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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

[ Back Issues ]

April 15, 1997 Issue

GP 3.16/3-2:18/06
(Vol. 18, no. 06)

Table of Contents

  • Public Printer Names Five To Depository Library Council
  • . . . 1
  • Update Cycle Begins June 2, 1997; Libraries Will Enter Selection Changes Online
  • . . . 2
  • Privacy Act Issuances, 1995 Compilation Now Online via GPO Access
  • . . . 2
  • New and Improved Web Interface for CFR . . . .
  • . . . 3
  • FBIS CD-ROM Dissemination Policy Affects Depository Libraries . . . . . . . . . .
  • . . . 3
  • CenStats Database from the Census Bureau Available to Depositories Free . . . . . . . . .
  • . . . 4
  • Public Awareness Materials Distributed to All Depositories
  • . . . 4
  • Members, Depository Library Council (1997) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • . . . 6
  • Responses to Council Recommendations, 1996, Fall
  • . . .8
  • Is Your Depository's Entry Correct?
  • . . .16
  • Library Programs Service Directory (Rev. March 1997) . . . .
  • . . .17

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Public Printer Names Five To Depository Library Council

    Public Printer Michael F. DiMario has named five new members to the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. The Council advises the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) on issues related to the public access to Government information through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Administered by GPO, the FDLP is a nationwide geographically-dispersed system consisting of 1,369 libraries acting in partnership with the United States Government for the purpose of enabling the general public to have local access to Federal Government information at no cost.

    The newly appointed members bring diversified experience to the Council. They are: Duncan Aldrich, Head, Business and Government Information Center, University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV; Mary Alice Baish, Assistant Washington Affairs Representative, American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), Georgetown University Law Library, Washington, DC; Diane Garner, Head, Government Documents & Non-Book Formats Department, Harvard College Library, Cambridge, MA; Gregory W. Lawrence, Government Information Librarian, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; and Julia Wallace, Head, Government Publications, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

    The Federal Depository Library Program is one of the major means by which the Federal Government fulfills its information dissemination responsibilities to the citizenry. In Fiscal Year 1996, GPO distributed 16.4 million copies of 56,512 individual publications in paper, microfiche, and electronic formats to depository libraries.

    The Depository Library Council to the Public Printer consists of 15 representatives of the Government information community, who serve for a term of 3 years. Each year, five members are appointed by the Public Printer. The newly appointed members will be introduced to Council activities and procedures at the fall 1997 meeting in Clearwater Beach, Florida.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Update Cycle Begins June 2, 1997
    Libraries Will Enter Selection Changes Online

    The annual item selection update cycle will begin June 2, 1997 and run through July 31, 1997. Libraries will be able to enter their own item additions and deletions via an automated application accessible from the FDLP Administration Page. This new online service will allow libraries to enter deletions year-round. Additions will be accepted only during the update cycle. Use of the online system is strongly recommended.

    This is the last update cycle in which LPS will accept the "Amendment of Selections" form (GPO form 3495) for additions or deletions to a library's item selection profile. Libraries unable to make changes to their item selection profile via the FDLP Administration Page should e-mail a request for the "Amendment of Selections" form to . Please do not send requests until the update cycle begins. The item selection update cycle instructions and the annual printout will be sent to depository libraries in May.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Privacy Act Issuances, 1995 Compilation Now on GPO Access

    The Privacy Act Issuances, 1995 Compilation is now available online via GPO Access. The three main categories of documents in this database are: individual Privacy Act system descriptions; multiple descriptions of Privacy Act systems; and agency record keeping policies and practices. The database, which is not updated, is available on the Superintendent of Documents' home page at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/aces/PrivacyAct.shtml .

    Database Description
    Menu Name: Privacy Act Compilation, 1995
    Host: frwais.access.gpo.gov
    Database Name: PrivacyAct
    Port: 210

    Description: The Privacy Act Issuances 1995 Compilation Online Database contains descriptions of Federal agency systems of records maintained on individuals and procedures or "rules" Federal agencies follow to assist individuals who request information about their records. Documents are available as ASCII text files. There are two sources of Privacy Act Notices: the Privacy Act Issuances, 1995 Compilation and the Federal Register which has updates to the 1995 Compilation.

    For instructions on TELNET access (SWAIS), dial-in access (SWAIS), and WAIS client access, see Administrative Notes, v. 18, no. 5 (3/15/97), p. 4-5.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    New and Improved Web Interface for CFR

    A new and improved Web interface for searching CFR books is now online via GPO Access. A result of user feedback, this new interface makes it very easy to determine the subject matter of each CFR title and allows you to search single or multiple titles in a very easy manner.

    The new interface allows you to select the title(s) you wish to search and then builds a customized chart specifically for the title(s) you selected.

    You can visit this new page at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfr-table-search.html

    Once again thank you very much for your comments and suggestions. We hope you find these changes useful. We are constantly improving our pages to better serve our customers and your feedback is invaluable to us!

    For more information, please contact the GPO Access User Support Team at gpoaccess@gpo.gov or call (888) 293-6498.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    FBIS CD-ROM Dissemination Policy Affects Depository Libraries

    All depository libraries that select the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Publications Reports on CD-ROM (0856-A-11, PREX 7.10/3:) must be aware of and abide by the limitations on dissemination imposed by the FBIS. In late February, the FBIS provided the Library Programs Service with its dissemination policy, as follows:

    "Federal depository libraries obtain copies of FBIS CD-ROMs directly from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), starting with CD-ROM 13 (July - September 1996). FBIS will not send back issues of CD-ROMs to Federal depository libraries dues to limited supplies on hand for U.S. Government customers.

    Federal depository libraries may make the FBIS on CD-ROMs available to the public for research. They may do this only on a stand-alone machine, and should not install it on a LAN. Federal depository libraries should also be advised that they may not legally permit the public to print or download the information contained on the For Official Use Only CD-ROM. Any other use may result in a claim of copyright or contract infringement from the original copyright holder(s). Public customers should be referred to NTIS' World New Connection Service."

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    CenStats Database from the Census Bureau
    Available to Depositories Free

    The Census Bureau is providing free depository access to the new online paid database, CenStats. Temporary passwords have been set up to allow depository libraries access to this new system. Libraries may allow multiple users on the database as long as the users are accessing the database from the library. For libraries with more than one branch or unit in the system, the depository librarian must make a choice. Please contact your regional library for the temporary password for your library, or contact Robin Haun-Mohamed by electronic mail at chiefdab@access.digex.net . This password is temporary; the permanent password registration information will be available shortly.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Public Awareness Materials Distributed to All Depositories

    [The following letter was sent to all depositories together with a packet of public awareness materials the week of March 24, 1997.]

    March 24,1997

    Dear Depository Librarian:

    Public access to Government information in all formats begins with public awareness of its existence. Every depository library is encouraged to promote its collection not only to the library's primary clientele but also to the public. In some libraries, the depository emblem which states that "public access to the Government documents collection is guaranteed by public law" has faded or been inadvertently removed from some library doors and windows. An optional new emblem, "U.S. Government Information ... Electronically," has been prepared for libraries to post alongside the required traditional decal.

    To assist you with your publicity efforts, the Government Printing Office (GPO) has assembled a new package of promotional materials for depository libraries. Enclosed you will find:

    1. Door decals (standard) 2
    2. Door decals (electronic) 2
    3. Window decals (standard) 2
    4. Window decals (electronic) 2
    5. Reproducible art (standard) 2
    6. Reproducible art (electronic) 2
    7. Depository pin 1

    For additional copies of the above materials, please contact

    Chief, Depository Services
    Library Programs Service (SLLD)
    U.S. Government Printing Office
    Washington, D.C. 20401
    Fax: (202) 512-1432
    E-mail: inspect@access.digex.net

    A limited supply of additional promotional materials is available by contacting:

    Special Markets
    Promotion and Advertising Branch (SM)
    U.S. Government Printing Office
    Washington, D.C. 20401

    Phone: (202) 512-1712
    Fax: (202) 512-1656


    J.D. YOUNG
    Director, Library Programs Service

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Depository Library Council to the Public Printer CURRENT MEMBERS


    Phyllis R. Christenson
    Director, Information Services Center
    U.S. General Accounting Office
    441 G Street NW.
    Washington, DC 20548
    (202) 512-2647 or
    (202) 512-8405

    Susan Dow
    Electronic Information Services Librarian
    Law Library
    State University of New York at Buffalo
    O'Brian Hall - Amherst Campus
    Buffalo, NY 14260-1110
    (716) 645-2347
    (716) 645-3860 (Fax)

    Janice Anita Fryer - CHAIR
    Reference Librarian
    152 Parks Library
    Iowa State University
    Ames, IA 50011
    (515) 294-2849
    (515) 294-5525 (Fax)

    David R. Hoffman
    P.O. Box 247
    Harrisburg, PA 17108-0247
    (717) 232-7926


    Eliot J. Christian
    Chief, Data and Information Management Staff
    Information Systems Division
    U.S. Geological Survey
    802 National Center
    Reston, VA 20192
    (703) 648-7245
    (703) 648-7069 (Fax)

    Dan Clemmer
    Head Librarian
    U.S. Department of State Library
    IM/IS/OIS/LR, Room 3239
    Washington, DC 20520
    (202) 647-3002
    (202) 647-2971 (Fax)

    Lynn G. Walshak
    Head, Government Documents Department
    Zach Henderson Library
    Georgia Southern University
    Statesboro, GA 30460-8074
    (912) 681-5117
    (912) 681-5034 (Fax)

    Anne Watts
    Coordinator, Information &Technology Services
    St. Louis Public Library
    1301 Olive
    St. Louis, MO 63103
    (314) 539-0377
    (314) 539-0393 (Fax)

    Dr. Richard Hume Werking
    Director, Nimitz Library, Associate Dean and Professor of History
    U.S. Naval Academy
    Annapolis, MD 21402-5029
    (410) 293-6901
    (410) 293-3669 (Fax)

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 1999:

    Thomas K. Andersen
    Head, Government Publications
    California State Library
    Government Publications Section
    P.O. Box 942837
    Sacramento, CA 94237-0001
    (916) 654-0243
    (916) 654-0241 (fax)

    Carol Bednar
    Government Documents Coordinator
    Department of Technical Service
    University Library
    California State University Fullerton
    Fullerton, CA 92634-4150
    (714) 449-7035

    Denise Davis
    Reference Collection Specialist
    Howard County Library
    6600 Cradlerock Way
    Columbia, MD 21045-4192
    (410) 313-7750
    (410) 313-7742 (Fax)

    Diane Eidelman
    Documents Librarian
    Suffolk Cooperative Library System
    627 North Sunrise Service Rd.
    Bellport, NY 11713
    (516) 286-1600 ext. 325
    (516) 286-1647 (fax)

    Margaret S. Walker
    Head, Government Documents Department
    Florida Atlantic University
    3130 Millwood Terrace, #M109
    Boca Raton, FL 33431
    (407) 367-3788

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2000:

    Duncan M. Aldrich
    Until June 30, 1997:
    Electronic Transition Specialist
    U.S. Government Printing Office
    Library Programs Service - STOP: SL
    Washington, DC 20401
    (202) 512-1698
    (202) 512-1432 (Fax)

    After July 1, 1997:
    Head, Business & Government Information Center University Libraries
    University of Nevada, Reno
    Reno, NV 89557-0044
    (702) 784-6500
    (702) 784-4398 (Fax)

    Mary Alice Baish
    Assistant Washington Affairs Representative
    American Association of Law Libraries
    Georgetown University Law Lib.
    111 G Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20001-1417
    (202) 662-9200
    (202) 662-9202 (Fax)

    Diane L. Garner
    Head, Documents & Non-Book Formats
    Lamont Library
    Harvard University
    Cambridge, MA 02138
    (617) 496-2532
    (617) 496-0440 (Fax)

    Gregory W. Lawrence
    Government Information Librarian
    Albert R. Mann Library
    Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY 14853
    (607) 255-3242
    (607) 255-0318 (Fax)

    Julia F. Wallace
    Head, Government Publications
    10 Wilson Library
    University of Minnesota
    309 19th Avenue South
    Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414
    (612) 626-7520
    (612) 626-9353 (Fax)

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Recommendations and Action Items
    of Depository Library Council to the Public Printer

    Fall 1996 Council Meeting
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Revision of Title 44 & H.R. 4280

    Council commends the Public Printer and his staff for involving both the Council and the library community in developing its legislative proposals revising Title 44 Chapter 19. We support the changes proposed by the Public Printer that were transmitted to the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration on August 22, 1996.

    Council urges the Public Printer to continue to monitor developments regarding Title 44 and to continue to keep Council and the community informed and involved.

    Rationale: Council appreciates the continuing proactive role the Public Printer and the GPO are playing in support of public access to government information. Regarding revision of Title 44, Council has reviewed HR 4280 and finds little benefit within the bill and its proposed revision. Council could not recommend support for this or similar legislation since it runs counter to the principle of enhancing public access to government information. Council offers its assistance in incorporating the previously presented definitions, principles, etc., and any new initiatives into proposed legislation. Members of Council will be monitoring developments through their participation in professional organizations.


    The Government Printing Office (GPO) appreciates Council's deep interest in Congressional actions concerning the possible amendment of chapter 19 of Title 44 USC. We are closely monitoring all developments which may affect our enabling legislation, and we will keep Council and the depository library community informed of significant actions.

    Service Policy Statements

    Council recommends that GPO require the depository libraries to develop policy statements for service issues. In order to facilitate the development of such policies, Council recommends GPO issue guidelines for the development of the policy statements.

    Rationale: Council recognizes the need for depositories to develop policies on such service issues as printing and downloading from electronic products, basic Windows/DOS software instruction, Internet access, microfiche duplication, photocopying fees, and other areas. Council also recognizes the historical precedent for such policy statements (i.e., collection development policies). Given the diverse local environment within depository libraries, GPO should issue general guidelines which will offer a framework for local policy development. A completion date of one year after issuance of guidelines is recommended. Once articulated, these local policy statements should become part of any inspection process. Council will assist in the development of such general guidelines.


    GPO supports the development of a policy statement covering such electronic public service issues as providing basic instruction for patrons in using the Internet, loading CD-ROM discs, charges for printing, circulation of tangible electronic products, ready reference, etc. General guidelines, similar to the "Collection Development Guidelines for Selective Depository Libraries," could be issued as a Federal Depository Library Manual Supplement.

    GPO asks that the Depository Library Council appoint a working group similar to the "Guidelines" revision committee to include representatives from Council, regional and selective depository libraries, and GPO. The group's composition should also reflect academic, public, law, and other types of depository library concerns.

    A draft policy statement could be presented at the fall 1997 Council meeting.

    Graphic Intensive Publications

    Council recommends that GPO further investigate the best presentation of graphic intensive publications and, if unable to resolve the problems identified by Council, that GPO amend the policy so that these publications remain in paper.

    Rationale: Council remains concerned with the conversion of graphic intensive publications by GPO. These publications are often intended for general dissemination. Due to the nature of the topics of some of them, patrons may be uncomfortable reading them on public work stations. Some of those publications that have already been converted to PDF or JPEG formats, especially the charts and graphics within them, are unreadable. The ability and time necessary to download the information and the poor quality of the resulting print product also inhibit access. While a different level of scanning or other technological options may improve the quality and usability of them, Council is not convinced that this is the best treatment. Since most of these publications will remain widely available in paper from the issuing agency or the Consumer Information Center, Council believes that these materials should remain in paper format in depository libraries.


    At Council's request, the Library Programs Service (LPS) undertook a special project to scan seven graphically intensive publications and mounted them on GPO Access in JPEG, PDF, and ASCII formats. The online versions were experimental and in addition to the normal distribution in either paper or microfiche.

    This project demonstrated the expense and difficulty of converting documents from a paper format to an effective electronic format. Of the responses received evaluating the two image formats, user preference was evenly divided between JPEG and PDF. But all libraries preferred the text-only ASCII format over either of the image formats, because of ease of use and the shorter time required to download the material.

    Current LPS policy does not include routine scanning of graphically intensive documents. As this special project demonstrated, scanning is an expensive alternative and the resulting products may have limited appeal for librarians in the depository community.

    The degree to which some patrons may be uncomfortable using certain information products at a public access workstation is offset, in part, by the increased ability to use such material from the privacy of one's home. In many ways popular topic information such as Marijuana Facts: Parents Need to Know is more useful in an online electronic format. It is then available for the many students that need to have the information when the single depository paper copy cannot be located. High interest topics in pamphlet format may be the first resources to disappear from library collections. If such products are available in an online format, users will be able to access the resources when they are needed.

    Established policies identify the format for these products when they are produced through GPO. For products not produced through GPO, it is the agency's responsibility to provide sufficient copies for distribution to the FDLP. If the agency is unable to provide the required copies, the information is generally sent to libraries in the microfiche format. Scanning for online presentation gives us another option to include this information in the FDLP.

    Bureau of the Census

    Council recommends that its members work with GPO and the Bureau of the Census to formulate a model of depository access to Census information.

    Rationale: Since FDLP libraries are the largest partners in disseminating Census information after the Census Bureau's own Data Centers, Council is concerned with the direction of certain proposals emanating from Census. Council appreciates the Bureau's willingness to discuss various configurations and arrangements for the provision of Census information to the FDLs. The proposed tiered system of access to the Census Direct Access Data Service presents a unique opportunity to establish a model for providing public access to statistical information. FDLs have historically received all published Census products and no-fee Internet services and provided excellent access to them. This historical precedent should continue in any newly created model. Census needs to continue to disseminate the informational content of its products and services regardless of the packaging of that information. Further, such dissemination must continue in the current no-fee model to the cooperating depository libraries and the users they serve. Any proposal that would limit access to a particular geographic site (i.e., the main library) and restrict remote (i.e., branch) access would greatly impede use of essential Census information. Council believes that any proposal must include provisions for multiple access by concurrent users.


    The Bureau of the Census intends to offer Federal depository libraries access to the fee-based portion of the Census subscription Web service at no charge to the library. The specifics of the system have not yet been completed, but testing of the system was expected to begin in March. LPS has assisted Census by identifying four depository libraries for system testing.

    A copy of Council's recommendation concerning the new Census subscription service was sent to the Bureau of the Census to assist in developing its policy regarding access to the database. Census has advised LPS that multiple users will be allowed to access the database, but the users must access the system from the main library or the facility in which the Government documents department is located. Depository access to the paid database will be limited to a single geographic site.

    Council Web Page

    Council recommends that the official Council Web pages be hosted by GPO and linked from the GPO Web site. Council further recommends that GPO accept updates from Council.

    Rationale: As an advisory body to the Public Printer of the United States, Council believes it is appropriate that its Web pages be located at the Government Printing Office's home page, thus lending authenticity to the information.


    GPO will host Council Web pages and accept Web page updates from Council. When Council submits its completed Web pages to LPS, these Web pages will be linked from the FDLP Administration Web page located at


    Council supports GPO's efforts in assigning personnel to address the issues raised in the recommendations from the Spring 1996 meeting of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer relative to partnerships.

    Nevertheless, Council recommends that GPO accept the principle that such partnerships must supplement and not supplant the Federal Government's responsibility to ensure permanent access to and preservation of government information. Council recommends that GPO and the Public Printer facilitate such initiatives.

    Council suggests the following issues be considered in the draft memorandum of understanding: ownership of electronic source files remains with the Federal Government; all modifications or enhancements to resource files should not permanently alter accessibility and must be fully documented, should reside in an industry standard format and that a backup be maintained; if the partner becomes unable to continue its obligation, it must provide GPO documentation and/or a copy of such modified resources and all enhancements thereto; ADA compliant formats; and the role of GPO as the coordinating agency.

    Rationale: Council also appreciates the opportunity for input and discussion of the issues that are appropriate for a Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Government Printing Office and (FDLP Partner Institution). In addition to the above issues, Council is sensitive to the issue that many supplying agencies are not currently providing GPO with electronic resources that are ADA compliant and this is an obstacle to providing equitable electronic access. Council, aware of the complexity of partnerships, believes it is essential that GPO and the Public Printer function as the primary coordinating agency. GPO has historically performed this function with tangible products and Council believes it is critical that it continue in this role in the electronic environment.


    GPO has undertaken the coordinating role recommended by Council, as exemplified by the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between GPO, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Department of State regarding the DOSFAN Electronic Research Collection. Following the discussions at the fall 1996 Council meeting, GPO included in that MOU provisions which reflect the issues Council expressed in its recommendation regarding partnerships. Provisions in the MOU clarify that:

    The United States Government Printing Office, as coordinator of the FDLP, has final responsibility for and custody over all Federal Government information products held or made accessible by FDLP libraries or partner institutions.

    ...All software developed to provide access to the DOSFAN Electronic Research Collection is considered to be an integral part of the Collection.

    ...Assure that a mechanism is in place which provides a backup for software and data files constituting the DOSFAN Electronic Research Collection...

    Consult with Superintendent of Documents staff on any plans to migrate, reconstitute, or otherwise significantly modify the structure of the information content of or access to the DOSFAN Electronic Research Collection...

    Any modifications to or migration of the DOSFAN Electronic Research Collection should take into consideration industry format standards and must not undermine or limit access to the product.

    ...Upon the request of GPO, provide GPO a functioning copy of current and historical software and data files that constitute the DOSFAN Electronic Research Collection, to include documentation regarding the product, particularly if UIC is no longer able to support access to the product...

    Fall 1997 Meeting Site

    The Depository Library Council recommends the following sites for consideration for its fall 1997 meeting:

    Cincinnati, OH
    Cleveland, OH
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Raleigh-Durham, NC
    Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL (on the beach only)


    The fall 1997 meeting of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer will be held on October 20-23, 1997, at the Adam's Mark Caribbean Gulf Hotel in Clearwater Beach, Florida.

    Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (PURL)

    Council recommends that the Government Printing Office continue to monitor closely the work on Document Object Identifiers as it relates to persistence in naming.

    Rationale: Council is encouraged by the Government Printing Office's interest in PURL as a persistent information location mechanism. However, persistent naming is currently an area of active development with alternatives such as "handles" and URLs (Uniform Resource Names) being advanced on both the technology and policy levels. While experimentation on managing GPO URLs is entirely appropriate, it may be premature to commit to the PURL technology outside of GPO.


    We appreciate Council's advice and will continue to consider various technologies for maintaining effective URLs related to Monthly Catalog records. As the second largest producer of records with URLs within OCLC databases, we remain open to other options even as we work with OCLC to adapt its PURL software to maintain viable hot links for GPO applications. We recognize that PURL may be an interim solution, but we are convinced of the necessity to provide a consistent naming mechanism for our GPO locator services as well as the Monthly Catalog.

    GPO and the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council

    Council recommends that GPO pursue a role in the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council.

    Rationale: It is expected that the CIO Council may have a significant influence on government information dissemination. The CIO Council was established under an Executive Order issued on July 17, 1996, titled: "Federal Information Technology." Section 3 of the Executive Order establishes the Chief Information Officers Council "as the principal interagency forum to improve agency practices on such matters as the design, modernization, use, sharing, and performance of agency information resources. The Council shall: (1) develop recommendations for overall Federal information technology management, policy, procedures, and standards...."


    GPO continues to monitor the functions and activities of the Chief Information Officers (CIOs). Although, in general, agency CIOs are responsible for information dissemination and public access activities, it appears that priority attention is being devoted to such issues as the Year 2000 Problem and the technical and procurement aspects of agency systems modernization. GPO will take every opportunity to inform CIOs or their staffs about issues concerning the FDLP, public access to Government information, and permanent public access.

    Training Issues

    Council recommends that GPO continue to take advantage of every opportunity, including both fall and spring Depository Library Council meetings, professional library association meetings, and workshops or other library-related meetings in the Washington area, to provide training for users of its electronic products and services.

    Council recommends that the Superintendent of Documents establish a training center within the Library Programs Service for providing training for members of the depository community who will be training others in the use of GPO's products and services.

    Council recommends that GPO explore the formation of partnerships with other organizations to provide training in the use of new electronic products and services. It might be useful for GPO to undertake this effort, on a trial basis, with one of the four OCLC networks in or near the Washington, D.C. area (e.g., SOLINET, CAPCON, FEDLINK, PALINET).

    Rationale: Depository librarians have identified training in the use of electronic resources and services as a very high priority. Train the trainer sessions, which provide depository librarians with the skills necessary to train others, are in especially high demand. In order to meet this demand for training, Council suggests a variety of approaches.

    First, Council believes that one of the most effective ways for GPO to train large numbers of library staff is to provide demonstrations of new products and services at meetings of professional associations, both fall and spring Depository Library Council meetings, and workshops or other library-related meetings in the Washington area.

    At the same time, we realize that currently, opportunities for hands-on training in the Washington, D.C. area are limited. We believe that a computer lab/training facility located at the Government Printing Office would make a major contribution towards achieving the goal of providing more widespread training opportunities. Library staff trained in this facility can return to their own communities and train others in the use of GPO products and services.

    We further believe that all avenues for potential training partnerships should be explored in order to meet the high demand for training. Council would be pleased to work with GPO to identify potential training partners.


    GPO plans to continue to provide training and demonstrations of GPO Access products and services at conferences, workshops and through a number of onsite programs at libraries throughout the country.

    Additionally, in order to better meet the high demand that has been demonstrated for these training sessions, GPO is pursuing two complementary approaches designed to create "train the trainer" opportunities.

    First, GPO is investigating the creation of an onsite training facility to provide a state-of-the-art location for GPO staff to train a number of librarians from different parts of the country who visit us in Washington, D.C.

    Secondly, GPO is actively exploring the formation of partnerships with other organizations to provide training on GPO Access products and services.

    In February, GPO made a presentation to the Regional OCLC Network Directors Advisory Committee (RONDAC) in Dublin, Ohio. GPO discussed a number of areas of potential collaboration with RONDAC to expand GPO Access training opportunities for the library community. We were very encouraged by the positive reaction of those in attendance, and look forward to working with RONDAC representatives on this joint effort.


    1. The Depository Library Council commends Thomas A. Downing and the GPO Cataloging Branch for their proactive efforts in cataloging Internet resources and providing hot links to a significant number of records. Council is aware of the great effort required to do so at a time when there are no clear national standards. Council also appreciates the decrease in the cataloging backlog of physical formats and commends all members of the cataloging staff for their continued success.

    2. The Depository Library Council commends the Government Printing Office for adding the Code of Federal Regulations to GPO Access and asks that our appreciation be transmitted to the Office of the Federal Register for their cooperation in this project. We also thank GPO for providing a toll free GPO Access Customer Support telephone number.

    3. The Depository Library Council commends Robin Haun-Mohamed and the staff of the Depository Administration Branch for its hard work and success in bringing fugitive government information into the Federal Depository Library Program.

    4. The Depository Library Council commends Judith C. Russell, formerly Director, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Service, for her leadership and hard work on behalf of the depository community. Her tireless efforts in assisting with the development of GPO Access as well as her collaboration in the completion of the Report to Congress: Study to Identify the Measures Necessary for a Successful Transition to a More Electronic Depository Library Program are especially noteworthy.

    Action Items:

    The Ad Hoc Committee on FDLP Statistical Assessment will continue to work with GPO on service and use statistical issues.

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    Is Your Depository's Entry Correct?

    Please take a moment to check your depository's entry in the "Federal Depository Library Directory." Let us know if there have been any changes since the directory was issued in September 1996. We also need to know of any changes in the Congressional District number. The information in the directory is disseminated in electronic form, and LPS updates the database periodically, but can only do so with your input.

    Depository Directory Update Form

    Depository Library Number:
    Congressional District:
    Institution Name:
    Library Name:
    Street Address:
    Director's Name:
    Document's Librarians"s Name:
    Document's Librarians"s Phone Number:
    Public Service Phone Number:
    E-Mail address:
    Fax Machine Phone Number:
    Mail, fax, or e-mail this form to:
    Chief, Depository Services
    Library Programs Service (SLLD)
    U.S. Government Printing Office
    Washington, DC 20401
    Fax: 202-512-1432
    e-mail: inspect@access.digex.net

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    Library Programs Service Directory Revised March 1997
    Name Voice Fax E-mail
    James Young 202-512-2332 202-512-1432 jyoung@gpo.gov
    William Thompson 202-512-1125 202-512-1432 staf1lps@access.digex.net
    Gil Baldwin 202-512-1002 202-512-1432 manage@access.digex.net
    Tad Downing 202-512-1121 202-512-1432 mailto:catlps@access.digex. net
    Duncan Aldrich 202-512-1698 202-512-1432 daldrich@gpo.gov
    Sandy Schwalb 202-512-1698 202-512-1432 sschwalb@gpo.gov
    Lee Morey 202-512-1698 202-512-1432 dmorey@gpo.gov
    Joe Paskoski 202-512-1698 202-512-1432 jpaskoski@gpo.gov
    Robin Haun-Mohamed 202-512-1071 202-512-1636 chiefdab@access.digex.net
    Mike Clark 202-512-1619 202-512-1636 mclark@gpo.gov
    Michele Harris 202-512-1060 202-512-1636 lpsmail@access.digex.net
    Laurie Hall 202-512-1062 202-512-1636 lhall@gpo.gov
    Earl Lewter 202-512-1063 202-512-1636 elewter@gpo.gov
    Sheila McGarr 202-512-1119 202-512-1432 inspect@access.digex.net
    Gail Snider 202-512-0883 202-512-1432 inspect@access.digex.net
    (vacant) 202-512-1014 202-512-1432 lpsmail@access.digex.net
    Colleen Davis 202-512-1007 202-512-1429 (claims)
    202-512-1432 (other)
    202-512-1636 (backup)

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A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: July 25, 2000 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad041597.html
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