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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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Cumulative Table of Contents Vol. 1 - present [ PDF ] ( includes current issue )

September 15, 2003

GP 3.16/3-2:24/11
(Vol. 24, no. 11)

Table of Contents


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Superintendent of Documents Invites All Depository Library Directors to Attend Fall Council Meeting and Federal Depository Conference

[The following letter was sent the week of September 8, 2003.]

Dear [Library Director]:

Please join us at the 2003 Federal Depository Library Conference and Council meeting, being held October 19-22, 2003, in Arlington, VA. This year’s meeting continues the dialogue between Public Printer Bruce R. James and members of the depository community begun at the spring 2003 Council meeting in Reno, NV. Discussions at that meeting focused on the future evolution of the information dissemination process of the Government Printing Office and the continuing partnership with the libraries in the Federal Depository Library Program.

At the spring 2003 meeting, Public Printer James said "The library community and its longstanding partner, the GPO, are going to work together to develop a new model for the future of the Federal Depository Library Program that will meet the changing information needs of the American people in the 21st Century."

At the fall 2003 joint meeting of the Depository Library Council and the Federal Depository Library Conference, the library community and GPO will continue to map out the Federal Depository Library Program of the future—Please join us!

In addition to the discussion sessions with the Public Printer, the fall Depository Library Conference will feature sessions covering:

  • Managing Your Electronic Depository Resources
  • The Southern Oregon Digital Archives
  • When the Serial Set Isn’t REALLY the Serial Set: How Selectives Cope
  • Tribal College Libraries

Agency updates will include:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Regulations.gov

For further details, see the conference agenda in the July 15 issue of Administrative Notes


There is no charge for the conference, which is being held at the Doubletree Hotel Crystal City National Airport, 300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. All participants should register at <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/03conreg.html>.

We welcome you and your staff to this important conference. I look forward to seeing you there!


Superintendent of Documents

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New Business Hours for GPO Access User Support and GPO Order Desk

Effective 9/6/03, GPO has new business hours for the GPO Access User Support Team and the GPO Publications Order Desk. The new hours are 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays).

For assistance with the Online Bookstore or a GPO Access database, contact the GPO Access User Support Team at:

Toll-Free: 1-888-293-6498

DC Area: 202-512-1530

Fax: 202-512-1262

E-Mail: gpoaccess@gpo.gov

To inquire about a publication or place an order, contact the GPO Order Desk at:

Toll-Free: 1-866-512-1800

DC Area: 202-512-1800

Fax: 1-202-512-2250

E-mail: orders@gpo.gov

Additional information is available at:


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2003 Minimum Technical Requirements Effective October 1, 2003

In accordance with the schedule established to regularly increase workstation requirements, new minimum technical requirements for workstations in Federal depository libraries will go into effect October 1, 2003. These requirements were originally issued as the "2002 Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries" in Administrative Notes, v. 23, # 8, (6/15/02) <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad061502.html>.

All Federal depository libraries must meet the minimum technical requirements to keep pace with technological change in order to fulfill their Title 44 obligation to provide access to Government information products. The Library Programs Service (LPS) will continue to issue Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries each spring to assist depository library staff in planning for new computer purchases.

As another step in the transition to an e-FDLP and in accordance with Depository Library Council recommendations from its spring 2000 meeting, a schedule was established to regularly increase workstation requirements. Fifteen months after issuance, recommended specifications will become minimum technical requirements. The requirements, the recommended specifications, and the schedule are all available from the FDLP Desktop at <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/computers>

Any questions about the Minimum Technical Requirements or Recommended Specifications should be directed to Cynthia Etkin at <cetkin@gpo.gov>.

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Statistical Reports of PURL Referrals Now Available to Libraries

GPO has developed statistical reports of PURL referrals to enable libraries to determine how often documents within the Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection are being accessed through library catalogs and Web pages. GPO asked depository librarians to register their OPACs so we could include those referrals with referrals from government document main pages listed in library profiles.

The list of May and June referrals from these depository libraries is available at http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/referral.htm. The July and August reports will be available soon, after which the report will be updated monthly.

If you would like to register your institution's OPAC, please visit <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/ldirect.html>. Registering your domain is completely voluntary, and the information will be used only for providing you with statistical information. Questions or comments may be directed to Kate Villano at <kvillano@gpo.gov>.

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Additions to the FDLP List of Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper Format

[Sent to GPO-FDLP-L and other discussion lists by Superintendent of Documents Judy Russell.]

The list of Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper Format, <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/estitles.html>, includes approximately 50 titles which are to be distributed by the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in paper as long as it is feasible to do so. The list was negotiated with great difficulty over a considerable period of time. As usually occurs with this type of negotiation, it is not entirely pleasing to anybody, but is the best we can do as a community if we can have only one Essential Titles list. I believe that the answer is to expand the list so that Federal depository libraries of various sizes and types can identify a few additional paper titles that should remain available to their libraries, whether or not they are essential titles for the entire community.

Many of you have heard me say, or have read remarks in which I have said, that I don't believe the core list of FDLP titles for selection by a small public library is (or should be) the same as that for an academic law library or a large research library. The same can be said with respect to the Essential Titles list. If the FDLP is to attract and retain libraries in the future, GPO must break out of the "one size fits all" mode of operation and customize its services to the unique needs of its partner libraries.

The Slip Opinions of the Supreme Court are the test case for this new way of doing business. In response to a resolution of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Executive Board, I have decided that paper Slip Opinions will be added to a supplemental Essential Titles list for selection only by law libraries and regional libraries. This option will not be extended to other depository libraries, even to law libraries that receive slip opinions under selective housing agreements, and no law library or regional library will be forced to accept the opinions in paper.

As I said, this is a test case. I am very conscious of the slippery slope. I cannot and will not re-open the issue of paper distribution of the Serial Set or the bound Congressional Record because it takes disproportionately large amounts of resources to provide these titles in paper beyond the distribution that has already been determined. GPO has to administer the program for the benefit of all participants and use the available resources for the optimum mix of products and services.

However, based on the decision on the Slip Opinions, I am offering a similar opportunity to other depository communities (such as small public libraries, large academic libraries, etc.) to discuss the Essential Titles list among themselves and recommend one or more titles that they, as a community, would like to add to a supplemental Essential Titles list, specifically to address the needs of their constituents. I am sure there are titles that are valuable to a significant subset of depository libraries that were dropped from the Essential Titles list in the negotiations because there was insufficient support from the full range of depository libraries. (This decision also paves the way for truly customized selection, which we hope to offer in the future, so that each depository library can eventually have its own Essential Titles list and utilize print on demand, among other options, to obtain in print titles that are essential to its own tangible collection.)

I have asked the Depository Library Council (DLC) to assign current or former members to assist in this process. The designated members will facilitate communication within groups of depository libraries based on size and type. This is not intended to be a rigid or cumbersome process, but rather a way to rapidly identify a few key titles on which there is broad consensus within a specific size and type of depository library.

Please understand that implementation will be difficult with the current legacy systems for management of item selection, so we will ask your patience with procedures that we may need to put in place to make this new way of doing business work in old, inflexible systems.

The coordinators that have been identified to date are as follows:

Law Libraries:

Small Academic Libraries:

Large Academic Libraries:

Small Public Libraries:

Large Public Libraries:

Federal Libraries:

State/Other Libraries:

GPO Coordinator

To facilitate this process, please go to <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/essential_titles_survey.html> and complete a short survey identifying a few titles that your library would like to have added to a supplemental Essential Titles list. This information will be routed to the coordinators for your size and type of library and will facilitate their efforts to identify titles that are important for your group. Please complete the survey NOT LATER THAN Friday, October 10, 2003.

You can also send an e-mail message to the coordinators for your type and size of library, so they will know that you wish to participate in this process. The coordinators will summarize the recommendations and communicate with the libraries in each group to try to turn the lists of suggestions into specific recommendations to GPO. There also will be an opportunity to discuss the recommendations during the breakout sessions at the Depository Conference in October.

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U.S. Geological Survey Improves Processing
for Federal Depository Library Shipments

[The following announcement was prepared by the USGS.]

The Branch of Information Services (BIS) supports the dissemination of products and information for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). BIS receives shipments monthly, and distributes the new and revised map products to depository libraries in compliance with an Interagency Agreement between the USGS and the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).

In June 2003, BIS implemented a new order processing system specifically developed for depository library sendings. The previous system, although effective, was a tedious and complicated manual process. The new system creates a custom Pick Sheet consisting of products specific to the recipient’s ordering criteria. The Pick Sheet is a new feature providing the following benefits:

  • Helps USGS pull the correct products for each recipient in a more timely manner
  • Informs recipients what materials should be contained in their order
  • Greatly improves USGS’s ability to efficiently resolve and process claims
  • Enables USGS to better handle package returns as a result of shipment problems

[The electronic Federal Depository Library Ship List is sent to GPO to be posted on the Federal Bulletin Board at: <http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/fdlp01.htm>. The ship list provides all the new and revised GPO items for that specific shipment.]

Customers receiving multiple series products may receive multiple packages of various sizes.

Questions or comments on these new processes, as well as claims related to sendings should be directed to the following:

U. S. Geological Survey
Branch of Information Services
Federal Center, Box 25286, MS 306
Attn: Receiving
Denver, Colorado 80225

Phone 303-202-4703
Fax 303-202-4694
Email: GS-N-RMMC Inventory Management ACL@usgs.gov

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Readers Exchange

Acquiring Federal Depository Status

By Ray Dickinson
Government Documents Specialist
Ferris State University

In July 2001, Ferris State University, in Big Rapids, Michigan was awarded Federal depository status after a pursuit of almost 30 years. We understood the rules and procedures for acquiring such status, but because there were already two Congressionally designated depository libraries in our Congressional District, (one at Central Michigan University, and one at Alma College) we knew that something extraordinary would have to happen before we could hope for depository status.

This came in April of 2001 when Alma College decided to withdraw from the depository system. Mrs. Anne Marie Sanders, the Regional Depository Librarian at the Library of Michigan in Lansing, gave me a call as soon as she heard the news, and told me that if we wanted to become a Federal depository library we would have to move very quickly to acquire it. The reason for the speed was that Michigan had lost a seat in the House of Representatives, and redistricting by Governor John Engler was imminent. We had to put everything into motion before that happened. In order to get our request in to our Congressman, Representative David Camp of Midland, we would have to move quickly.

Part of my job was to convince the administration of Ferris that acquiring Federal status was good for the university. It wasn't that they were opposed to the change, rather that they wanted to see some savings in resources and an increase in service to our students, faculty and staff. While I was writing a proposal to the Dean of the Library, Dr. Richard Cochran, and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Barbara Chapman, Mrs. Sanders was contacting necessary state personnel who could assist us in this endeavor. She contacted the remaining depository in our Congressional District, Mr. David Shirley at Central Michigan University, and got a letter of his approval for the designation for Ferris, and she also contacted the State Librarian, Ms. Christie Pearson Brandau and received her approval.

Once I had convinced the administration at Ferris that acquiring Federal depository status would be beneficial to the university, I then had to contact Mr. David Camp’s representative in Midland to see if Mr. Camp would write a letter to the Superintendent of Documents, Mr. Francis Buckley, in support of the transfer of depository status from Alma to Ferris. I was assured that Mr. Camp would be happy to assist us.

Most of this work was done in May of 2001, while we were under the gun of a possible change in the Congressional district's map. We did not know if all of our work would be in vain, or if we in fact would be able to meet an invisible deadline.

As it turned out, we did, and all of the support that we sought from various librarians and others around the state of Michigan was given wholeheartedly. In July 2001, Mr. Buckley signed the designation papers, and we became a Federally Designated Depository Library at last.

Pre-Depository Status

At the time of our designation, Ferris had been in existence for 117 years. We were founded by Mr. Woodbridge N. Ferris (who later was Governor of the State of Michigan, 1913-1917 and U.S. Senator, 1922-1928) in 1884 as the Big Rapids Industrial School. We became a state school in 1949 after a number of name changes. We have also been called Ferris Institute, Ferris State College (starting in 1965), and in 1986, Ferris State University.

We began acquiring U.S. and Michigan government documents in the early 1960's. Our first Government Documents Librarian, Mr. Glenn Fox would order government documents from the Monthly Catalog, submit his list to the Director of the Library, Mrs. Goldie Nott for approval, and then order from various individual Federal departments. When I came on board in 1968, I was not involved with documents at all, but had other jobs in the library, i.e., cataloging, and serving in the multi-media area. When Mr. Fox retired, I was asked to replace him. This was in 1976. At that time, we became a State of Michigan Depository Library, and have continued with this designation ever since.

The quality of the material published in U.S. and Michigan government publications greatly impressed me, and I worked to provide as many appropriate materials as I could find that were published by the government. I not only selected the documents, I also cataloged them, so I became much more familiar with the subject matter and other specifics of the documents.

In 1985 we became a depository library for the Bureau of the Census, and in 1991 we became the third Patent and Trademark Depository Library in the State of Michigan, the other two being the Detroit Public Library and the Engineering Library at the University of Michigan.

For many years I collected government publications from wherever I could, however I could. Sometimes I got on a mailing list for a certain agency, and would receive everything they published, and sometimes, as with the U.S. General Accounting Office, I would receive a monthly listing, and then order specific reports that would be of interest to our students and others. There were a couple of years when I added between 12,000 and 16,000 documents each year. This also included cataloging them, and this was before OCLC and its automated cataloging services that are now used by most academic libraries. The cataloging of all government documents has generated significant interlibrary loan traffic for our library.

GPO is not the only provider of documents to libraries. What I have found over the years, i.e., 1976-2003, is that government agencies that produce documents are very happy to share their work with libraries that want their documents. They will send them free of charge, and postage free.

Surfing the Internet via GPO Access, or Google Unclesam, etc., will find many documents, both in paper and in electronic format. We add many electronic-format-only documents to our OPAC, as well as adding URL's to cataloging for paper or microfiche documents.

If anyone wants more information about how to go about acquiring non-Federal depository government publications, please feel free to contact me. My phone number is: 231-591-3730. My email address is: <dickinsr@ferris.edu>.


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Readers Exchange

Documents Librarians Inspire Poetic Tribute

Lucia Orlando, Reference Librarian at the University of California at Santa Cruz, writes:

My name is Lucia Orlando and I'm contacting you at the encouragement of Linda Resler. Ms. Resler conducted our inspection this year and suggested we submit to Readers Exchange, a poem that was written to our Government Publications staff. The poem was written by students from Environmental Studies 140, National Environmental Policy. It was a grueling assignment, and we were honored the students thought so highly of our service and collection that they wrote the poem for us. The poem was written in 1997, but the class is still being taught and the students are still just as appreciative.

Lucia Orlando
University Library
UC Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, California 95064
Voice: 831-459-1279
Fax: 831-459-8206

Hanging out at the Government Pub

Ode to the Women at Government Publications

By Laura McLaughlin and Marie Liu

It's only October, and such a hard week!

With a policy brief looming, my life looks bleak.

The commodity research is causing me stress.

My ideas and thoughts - "Boy, what a mess!"

There's only one way to relieve it all,

To the Gov. Pub where problems are solved.

Stumbling around from aisle to aisle,

In a desperate search for a government file,

It seemed I'd been wandering for over a mile,

When a friendly woman appeared with a smile.

"Are you from ES140, taught by Daniel Press?"

It's all such a blur, but I think I said, "Yes!"

She chuckled then replied, "Man, what a mess!"

Behind her were others who were once also stressed.

"We've got bullets, tobacco, coffee, and plastic bottles,

Can I help you with something? a flow-chart? a model?

I'm looking for a SIC code for my commodity."

She said, "In this blue book, is where it ought to be."

I got myself together and found my code.

2211, the gateway to the Yellow Brick Road!

Two weeks later, I was nearly done.

In fact, this was becoming sort of fun!

But there were numbers and charts that my policy lacked.

I knew the Gov. Pub would have my stats.

"I'm looking for pollution emissions, where do they lie?"

"I think you should try the TRI".

We could go on for hours and hours,

Telling the tale of the Pub and its powers.

But our project is finished, and it's time to sleep,

While we've left the Pub with a mess miles deep.

We thank the Pub for relieving our fears

("Hopefully, ES140 will be neater next year!")

So when you're feeling down and you're stressin' out,

You don't know where to go, and are wondering about,

Remember, Monday to Friday, nine to five,

Come to the Gov. Pub, where "spirits" are high!

Thank you!

ES140 Fall 1996

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GPO-FDLP-L - the Exclusive Vehicle for Official FDLP Announcements


To subscribe, go to <http://listserv.access.gpo.gov/>.
Click on <Online Mailing List Archives>.
Click on <GPO-FDLP-L>.
Click on <Join or leave the list> and follow the instructions.

The Archives contain all postings to the list, in chronological order.

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Library Programs Service Contacts 2003





Gil Baldwin – Director




Helene Williams – Secretary




George Barnum – Electronic Collection Manager




William Thompson – Program Analyst




Laurie B. Hall – Supervisory Program Analyst





James Mauldin - Chief




Depository Claims Office




Cornelius Greene - Chief





Sheila McGarr – Chief





Robin Haun-Mohamed – Chief




Kathy Brazee – Inspector




Linda Resler – Inspector




Walter Zoller – Inspector





Thomas A. Downing – Chief




Jennifer K. Davis – Chief, Cataloging




Theodore Defosse - Electronic Access




Michael Levinson – Chief, Cataloging




Steve Uthoff - Cataloging Policy





Betty M. Jones – Chief




Earl Lewter – Chief, Acquisitions and Classification




Lisa Russell – Administrative Librarian




John Tate – Chief, Acquisitions and Classification




Yvonne Washington – Publications Management Specialist




Micrographics Section





Administrative Notes Cumulative Table of Contents


Updated with each issue

Searchable by keyword

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Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor, Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: October 10, 2003 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad091503.html
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