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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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April 15, 1998 Issue

GP 3.16/3-2:19/06
(Vol. 19, no. 06)

Table of Contents


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Public Printer Appoints 5 New Council Members

Public Printer Michael F. DiMario has named five new members to the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. They are: Maggie Farrell, Associate Dean of Libraries, Roland R. Renne Library, Montana State University – Bozeman; Paula Kaczmarek, Manager, Government Documents, Detroit Public Library; Donna Koepp, Department Head, Government Documents and Map Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS; GladysAnn Wells, State Librarian and Director, Arizona Department of Library, Archives, and Public Records, Phoenix, AZ; Dr. Fred B. Wood, Special Expert, Office of Health Information Programs Development, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD.

A complete list of the members of the Depository Library Council appears on page 11 of this issue.

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askLPS Inquiry Service Launched

On April 6, 1998, LPS began accepting questions from depository library staff and from the public via the askLPS service. askLPS is an automated inquiry service to make filing inquiries and directing e-mail to the appropriate LPS staff member easier. The askLPS home page is located at [ was ] http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/asklps.html [ now http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/asklpsin.html ], or you can e-mail your question to asklps@gpo.gov.

There are five components to askLPS:

  • The electronic inquiry form: There is a choice of two forms. One form is password protected for use by documents staff. The second form does not require a password. All inquiries sent via askLPS will receive an e-mail response. Priority consideration will be given to electronic inquiries over inquiries made via fax and mail.
  • WEBTech Notes, a searchable database for postings made in Administrative Notes and Administrative Notes Technical Supplement, dating back to 1991. A downloadable version of WEBTech Notes in .dbf format is also available on the Federal Bulletin Board.
  • FAQs and News: a listing of answers to frequently asked questions from the depository community. Also includes an area for announcements that in the past have been posted on GOVDOC-L. Updated weekly or more frequently as needed.
  • FDLP Contacts page: links to the FDLP Administration Contacts Web page.
  • Federal Depository Library Directory: searchable database of the official GPO directory of Federal depository libraries. Also provides a password protected form for libraries to submit corrections for their directory information via GPO Access.

The electronic inquiry form may be accessed from the askLPS home page. All inquiries receive an immediate response acknowledging receipt of the inquiry. LPS staff attempt to answer the inquiries as quickly as possible. LPS’s goal is to respond to each inquiry within ten business days. When the question requires an answer from another agency and LPS does not receive a response within the ten-day period, LPS will send the inquirer an interim reply.

Inquiries received via askLPS will be given priority status for research over inquiries submitted via fax, telephone, or regular mail. However, fax will continue to be an important vehicle for inquiries when a photocopy of additional material (i.e., title page, introductory page, etc.) is necessary. Focusing on askLPS as the primary route for inquiries should help LPS to track the inquiries as they arrive, and should also minimize the duplication of effort to research inquiries.

Users are encouraged to check the WEBTech Notes and the FAQ & News sections before submitting a question, as the question may already have been researched and the answer posted to the database.

If you have comments or suggestions on improving this service, contact:

Robin Haun-Mohamed
Chief, Depository Administration Branch
voice: (202) 512-1071
fax: (202) 512-1636
e-mail: rhaun-mohamed@gpo.gov

Location Information:

AskLPS: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/asklps.html

Technotes Supplement database on the Federal Bulletin Board:


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Your Opportunity to Join NTIS Electronic Image Files Pilot Project

This is an invitation to your depository library to get connected and be a part of a new cooperative project.

In December 1997, an Interagency Agreement (IA) was signed by GPO's Superintendent of Documents and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to establish a pilot project through which NTIS will furnish U.S. Government information products in electronic image format to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

In order to assure free public access to these products the GPO, as the administrator of the depository program, and NTIS have agreed that products delivered as part of the project will be subject to the rules surrounding the use and accessibility of material in the depository program. There will be no restrictions on the use of the NTIS electronic image files within the library or on a local institution network.

Broadening Participation

NTIS has been working with the depository library staff at the University of California at Davis (UC Davis) on the initial phase of this pilot project. Discussions between NTIS and the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) have also been initiated. With an agreement now in place, GPO would like to identify additional libraries interested in participating in the pilot project. Discussions between NTIS and GPO concerning the timing for the addition of other libraries have led to agreement to add four more libraries by mid-year. Additional libraries, up to a total of 20, will be added on a phased-in basis.

The project planners would like to include a variety of libraries in the pilot, ranging from technologically higher-end institutions to libraries that have an interest in obtaining government information products from NTIS, but might not have high-tech equipment. Project planners are especially interested in working with an institution that could help us determine the minimum automation requirements for a library to successfully participate.

Staff from GPO, UC Davis and NTIS will provide libraries with technical guidance needed for successful participation. We envision employing the model that has been used with GPO's Gateway libraries, with volunteers acting as mentors for the "new recruits."

How the Project Will Work

UC Davis depository library identifies and requests documents electronically using NTIS' OrderNow Online <chaos.fedworld.gov/ordernow/>. When a request is received, NTIS prepares a TIFF Group IV image file and transmits it to a server at UC Davis.

NTIS' OrderNow Online covers only government information products cataloged and indexed during the previous three months. However, NTIS is working on enhancing the Technical Reports File on their Web site, which covers the last 10 years, to include digital image information. This would give project participants access to an expanded number of documents in image form.

Another factor that will expand the range of documents included is NTIS' recent initiation of "front end" scanning, in which documents are scanned as part of the cataloging and indexing process. Documents from a variety of agencies numbered in the "PB" series are part of this new work procedure.

Project planners are determining the technical requirements for participation. UC Davis employed the extensive automated resources of a university to supply sophisticated viewing access via a Web page and high-speed printing using a Xerox Docutech printer. If our experience with new technology tells us anything, it's that there are multiple ways to achieve the same end. Some depository libraries will choose to emulate the UC Davis model; others may find different solutions.

The image files are very large and might not display on a standard personal computer. At a minimum, participating libraries would need at least one personal computer that meets or exceeds GPO's "1997 Recommended Specifications for Public Access Work Stations in Federal Depository Libraries" www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/mintech.html

Additionally, depository librarians who wish to participate will need to spend some time planning for the implementation and monitoring the status of the project. Some technical background, or access to staff with basic telecommunications or computer background, is a plus.

During the Federal Depository Library Conference there will be a program about the pilot project on Wednesday, April 22 from 2:00-3:15 p.m. in the James Room of the Washington National Airport Hilton Hotel. The speakers will be Kris Vajs/NTIS; Linda Kennedy/UC Davis; Duncan Aldrich/UNR and Sandy Schwalb/GPO.

Indicating Interest

Depository librarians who wish to participate in the pilot should contact:

Sandy Schwalb
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service (SL)
Washington, DC 20401
voice: (202) 512-1114
fax: (202) 512-1432
e-mail: smorton-schwalb@gpo.gov

For additional information on the project, contact:

Kristin Vajs
National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
voice: (703) 605-6574
e-mail: kvajs@ntis.fedworld.gov

Linda Kennedy
Government Information & Maps
Shields Library
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
voice: (530) 752-1656
e-mail: lmkennedy@ucdavis.edu

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Documents Data Miner Enhances Access to FDLP Information

The LPS is pleased to announce the release of Documents Data Miner (DDM), a collection management tool for Federal depository libraries. Documents Data Miner is a partnership of Wichita State University, the National Institute for Aviation Research, and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

Documents Data Miner will give depository librarians, FDLP staff, and other users electronic access to various FDLP administrative information that has previously been available on a limited basis.

Files from the Federal Bulletin Board downloaded into the Data Miner's search engine include: List of Classes of United States Government Publications (LOC), Current Item Number Selection Profiles for Depository Libraries, and the Federal Depository Library Directory. The List of Inactive or Discontinued Items will be added to the DDM when it is available.

The Documents Data Miner will be available at the FDLP Administration site at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/fdlppro.html. It will be linked off the Tools and Partnerships pages.

The direct URL to the DDM at Wichita State University is kronos.niar.twsu.edu/govdocs

Documents Data Miner Features

  1. List of Classes and Discontinued Search Options
  2. Combined Item Lister and List of Classes
  3. Multi-Option Union Listing: Geographically by State, Region or Distance
  4. Exportable Custom Database of Selected Profiles
  5. Depository Directory Listing with E-Mail Functionality
  6. Selection Summaries by Agency for any Depository

GPO extends its thanks to Wichita State University, specifically to Nan Myers, Government Documents Librarian at Wichita State University (WSU) Libraries, and to John Ellis, Senior Database Analyst at the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR), for their collaborative efforts in the design and development of Documents Data Miner. Questions about the DDM should be forwarded to Nan Myers at (316) 978-5138 or myers@twsuvm.uc.twsu.edu .

During the Federal Depository Library Conference, there will be a program on the Documents Data Miner on Monday, April 20 from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. in the Farragut Room of the Washington National Airport Hilton. Nan Myers (WSU), John Ellis (NIAR), and Cathy Hartman from the University of North Texas will be speakers.

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Depository Web Site URL Survey Coming in May

The Library Programs Service, in partnership with the American Library Association Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) Federal Documents Task Force, will conduct a Web survey in May to ask depository libraries to supply the URL for their depository Web sites.

GPO’s goal in conducting this survey is to enhance access to depository libraries and their collections by the public and the depository community. Hot-linked URLs in the depository library directory will enable anyone with access to the Web to navigate quickly to any depository library’s Web site.

ALL libraries are encouraged to respond to this Survey, even if to answer that they do NOT have such a Web site. The Survey will be conducted during May, 1998.

LPS is interested in capturing ONLY those URLs that contain significant information about the each library’s depository services, i.e., a documents department URL or a library Web site page with significant depository-related information. Do not include the high-level general library Web page unless it is the one and only Web page with significant depository information.

The following applications on GPO Access will include these URLs:

  1. Locate Federal Depository Libraries by State or Area Code, at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/dpos/adpos003.html.
  2. The Library Directory feature of the askLPS service (see related article). The Library Directory will include the official GPO directory information (names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) of all Federal depository libraries.

The directory component will have two features, both of which will include depository Web site URLs:

  1. A searchable database of depository libraries’ directory information.
  2. A feature allowing depositories to view their own directory records, and to update them using their LPS-issued passwords.


The results of this survey will benefit the public and the FDLP community. Your cooperation is appreciated.

For further information, contact:

Joe Paskoski
Library Programs Service (SL)
voice: (202) 512-1698
fax: (202) 512-1432
e-mail: jpaskoski@gpo.gov

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GPO and Department of Energy Provide Information Bridge to
DOE Reports via World Wide Web

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) has entered into an agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) that will provide the public and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) electronic access to Government-sponsored research. This partnership is established by DOE, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), and GPO Library Programs Service (LPS).

In December 1997, DOE and GPO signed an Interagency Agreement (IA) that will make available thousands of DOE reports in electronic image format, free of charge through the FDLP. Using World Wide Web technology, users will enter the DOE electronic dissemination system, known as "Information Bridge," through GPO Access. The main link is from the Superintendent of Documents home page, under the Find Government Information subpage at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/locate.html. It is also linked from the FDLP Administration Partnerships page. The direct link is http://www.doe.gov/bridge. This gateway will provide a specially designed public view to the more than 23,000 DOE reports currently available electronically.

A roll-out of the depository library version of Information Bridge will occur during the Federal Depository Library Conference on Wednesday April 22 at 8:30 a.m. in the James Room at the Washington National Airport Hilton.

Dr. Walter Warnick, Director of OSTI stated, "The public will be able to access from this web site DOE funded research and development output since January 1996 and reports will continue to be added on a daily basis as research information is released."

"We are very pleased to be working with DOE on this ground-breaking partnership," said Francis J. Buckley, Jr., GPO's Superintendent of Documents. He added, "This project is significant because librarians and the public can access these reports directly through GPO Access. This is a major step in the transition to a more electronic Federal Depository Library Program."

GPO prints and distributes the publications of the Congress, the judiciary and the executive departments and establishments of the Federal Government. The FDLP provides government publications and government information to a network of 1364 geographically distributed libraries across the country, for comprehensive, equitable, dependable no-fee local access. Distribution is being accomplished on an increasing basis via electronic media in accordance with Public Law 103-40, The Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993.

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New Guidelines Issued for GPO Access Gateways:
What Are Gateways? What Do Gateways Do? How Can We Become One?

GPO Access is a service of the U.S. Government Printing Office that provides no-fee electronic access to information products produced by the Federal Government. The information provided on this site is the official, published version and the information retrieved from GPO Access can be used without restriction. This service, which is funded by the Federal Depository Library Program, is authorized under Public Law 103-40, the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993.

GPO Access Gateways provide expanded accessibility to the information available in GPO Access with interpretive and instructional content developed by Gateway partners for their specific clienteles, a variety of alternatives for structuring searches and viewing results, and local low- or no-cost connections for dial-up users. In addition, Gateways assist GPO by providing input in development and refinement of electronic products and services.

Soon after GPO Access became available to the public, with no-fee access available from a single workstation in depository libraries, the "Model Gateways Program" expanded free public access by making as many as 10 simultaneous connections available to each depository library. At that time, GPO Access was available via a WAIS client, or through the Simple WAIS (SWAIS) application utilizing a telnet or dial-in connection to GPO's server.

The original goal of the "Model Gateways Program" was to make the GPO Access information available without charge to the public through depository libraries, in the tradition of paper and microfiche publications. Information and guidelines on Gateways were published in January, 1995 as a part of a document titled "GPO Access: Information for Depository Libraries." This document supersedes those guidelines.

In 1995, Purdue University Libraries developed the first Gateway to employ a graphical user interface and the World Wide Web. This innovation was followed by GPO's rollout of its own GPO Access WWW interface. In December, 1995 GPO Access became free to all users.

In mid-1997, with nearly 40 Gateways in operation, GPO began to reassess the Gateways initiative. By examining the services offered by the Gateways and through discussions on the Gateways listserv and at a meeting of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer, the core values for the program were developed into a set of goals and objectives outlined below. These are intended to provide guidance for the establishment of new Gateways, as well as provide an evaluative guide for existing sites.

The goals of the Gateways initiative are:

    1. Provide expanded accessibility to GPO Access.
    2. Promote and enable the provision of low-end access (dial-up and telnet connections to a local server or SWAIS).
    3. Provide an environment conducive to high quality service, innovation, and experimentation in local libraries.
    4. Provide users with significant locally tailored instructional, navigational, and interpretive content.
    5. Encourage and facilitate consistency of search strategy and search results for end users.

The specific objectives that follow from these goals form GPO's guidelines for the Gateways initiative:

    1. New Gateways are strongly encouraged to provide dial-up or telnet connectivity. This is to be considered in addition to, rather than to the exclusion of, World Wide Web based services, as an attempt to enable users employing lower-end technology.
    2. Gateways will make available the full GPO Access collection. GPO will provide Gateways with a current definition of the scope and content of the full GPO Access collection.
    3. Gateways, like traditional depository services, should be promoted and publicized to the public by both the local institution and GPO. GPO will assist with press releases and other promotional material.
    4. Existing Gateways will act as mentors for newly established Gateways.
    5. Gateways will agree to participate in occasional surveys, focus groups, and other feedback mechanisms.
    6. Gateways are encouraged to develop help screens, tutorials, pathfinders, training classes, and other support mechanisms specifically geared to the needs of local user groups.
    7. Gateways and GPO will cooperate to ensure that identical searches performed on any Gateway will yield identical results.

In support of the initiative, GPO will endeavor to improve and maintain communication with Gateways on GPO Access administrative issues, and will seek Gateway participant input when considering changes to the initiative.


Institutions desiring Gateway status should send a letter to the Director, Library Programs Service. The letter should include descriptions of access methods planned, agreement to the objectives outlined above, a projected start date, and names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of both library and technical contact persons (if applicable). The letter should be signed by the library director. The Library Programs Service will communicate with contact personnel as necessary, test and approve the Gateway, and inform personnel of the approval in writing. GPO will issue a press release when the service is inaugurated, link the Gateway from appropriate GPO pages, and work with the Gateway institution to publicize the new service.

Contact Information

Letters requesting Gateway status should be addressed to:

Library Programs Service (SL)
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401

For further information contact:

William Thompson
Library Programs Service (SL)
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401
voice: (202) 512-1114
fax: (202) 512-1432 ()
e-mail: wthompson@gpo.gov

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Members, Depository Library Council

(as of 04/07/98)



Eliot J. Christian
Chief, Data & Information Management Staff
Information Systems Division
U.S. Geological Survey
802 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
(703) 648-7245
(703) 648-7069 (fax)

Dan Clemmer
Head Librarian
Ralph J. Bunche Library
U.S. Department of State
IM/IS/OIS/LR, Room 3239
Washington, DC 20520
(202) 647-3002
(202) 647-2971 (fax)

Lynn G. Walshak
Head, Government Documents Department
Zach Henderson Library
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8074
(912) 681-5117
(912) 681-5034 (fax)

Anne Watts
Special Projects Librarian
St. Louis Public Library
1301 Olive
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 539-0377
(314) 539-0356 (fax)

Dr. Richard Hume Werking
Director, Nimitz Library, Associate Dean and Professor of History
U.S. Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD 21402-5029
(410) 293-6901
(410) 293-3669 (fax)


Thomas K. Andersen
Head, Government Publications
California State Library
Government Publications Section
P.O. Box 942837
Sacramento, CA 94237-0001
(916) 654-0243
(916) 654-0241 (fax)

Carol Bednar
Government Documents Coordinator
Department of Technical Service
University Library
California State University Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92634-4150
(714) 278-7035
(714) 278-2439 (fax)

Denise M. Davis
Head, Materials Management
Howard County Library
6600 Cradlerock Way
Columbia, MD 21045
(410) 313-7750
(410) 313-7742 (fax)

as of May 1, 1998:

Denise M. Davis
Academic Product Manager
Information Access Company
362 Lakeside Drive
Foster City, CA 94404

Diane Eidelman
Documents Librarian
Suffolk Cooperative Library System
627 North Sunrise Service Rd.
Bellport, NY 11713
(516) 286-1600 ext. 325
(516) 286-1647 (fax)

Margaret S. Walker
Head, Government Documents Department
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 297-3788
(561) 297-2105 (fax)


Duncan M. Aldrich
Head, Business & Government Information Center
University Libraries
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557-0044
(702) 784-6500 ext. 256
(702) 784-4398 (fax)

Mary Alice Baish
Assistant Washington Affairs Representative
American Association of Law Libraries
Georgetown University Law Library
111 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-1417
(202) 662-9200
(202) 662-9202 (fax)

Diane L. Garner
Librarian for the Social Sciences for the Harvard College Library
Lamond Library, Level 1
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 496-2532
(617) 496-0440 (fax)

Gregory W. Lawrence
Government Information Librarian
Albert R. Mann Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-3242
(607) 255-0318 (fax)

Julia F. Wallace
Head, Government Publications
10 Wilson Library
University of Minnesota
309 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414
(612) 626-7520
(612) 626-9353 (fax)


Maggie Farrell
Associate Dean of Libraries
Roland R. Renne Library
Montana State University – Bozeman
Bozeman, MT 59717-0332
(406) 994-6474
(406) 994-2851 (fax)

Paula Kaczmarek
Manager, Government Documents
Detroit Public Library
5201 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202-4093
(313) 833-1025
(313) 833-0156 (fax)

Donna Koepp
Department Head
Government Documents and Map Library
6001 Malott Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-2800
(785) 864-4660
(785) 864-5154 (fax)

GladysAnn Wells
State Librarian and Director
Arizona Department of Library, Archives, and
Public Records
State Capitol, Room 200
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-4035
(602) 542-4972 (fax)

Dr. Fred B. Wood
Special Expert
Office of Health Information Programs
National Library of Medicine
Building 38, Room 2S-14
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
(301) 402-9278
(301) 496-4450 (fax)

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Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, Library Programs Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, on the 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor
Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: May 9, 2002  
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad041598.html
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