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Administrative Notes: Newsletter of the FDLP

Vol. 28 , no. 11-12 GP 3.16/3-2: 28 / 11-12 Nov. 15/Dec. 15, 2007

2008 Spring Council Meeting Announced

The Federal Depository Library Council Meeting will be held at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City, MO, from Monday, March 31 to Wednesday, April 2. The meeting will begin on Monday with registration at 8:00 a.m. and wrap up Wednesday, April 2 at 5:00 p.m. An educational track will run in conjunction with the council sessions to provide an opportunity for peer sessions on topics of interest to the depository community.

The Westin Crown Center Hotel is located at 1 East Pershing Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Registration for the event and hotel reservations can be made from the event page located on the FDLP Desktop. A limited number of sleeping rooms will be available at the prevailing government rate of $103.00 (plus 15% tax) for single or double.

For additional event information, including links for the educational programs proposal form and vendor information, go to the FDLP Desktop.

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Employment Opportunity: Librarian (Assessment Specialist)

GPO is currently recruiting for the position of Librarian (Assessment Specialist). This position is in the GPO Central Office in Washington, DC, in the Office of Education and Outreach within Library Services and Content Management.

For more information on this position, please see the vacancy announcement on GPO's web site.

Additional information on careers at GPO.

The application deadline is January 11, 2008.

[ Top ] Public Registration Now Open

Just in time for the New Year! The highly anticipated public registration for the Desktop is now available.

Note to those already registered on

If you are already a registered user on, please login to your profile since the “Full Name” field no longer exists. It is now separated by “First name” and “Last name” and all those already registered will need to edit their profiles.

To begin your registration visit:

  • In the upper right-hand corner click on “Register.” Enter the information requested by the fields.

  • Username should ideally be your first initial and last name (e.g., ahasse) although it can be anything. It's advised to use something semi-identifiable for some features (e.g., Private Messaging).

  • Create a “good password.” A good password contains at least 6 alphanumeric characters (e.g., if you wanted “Apples” to be your password, a better password for this would be “4ppl35” where vowels are changed to numbers).

  • Users must abide by our site's “terms and conditions.”

  • If you do not have a library number enter “N/A” in the “library number field.”

  • When complete, click on the “Send Registration” button at the bottom of the page. The page will show the “Registration Complete!” message. You will automatically receive a confirmation email. There is a possibility that this message may be inadvertently blocked by spam blockers. You may want to contact your IT department to add to your “white list.”

  • Once you receive and reply to this email you may go back to the Web site and enter the username and password from the email. Then click on the “Login” button. The “User Menu” will appear at the top of the right hand column.

  • Next click “My Profile.” This allows you to edit your account settings. To update your information place your mouse on the “Edit” button and select “Update Your Profile” at the top left of your profile page. From the “Edit your Details” page you can explore further options for the feature-rich profile page by clicking the grey tabs on this page.

Benefits of Creating an account:

  • Easy registration for events (conferences, etc.). Once you fill out your profile, your contact information will be automatically blown into the registration forms for future events as long as you keep it current. Of course, you will still be required to enter minor additional information when registering for events, but this will streamline the process.

  • Ability to “unregister” should you not be able to attend events you registered for. NOTE: If you register for the conference prior to registering for the Desktop then your profile will not show your conference registration. However, if you received an event confirmation email, you are registered.

  • Access to site features that are only available to registered users, (e.g., “Ordering Promotional Depository Materials”, Adding Calendar Events).

  • Other features that take advantage of your Desktop profile will launch in January.

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Introducing the New Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)

Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) introduces the new Federal Depository Library Directory to the depository library community. All libraries are encouraged to review their directory information in December as part of the Phase 1 launch of the new Federal Depository Library Directory. We ask that you complete your initial edits or review by January 11, 2008, in preparation for the Phase 2 launch of the public search interface early in 2008.

If you submitted directory changes during the Biennial Survey process by October 31, 2007, we ask that you simply review your entry to ensure that your changes are reflected.

You can access the directory to review your information at:

The username is your depository library number. The password is your internal FDLP password (the one you use for your Amendment to Item Selections).

Detailed Instructions:
LSCM is making available detailed information to assist you in this process.

  • Editing Guidelines, available once you log into the new directory and are in the editing mode.

[ Top ]

Federal Depository Libraries Offer Free Access To Court E-Records

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) have entered into a two-year pilot project with the Administrative Office of the U. S. Courts (AOUSC) to provide access to its PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) service.

The PACER system can provide remote access to case and docket information from the Federal Courts via the Internet. Records include information from the Appellate, District and Bankruptcy Courts. Users of PACER are able to access information about a case including the names of all the parties, judges and attorneys involved in the case, case history and status as well as many of the documents submitted by the parties to the court.

Seventeen depositories, representing diverse types and sizes of libraries as well as different geographic locations, were selected to take part in the PACER pilot. With these libraries promoting the PACER service to the public, we anticipate the pilot will determine that Federal depository library access to PACER expands usage to those who currently do not have it available to them or would be inhibited by going to a court house to use the service.

The Federal depository libraries participating in the PACER pilot are:

  • Alaska State Court Law Library (Alaska)
  • Sacramento County Public Law Library, (California)
  • San Bernardino County Law Library (California)
  • Library of Congress/Law Library of Congress (District of Columbia)
  • Nova Southeastern University Law Library (Florida)
  • 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Library (Illinois)
  • Northern Kentucky University Steely Library/Chase Law Library
  • (Kentucky)
  • Portland Public Library (Maine)
  • University of Michigan Law School Library (Michigan)
  • Wayne State University Arthur Neef Law Library, (Michigan)
  • Rutgers University, Newark Law Library (New Jersey)
  • New Mexico Supreme Court Law Library (New Mexico)
  • Fordham University School of Law Leo T. Kissam Memorial Library (New York)
  • State Library of Ohio (Ohio)
  • Rogers State University Stratton Taylor Library (Oklahoma)
  • University of Tennessee College of Law Joel A. Katz Law Library (Tennessee)
  • Lee College Library (Texas)

The Government Printing Office thanks these libraries, and the other Federal depository libraries that volunteered for the pilot project, for their enthusiasm to provide PACER to their users. For more information about the project please contact Cindy Etkin at

[ Top ]

2007 Fall DLC Meeting Proceedings Now Online

The proceedings from the Fall 2007 Federal Depository Library Conference and Depository Library Council Meeting are now available.

Items 0556-C & 1004-E Used for All Libraries
Please Do Not Deselect!

GPO uses Item numbers 0556-C and 1004-E to distribute a title to all depository libraries. Item 1004-E is used for Congressional materials while 0556-C is used for materials from executive and judicial branch agencies, GPO and other legislative branch agencies. Libraries should not drop either of these item numbers from their item selection profile.

Items 0556-C and 1004-E have been restored to the item selection profiles of those libraries that recently deselected them.

GPO follows Superintendent of Documents Policy 301, “Dissemination/Distribution Policy for the Federal Depository Library Program” to decide in what format a document is to be distributed.

In deciding whether a publication will go to all libraries, subjective factors come into play, including the intended audience of the publication, national relevancy of the subject matter, physical format, and requested distribution scope of the authoring agency. Many titles sent to all libraries are also sold by GPO.

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If you have questions or comments on any of the content in Administrative Notes, please send them to askGPO, the online help service at:

To ensure that your question is routed to the correct area, please choose the category "Federal Depository Libraries" and the appropriate subcategory, if any.

You may also contact the GPO Customer Contact Center at 866-512-1800 (Toll-free), or at 202-512-1800 (DC Metropolitan Area), Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., EST.