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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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October 15, 1997 Issue

GP 3.16/3-2:18/13
(Vol. 18, no. 13)

Table of Contents

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[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Two Library Inspectors Join LPS: Oertel and Etkin

Two documents librarians have recently joined the Library Programs Service (LPS) as library inspectors. Tom Oertel, with 16 years’ experience with law and documents collections, came to LPS in early September from the University of Utah College of Law Library, where he was acquisitions and reference librarian. Prior service included 9 years at the university’s Marriott Library, Documents Division, as an assistant in reference and technical services. Oertel is a graduate of Brigham Young University’s School of Library and Information Science.

Cindy Etkin joined LPS in late September, 1997. She brings 18 years of documents experience to her new position, most recently from the Western Kentucky University Libraries, where she was the Government Information and Law Coordinator. Etkin has been active in the Government Documents Round Tables of the American Library Association and the Kentucky Library Association and served on the Depository Library Council from 1994 to 1996. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky School of Library and Information Science and has a Master’s degree in history as well.

LPS expects that Oertel and Etkin will greatly enhance the inspection program and the Federal Depository Library Program as a whole.

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Robert T. Mansker Named Deputy Public Printer

Robert T. Mansker has been appointed Deputy Public Printer of the United States. The appointment to the second highest position within the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) was announced by Public Printer Michael F. DiMario and was effective September 23, 1997. Mansker comes to his position from the Joint Committee on Printing, where he has served as Minority Staff Director since the beginning of this year. From 1995 to 1997, he served as the Joint Committee's Deputy Director for the minority.

In naming him Deputy Public Printer, DiMario said, "Along with an extensive knowledge of congressional operations and procedures, Bob brings to his new position an acute sense of how Congress--its Members, committees, leadership, and staff--can best be served by GPO in this day of demanding legislative schedules and technological change. I am confident that he will do a great job for GPO and for our customers and our citizens."

A native of Texas, Mansker earned his bachelor's degree from The University of Texas. He holds a master's degree in personnel management/government and a doctorate in business administration/government and higher education, both from Texas A&M University. He was an associate professor of business administration and visiting lecturer at Texas A&M, where among other subjects he taught business law, personnel management, and labor relations.

Mansker has been active in government since the early 1960's. He served as administrative assistant to several members of the Texas House of Representatives. In 1979 he became press secretary to Congressman Martin Frost, a position he held for 14 years before becoming Staff Director for the House Administration Committee's Appeals Panel of the Office of Fair Employment Practices. In 1993, Frost appointed him Staff Director of the Accounts Subcommittee, Committee on House Administration. Congressman Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland named Mansker to the Joint Committee on Printing staff in 1995.

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Paper Claims Fulfillment Returned To LPS

Paper claims fulfillment returned to LPS on October 1, 1997. In the interest of providing more effective and less costly service to depository libraries, paper claims fulfillment will once again be performed in-house, and LPS has not renewed the contract for this service. The majority of filled claims will be placed together with regular outgoing shipments. Materials too large for shipment boxes will be mailed under separate cover. Depository libraries are again asked to assist LPS in reducing the number of invalid claims by observing the proper claims process.

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

New GPO Access Survey Form Now Available

The Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS) is conducting a new GPO Access user survey. An electronic survey form is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/surveyoct97.html for depository libraries.

This survey will be used to collect information about several critical areas of GPO Access service, including functionality and user support. Please take a brief moment to respond to the questions on the form, not later than November 1, 1997. Your feedback is important for continuing improvements to the GPO Access service.

If you have any questions, please contact Ric Davis at rdavis@gpo.gov

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

1998 Out of Print PRF Will Arrive in 1997

The 1998 Out of Print GPO Sales Publications Reference File microfiche is scheduled for early distribution. It will contain bibliographic records for GPO sales titles which went out of print during 1995 and 1996. The Out of Print microfiche is usually produced after the new year begins. As the GPO Document Sales Service is planning to replace its 12-digit stock numbers with 6-digit numbers, out of print and superseded bibliographic records are being removed from the PRF early. All the inactive records on the 1998 Out of Print PRF will still have the 12-digit stock numbers.

In fiscal year 1998, all active bibliographic records in the new sales data base will be reassigned 6-digit stock numbers, called stock keeping unit (SKU) numbers. This is part of the progress toward the sales program’s Integrated Processing System (IPS). For more information about IPS, please refer to Administrative Notes, v. 18, no. 8 (5/15/97), pages 23-26.

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Technical Training Available From GPO

Federal depository librarians looking for technical training may want to see what GPO's Institute for Federal Printing and Electronic Publishing (IFPEP) offers. IFPEP has opened its classes to Federal depository librarians as well as Federal employees and certain contractor employees. Although most classes are held in Washington, DC, classes are offered in geographical areas such as Denver, San Francisco, Atlanta, and others. IFPEP will schedule classes in any locale where there is sufficient interest, attendance, and classroom space. Some of the available classes are described below.

"CD Publication," covers CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, OCR and PD scanning. This is a two-day, hands-on computer class in which participants create a CD-R incorporating the various text bases. The 1997 cost is $370.

"Introduction to Document Preparation for World Wide Web (WWW) Publishing" is a four-day, hands-on computer class which covers preparation of documents using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), design techniques, and search engines. The 1997 cost is $675.

"Getting the Best from Desktop Publishing" is a three-day class that covers how to submit materials that can provide the printing needed and how to get the best printed products from desktop-produced material. The 1997 cost is $275.

The IFPEP offers many other classes as well. For more information or a catalog, contact the IFPEP by telephone on (202) 512-1283; by fax on (202) 512-1255, or by e-mail at ifpp-registrar@gpo.gov. For fast information, please review the catalog on the IFPEP Web site at:


[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

GPO and University of North Texas
Create Depository Library Program Partnership

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) announces an effort to preserve and promote access to electronic information products available through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). GPO and the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries have formed a partnership to provide permanent online access to electronic publications of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR).

The partnership will assure ongoing access to reports and documents of ACIR, a commission of Congress terminated in 1996. GPO has acted as agent for the agreement, matching the need for permanent access to the agency information with the willingness of UNT to enter into a partnership agreement.

ACIR was established in 1959 as an independent intergovernmental agency to give continuing study to the relationships among local, state, and national levels of government. Documents in the electronic collection include research reports and other publications relating to Federal mandates, grants, and other intergovernmental issues.

The UNT partnership ensures that access to the ACIR Research Collection meets general requirements expected for all remote electronic Government information products available through the FDLP. As an FDLP partner, UNT will manage the ACIR Research Collection, have custody of ACIR materials and provide additional information relevant to ACIR on the UNT Web site. UNT will also provide online access to the ACIR Research Collection, ensure the security of the collection, and provide a copy of all files and software to GPO in the event that UNT withdraws from the agreement. The ultimate responsibility for provision of permanent access to and bibliographic control of products held in the ACIR Research Collection will reside in the GPO as FDLP administrator.

GPO intends to establish similar partnerships, as a part of its continuing transition to a more electronic FDLP. Partnerships will demonstrate skills and capabilities within the FDLP community and will assure and enhance access to electronic government information. Libraries or agencies interested in discussing partnership opportunities should contact George Barnum of the Electronic Transition Staff at (202) 512-1071 or by e-mail at barnum@gpo.gov. Questions about the UNT site can be directed to Cathy N. Hartman, Documents Librarian, Electronic Resources Coordinator at the University of North Texas Libraries, (940) 565-2870, or chartman@library.unt.edu

The URL for the UNT ACIR Research Collection is

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Journal of the National Cancer Institute Resumes Distribution

Distribution of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) to Federal depository libraries will soon recommence. Oxford University Press is providing the JNCI under an agreement between the National Cancer Institute, Oxford Univerity Press, and the Government Printing Office. The following letter contains important information about copying of articles from the JNCI. Please review the information closely.

June 24, 1997

Mr. Wayne P. Kelley
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
732 N. Capitol & H Sts., N.W.
Washington, DC 20401

Re: Copies of JNCI to Federal Depository Libraries

Dear Mr. Kelley:

You recently expressed concern about public access to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, given that management of the Journal, which has always been a subscription publication, is now published through a joint effort between Oxford University Press and the National Cancer Institute. Following up on the offer extended during our meeting, I am writing to assure you that we will begin providing, free of subscription charge, copies of the Journal for each Federal depository library that desires a copy.

If you would please inform us of the number of such libraries that might desire copies, we will make arrangements to deliver to the GPO copies sufficient to supply them. Should depository libraries have questions about whether copying is authorized, they should rest assured that researchers requiring single copies of articles from the Journal for research or archival purposes would be authorized to make such copies without seeking our permission. Of course, mass reproduction of the Journal or mass copying of articles for inclusion in course textbooks or other commercial endeavors would be subject to our written approval.

We think this strikes a reasonable balance between free access and the need to recoup publication costs and manage commercial issues. We look forward to providing this service and hope to hear from you soon.


Jaclyn J. Fox
Editor and Journals Manager
U.S. Journals

cc: Hon. J. Warner

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Some Microfiche Publications Converted to Online Format Only

LPS announced in July 1997 that a listing of products that would be discontinued in tangible format would be published in early fall (see Depository Administration Branch Update: 6/97, Administrative Notes, v. 18, no. 10, 7/15/97, p. 22).

Discontinuing certain tangible products when reliable electronic alternatives are available is one of the actions identified as feasible in two reports: "Transition Plan, FY 1996 – FY 1998" and the "Study to Identify Measures Necessary for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program."

Following is a list of microfiche titles to be replaced by Internet-accessible products. Comments may be directed to:

Robin Haun-Mohamed
Chief, Depository Administration Branch
phone: (202) 512-1071
fax: (202) 512-1636

Comments must be received by December 15, 1997. Elimination of a title in microfiche will be reconsidered if that action would have a negative impact on serving the public.

A 57.46:


Arizona Basin Outlook Report

A 67.18:FC


Cotton: World Market & Trade

A 67.18:FG


Grain: World Markets & Trade

A 67.18:FHORT


World Horticultural Trade & US Export Opportunities

A 67.18:FOP


Oilseeds: World Market & Trade

A 67.18:FT


Tobacco: World Markets & Trade

A 67.18:WAP


World Agricultural Production

A 92.9/3:


Poultry Production and Value

A 92.9/4:


Egg Products (PEP-BB)

A 92.9/5:


Poultry Slaughter (PPY-BB)

A 92.9/6:


Hatchery Production Annual – Supp.

A 92.9/13:


Layers and Egg Production - Annual

A 92.9/16:


Chickens and Eggs (PEC-BB)

A 92.9/17-2:


Turkey Hatchery

A 92.10:


Milk Production

A 92.10/2:


Milk Production Disposition and Income

A 92.10/5:


Dairy Products--Annual Summary Supplement

A 92.10/7:


Dairy Products

A 92.11:



A 92.11/2-2:


Noncitrus Fruits & Nuts

A 92.11/2-4:


Walnut Production

A 92.11/2-5:


Almond Production

A 92.11/3:


Cherry Production(ZCP-BB)

A 92.11/4:



A 92.11/6:



A 92.11/8:


Citrus Fruits (ZCF-BB)

A 92.11/10-2:


Vegetables Summary

A 92.11/10-5:


Mushrooms (ZMU-BB)

A 92.11/11:


Potato Stocks

A 92.12:


Farm Labor

A 92.14:


Peanut Stocks & Processing

A 92.14/3:


Hazelnut Production (ZFP-BB)

A 92.15:


Grain Stocks (PGS-BB)

A 92.16:


Agricultural Prices

A 92.16/2:


Agricultural Prices--Annual

A 92.17:


Meat Animals: Production Disposition Income

A 92.18:


Livestock Slaughter--Annual

A 92.18/3:


Livestock Slaughter

A 92.18/6:


Cattle On Feed

A 92.18/6-2:



A 92.18/7:


Hogs and Pigs

A 92.18/8:


Sheep and Goats

A 92.18/9:



A 92.18/11:



A 92.21:


Cold Storage (PCS-BB)

A 92.21/2:


Cold Storage Annual Summary (PCS-BBAN)

A 92.21/3:


Capacity of Refrigerated Warehouses

A 92.24:


Crop Production (PCP-BB)

A 92.24/2:


Crop Production--Prospective Plantings

A 92.24/3:


Crop Values

A 92.24/4:


Crop Production--Annual Summary

A 92.24/5:


Farm Numbers and Land in Farms

A 92.28/2:


Honey (ZHO-BB)

A 92.29/5:


Wool and Mohair

A 92.30:


Hop Stocks

A 92.32:


Floriculture Crops

A 92.40:


Farm Production Expenditures

A 92.42:


Crop Production--Winter Wheat & Rye Seedings—Supp.

A 92.43:


Rice Stocks (PRS-BB)

A 92.44:


Catfish Processing (PCF-BB)

A 92.44/2-2:


Catfish Production (PCF-BBC)

A 92.44/3:


Trout Production (ZTP-BB)

A 92.46:


Broiler Hatchery

A 92.47:


Cotton Ginnings

A 92.50:


Agricultural Chemical Usage, Field Crops

A 92.50:


Agricultural Chemical Usage, Fruit

A 92.50:


Agricultural Chemical Usage, Vegetables

A 93.9/8:


Agricultural Income & Finance

A 93.11/2:


Feed Yearbook

A 93.11/2:


Feed Outlook

A 93.23/2:


Oil Crops Outlook

A 93.24/2:


Cotton and Wool Outlook

A 93.29/2-6:


Africa & The Middle East, International Trade Reports

A 93.29/2-7:


Former USSR, International Agriculture Trade Reports

A 93.29/2-9:


Europe, International Agriculture Trade Reports

A 93.29/2-11:


China Agriculture & Trade Reports Situation Outlook

A 93.29/2-19:


Asia Pacific Rim International Agr. Trade Reports

A 93.29/2-20:


Western Hemisphere, International Agr. Trade Reports

A 93.29/3:


World Agricultural Supply & Demand Estimates

A 93.31/3:


Sugar and Sweetener

A 93.43:


Outlook For U.S. Agricultural Exports

A 93.46/3:


Livestock Dairy & Poultry Monthly

A 93.46/3-2:


Poultry Outlook

A 93.46/3-3:


Dairy Outlook

A 93.46/3-4:


Hog Outlook

A 93.46/3-6:


Aquaculture Outlook (LDP-AQS)

A 98.19/2:


Cost of Food at Home Estimated for Food Plans at Four Cost Levels

D 1.1:


DOD Annual Report

D 10.11:


DTIC Digest

E 1.28/17:


ORNL Review

E 1.114/3:


Alternative Fuels In Trucking

E 3.11:


Natural Gas Monthly

E 3.11/5:


Petroleum Supply Monthly

E 3.11/17-8:


Electric Power Monthly

E 3.13/4:


Petroleum Marketing Monthly

E 3.42:


State Energy Data Report (Annual)

GS 1.34:


Worldwide Geographic Location Codes

HH 1.75/2:


Cityscape, A Journal Of Policy Development & Research

HH 1.84:


Recent Research Results, Newsletter From HUD

I 19.129:


Metal Industry Indicators

I 19.130:
I 19.157:


Mineral Industry Surveys (Multiple Subject Titles)

I 72.10:


Federal Offshore Statistics

I 72.13:


Mineral Revenues

I 72.17:


MMS Today

I 72.18:


Offshore Stats

ITC 1.29:


International Economic Review

L 2.130:


International Comparison of Hourly Compensation Cost

NAS 1.53:


Announcement of Opportunities For Participation in (various projects)

NAS 1.53/3:


Research Announcements

NS 1.22/5:


Immigrant Scientists, Engineers & Technicians

NS 1.57:



T 71.7:



TD 2.70:


Research & Technology Transporter

TD 4.9:


FAA Aviation News

TD 4.211:


Directory, Aviation Medical Examiners

TD 5.13:


Proceedings of The Marine Safety Council

TD 5.14:


The Reservist

TD 5.63:


Ship Structure Committee

VA 1.2/11:


Geographical Distribution of VA Expenditures for FY

VA 1.43/5:


Summary of Medical Programs

Y 3.N 88:14/


Telephone Directory

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Interim Congressional Directory, 105th Congress &
U.S. Government Manual Now Online via GPO Access

The Interim Congressional Directory for the 105th Congress and the newest edition of the U.S. Government Manual are now available online via GPO Access. Both titles are available from the GPO Access main searching page at the following URL:


These databases are accessible via the World Wide Web, SWAIS, and through WAIS client software.

The interim Congressional Directory is prepared by the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP). This document is only available in electronic format. No paper equivalent exists. The interim directory is also searchable and browsable from:


The United States Government Manual database contains comprehensive information on the agencies of the legislative, judicial and executive branches. The Manual also includes information on quasi-official agencies; international organizations in which the United States participates; and boards, commissions and committees. This database is searchable directly from the following Web page:


The United States Government Manual was sent to depository libraries in paper under item 0577 (SuDocs class AE 2.108/2:997-98; shipping list 97-0066-P). It is for sale for $40 (stock number 060-000-00072-0).

For further assistance in accessing either of these titles or GPO Access, contact the GPO Access User Support Team:

Phone: (888) 293-6498 (toll free) or (202) 512-1530 (local)
E-mail: gpoaccess@gpo.gov
Fax: (202) 512-1262

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

11th Annual Interagency Depository Seminar
Announced for May 1998

The 11th Annual Interagency Depository Seminar will be held in Washington, DC from May 27 through June 3, 1998. The week-long seminar will consist of an overview of various agencies' information products and activities as they relate to Federal depository libraries. The seminar is being presented by many Federal agencies, including:

• Bureau of the Census
• Copyright Office
• Library of Congress
• Office of the Federal Register
• Patent and Trademark Office
• Government Printing Office
• General Accounting Office
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
• U.S. Geological Survey
and more to be announced.

The Interagency Depository Seminar is the most comprehensive introduction to U.S. Government information now offered (see attached schedule of events). It is aimed at documents librarians with basic working experience in a depository. In the ten years that it has been offered, the seminar has become extremely popular with the documents library community. As attendance must be limited to sixty librarians, preference will be given to those librarians who have not previously attended the seminar and whose libraries are located outside the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

Costs for the seminar are being kept as low as possible. A $10.00 registration fee will be the only charge. Librarians attending the seminar must cover their own travel and subsistence expenses, as no government funds are available for that purpose.

Prospective attendees should complete the registration form and mail it, along with a check for $10.00 made out to "GPO Cafeteria Service" and dated after January 1, 1998 to the Library Programs Service by March 2, 1998. Librarians who are officially registered for the seminar will be notified first by telephone and then by mail after March 2. If you have any questions about the seminar, please contact the Chief, Depository Services, by telephone on (202) 512-1119; by fax on (202) 512-1432; or by e-mail at smcgarr@gpo.gov

11th Annual Interagency Depository Seminar
Preliminary Agenda

Tuesday, May 26, 1998

There will be an informal get-together of seminar participants in the large meeting room of the St. James Hotel at 6:00 p.m. Librarians will be able to meet some colleagues and Depository Services staff in an informal setting. Those who are interested may enjoy dining together.

Wednesday, May 27 Government Printing Office

The Library Programs Service (LPS) of the Government Printing Office will host the first day of the seminar. LPS staff will describe the process by which GPO acquires, classifies, catalogs, and distributes depository publications. Staff will also discuss the responsibilities of Federal depositories in the areas of free access, collection development, bibliographic control, depository promotion, and inspections. Staff from the Promotion and Advertising Branch, Documents Sales Service, and Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services will discuss their products and services. There will be a comprehensive tour of the LPS facility and an opportunity to network.

Thursday, May 28 Federal Register

This one half-day workshop on the Federal regulatory system is presented by the Office of the Federal Register (OFR), National Archives and Records Administration. The workshop covers the rulemaking process, including the relationship between laws and regulations; the important elements of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); a research problem using the finding aids of the Federal Register/CFR publication system; and an overview of electronic access to certain publications of the OFR

GPO Access

In the afternoon, GPO's Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services will demonstrate the variety of GPO Access on-line services including the Federal Register, Congressional Record, U.S. Code, Congressional bills, and other databases.

Friday, May 29

Several different Federal agency representatives will discuss their products, services, and electronic initiatives. The confirmed agencies include the General Accounting Office, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Geological Survey. Other speakers have not yet been confirmed.

Monday, June 1 Intellectual Property

A full-day workshop will cover the basics of intellectual property: patents, trademarks and copyrights, featuring speakers from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress. Attendees will learn to differentiate between three types of Federal protection for intellectual property and the methods by which this information is accessed by the public. Publications and search methods, where applicable, will also be discussed.

Tuesday, June 2 Bureau of the Census

Staff of the Census Bureau will present a preliminary product preview of the 2000 Census, American Community Survey, the 1992 Economic Census and 1997 preview, Data Access and Dissemination System, and demonstrate other new products on CD-ROM and the Census home page. Bureau staff will provide a variety of handouts and answer questions about the availability and uses of Census data.

Wednesday, June 3 Library of Congress

The Serial and Government Publications Division will conduct a tour of its operation, including government publications reference and depository collections. There will be a presentation on the National Digital Library activities.

The seminar will conclude at noon.


Presentations during the seminar week will be held in the Carl Hayden Room of the main building of the Government Printing Office and other non-GPO sites. The final morning, June 3, will be held in the Madison Building of the Library of Congress. Presentations will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m., unless otherwise stated in a detailed program supplied to the registrants, and will last until 4:00 p.m. All participants are expected to attend all presentations.


As May is a peak tourist period for Washington, accommodations can be very hard to find. A block of suites has been reserved for seminar participants at the St. James Hotel. The hotel is located at 950 24th Street NW, Washington, DC. This hotel is in a good section of the city, one block from the Foggy Bottom Metro station. Attendees can take the Metro train to Union Station, which is about a block from GPO, and to other meeting sites.

A suite (bedroom and kitchen, complete with china and cookware, and dining area) is available for the government rate of $124.00 per night for single or double occupancy. The extra person charge for triple occupancy is $15.00. The room rate is subject to additional Washington, DC taxes which are currently 13%, and $3.00 per night occupancy tax. Overnight parking is $12.00. If you wish to reserve a suite at the St. James Hotel, you should call as soon as your seminar reservation is confirmed by GPO. Hotel reservations must be made no later than April 28, 1998. After that date, suites will be subject to availability at the best available rate. If you choose to make other hotel arrangements, be sure the hotel is near a subway stop for ease of transportation to and from seminar sites.

The phone number of the reservation desk at the St. James Hotel is (202) 457-0500 or (800) 852-8512. Please tell the reservation clerk that you are attending the GPO seminar and quote the above room rate. If you are interested in sharing a suite with 1 or 2 librarians attending the seminar, you may telephone John Tate at LPS on (202) 512-1119 or via e-mail at jtate@gpo.gov. He will try to match up roommates.


Registration Form



Mail to: Mail by: March 2, 1998

Library Programs Service (SLLD)
U.S. Government Printing Office
Chief, Depository Services
Washington, DC 20401

_______ I would like to attend the May 27-June 3, 1998 Interagency Depository Seminar.

_______ I need lodging and will contact the hotel directly.

_______ I have not previously attended this GPO-sponsored seminar.

_______ Enclosed is my check for $10.00 payable to "GPO Cafeteria Service."

Please type or print clearly:



Depository #




Institution Name


Library Name


Street Address


City/State/Zip Code+4


Telephone (include area code)


Internet E-mail Address

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Special Offer
Fulfilling Madison’s Vision:
The Federal Depository Library Program

[The following notice was sent to depository libraries in shipment boxes the week of October 6, 1997.]

The Library Programs Service has limited quantities of the Depository Library Council’s compilation of testimonial letters on the Federal Depository Library Program available to depository libraries on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fulfilling Madison’s Vision was distributed to all depository libraries in 1996 under SuDocs class GP 3.2:M 26. These additional copies are being offered to libraries for promotional purposes.

Libraries may request up to 5 copies of Fulfilling Madison’s Vision by marking this sheet and returning it by mail or fax before November 30, 1997.

LPS will supply copies of this title while stock is still available. When the stock is exhausted, no notification will be sent, due to limited staff.

Yes! Please send my library ____ copies (up to 5) of Fulfilling Madison’s Vision.


Fax to: (202) 512-1429
Mail to: Special Offer
U.S. G.P.O.
Library Programs Service (SLDM)
Washington, DC 20401

Library No.

Library Name



City, State, Zip

[ Back to the Table of Contents ]


Library Programs Service Directory

Revised October 1997







James Young




William Thompson






Gil Baldwin






Robin Haun-Mohamed




Mike Clark




Laurie Hall




Michele Harris




Earl Lewter






Sheila McGarr




Cindy Etkin




Thomas Oertel




Gail Snider




John Tate






Tad Downing






George Barnum




Lee Morey




Sandy Morton-Schwalb




Joe Paskoski






Vicki Barber




Colleen Davis


202-512-1429 (claims)

202-512-1432 (other)

202-512-1636 (backup)


[ Back to the Table of Contents ]

Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, Library Programs Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, on the 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor
Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: May 13, 2002  
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad101597.html
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