organizational skill, and persistence. Her ability to perceive needs in the depository community and to craft programs that address those needs has provided ongoing professional development benefiting thousands of depository librarians and those they serve.

  4. Council commends GPO for the superb work on the redesign of the operational pages that resulted in the FDLP Desktop. The unifying nature of the Desktop maximizes the power of the electronic environment to serve the needs of depository staff. Improved navigation and the Site Index and Site Search capabilities ease finding program information, greatly increasing access to FDLP publications.


  1. Review of NCLIS and GAO Reports
  2. Council will review the forthcoming National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) and General Accounting Office (GAO) reports on government information and the Government Printing Office. Council will send forth comments regarding these two reports to the Public Printer.

  3. Replacement Value of a Depository Library Collection
  4. Council will organize the information gathered regarding the replacement value, for insurance and other purposes, of a depository library collection and publish the findings on the Depository Library Council Web site.

  5. Letter on FDLP Value in the Digital Age
  6. Council will forward a letter to the Public Printer reaffirming the values of the FDLP in the digital age. The letter will emphasize the key role of the FDLP in assuring no-fee public access to Federal Government information, and will highlight the defining contributions of the FDLP toward this end.

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Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor, Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: January 23, 2001 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad121500.html
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