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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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April 15, 2002

GP 3.16/3-2:23/05
(Vol. 23, no. 05)

Table of Contents


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Public Printer Names Five To Depository Library Council

Public Printer Michael F. DiMario has named five new members to the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. The Council advises the Government Printing Office (GPO) on issues related to public access to Government information products through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The newly appointed members bring diversified experience to the Council. They are:

Michelle McKnelly, University of Wisconsin-River Falls;

John Phillips, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK;

Mary Prophet, Denison University, Granville, OH;

Laura Saurs, Newark Public Library, Newark, NJ.

Lynne Siemers, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC;

In addition, Doris Helfer, California State University-Northridge, has been appointed to fill out the term of Roberta Shaffer, who resigned.

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New Cataloging Section Chief Appointed: Levinson

LPS is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Levinson as the Chief of Cataloging Section 2, effective March 25, 2002. Mr. Levinson joined GPO in 1993 as a serials cataloger, producing records for the Monthly Catalog and the Serials Supplement. Most recently he has focused on creating and maintaining OCLC bibliographic records for serials that are migrating to the FDLP electronic collection. He began his library career at the National Library of Medicine, after receiving his Masters in Library Science from the University of Maryland in 1991. He also holds Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Industrial Engineering degrees. Mike held supervisory positions in management information systems in his previous career in private industry.

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President Bush Announces Intention To Nominate Bruce R. James As Public Printer

On Friday, March 29, 2002, the White House released the following statement <www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/03/20020328-1.html>:

The President intends to nominate Bruce R. James to be the Public Printer. James was CEO of Barclays Law Publishers until retiring in 1993. Since his retirement, he has gone on to become Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Rochester Institute of Technology and Chairman-elect of Sierra Nevada College at Lake Tahoe, founded Nevada New-Tech, Inc., a company formed to invest in technology-based enterprises that promise to broaden and diversify Nevada's economy. James is the Chairman of the Congressional Roundtable of Printing Industries of America, a trustee of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, the State Chairman of United Ways Alexis de Tocqueville Society, and a member of the advisory board of UNLVs Boyd School of Law. James is a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology.

The Public Printer is the head of the U.S. Government Printing Office. For more information about GPO, please visit the Web site at: www.gpo.gov.

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You Can Help Plan the
2002 Depository Library Conference

The Library Programs Service is seeking assistance from the depository community in identifying topics, programs and speakers for the Fall 2002 Federal Depository Library Conference.

The 2001 conference featured three tracks-- presentations by depository librarians, Federal agency presenters, and miscellaneous programs associated with current events. Highlights of the conference included sessions on e-competencies, depository promotion, disaster planning, and Census mapping.

The 2002 conference will be held jointly with the Depository Library Council meeting on October 20-23. The Regional Librarians meeting and a one-hour new attendees’ orientation to the Depository Council are scheduled for Sunday, October 20. The conference site is the Holiday Inn-Westpark in Arlington, VA.

If you would like to volunteer as a speaker or can identify potential speakers or topics, please contact Robin Haun-Mohamed by telephone on (202) 512-1119; by fax on (202) 512-1432; or by e-mail on <rhaun-mohamed@gpo.gov no later than May 10.

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Volunteer for Browse Topics

Have a subject expertise that you would like to share or develop? Looking for a special project? Consider volunteering to develop or maintain a Browse Topics subject!

Several volunteers are needed in a wide range of subject areas from Accounting & Auditing to Zip Codes for the Browse Topics GPO Access Finding Aid at <http://library.ucok.edu/gov/browsetopics>.

Browse Topics contains annotated pathfinders to Federal agency, military, or official cooperative sites by subject. All the information about contributing is outlined at <http://library.ucok.edu/gov/browsetopics/invite.html>.

Browse Topics is a service made possible by the University of Central Oklahoma Chambers Library, in partnership with the Federal Depository Library Program. Each topical pathfinder has been developed and is maintained by a volunteer expert. The list of topics is derived from the approximately 150 subject bibliographies that are used to categorize the publications, subscriptions, and electronic products for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.

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Proceedings of 10th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference Published Online

The Proceedings of the 10th Annual Federal Depository Library Conference have been published online, at: <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/01pro.html>.

Over 400 depository librarians, Federal agency representatives, and other Government information professionals attended the 10th annual Federal Depository Library Conference in Alexandria, VA in October, 2001. The U.S. Government Printing Office sponsored the conference, which was held concurrently with the 58th meeting of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. The conference constitutes the Nation’s premier event for Government information librarians.

Highlights of the 3-day conference included welcoming remarks by Virginia State Senator Patricia S. Ticer, presentations on new products and services by representatives from 18 Federal agencies, and discussions of baseline electronic proficiencies, promotion of depository library services to the public, and disaster planning.

Technical sessions on cataloging, archiving electronic information resources, and enhancing the GPO Access Web site rounded out the program.

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Digest of United States Practice in International Law 2000 Distributed in Microfiche

The International Law Institute, under arrangement with the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Dept. of State, has brought back into annual publication the Digest of United States Practice in International Law. This is no longer a government publication, but ILI has granted permission to the U.S. Government Printing Office to reproduce the 2000 edition of the Digest of United States Practice in International Law for distribution in microfiche to depository libraries. The SuDocs class number is S 7.12/3:2000.

Those depository libraries selecting item 0864-A will receive one copy in microfiche.

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GPO Access Training Manual Updated

An update to the GPO Access Training Manual (GPO Publication 500.8) has been posted. Changes were made to various portions of the manual, resulting in 33 pages of changes. The update is available in PDF format from <www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/help/trainingbk/index.html">.

In addition, a special insert has been added regarding FDL access to STAT-USA/ Internet. Free public access to STAT-USA/Internet is provided in Federal depository libraries through a partnership between the U.S. Government Printing Office and the Department of Commerce. The insert and future updates may be found at <www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/help/trainingbk/index.html>.

For further assistance, please contact the GPO Access User Support Team:

Phone: 1-888-293-6498 (toll-free)

202-512-1530 (DC Metro Area)

E-mail: gpoaccess@gpo.gov

Fax: (202) 512-1262

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Census Offers Free Product Update Service

[Text supplied by the U.S. Census Bureau.]

Now libraries have a way to stay current on the flood of data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Twice a month the U.S. Census Bureau issues Census Product Update, an e-mail and online newsletter announcing the latest releases from the Census Bureau, identifying tips for using data, and alerting the public to releases on the horizon.

Learn about the latest files from Census 2000, the upcoming profiles from Summary File 3 due out this spring, the latest demographic and business data, tips for using the American Factfinder, and other information of importance to anyone who uses census data.

Every two weeks subscribers get a short update e-mail with links to a longer version on the Net and to other key pages. If they would prefer not to receive the e-mail version, they can view the newsletter online: <http://www.census.gov/mp/www/cpu.html>.

To sign up, just go to the page cited above and click on the subscribe link. We also welcome feedback and suggestions. Please convey comments to the editors at Webmaster@census.gov.

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U.S. FaxWatch Discontinued

The U.S. FaxWatch service was discontinued on March 15, 2002. Information formerly provided on U.S. FaxWatch will continue to be made available through GPO Access and other resources as appropriate.

Copies of the microfiche contractor-produced shipping lists will no longer be available via fax. To replace a missing copy, libraries may contact:

  1. the applicable microfiche contractor. Contact information is at <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/msl/mslv.html>.

  2. the Regional Depository Library.
  3. another depository library. Electronic discussion lists can also be used for this request.
  4. LPS via askLPS at <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/asklpsin.html>. LPS can supply these lists on a limited basis. We suggest that LPS be your last choice for requesting these lists.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    GPO Integrated Library System (ILS)
    Planning Proceeds

    GPO is working toward the acquisition of a state-of-the-art Integrated Library System (ILS) for the Library Programs Service (LPS). The ILS will allow LPS to move away from its mix of legacy systems and locally designed PC applications to a more efficient and streamlined single system. The need for an ILS has become increasingly apparent in the current environment of a rapidly expanding collection of information resources in electronic formats.

    Not only will a single system help streamline internal processes by eliminating redundancy, it will enable LPS to provide better service to the depository community. With funding available in the FY 2002 appropriation, the next step is to obtain project approval from the Joint Committee on Printing.

    A working group of LPS staff has:

    • Looked at current systems in use by LPS and their functions.
    • Begun investigating existing ILS offerings that are commercially available on the GSA schedule.
    • Queried other libraries that have obtained and implemented integrated library systems.
    • Received input from the depository library community regarding interface requirements and service needs.
    • Begun to work with Materials Management Service, Network Systems, the Office of Information Resources Management and other GPO personnel.
    • Begun investigating training opportunities to prepare for an ILS.
    • Developed a statement of work to contract for the services of a library automation consultant. The consultant will:
      1. Assist in the preparation of system requirements;
      2. Assist in the preparation of a needs assessment document;
      3. Assist in the assessment of data migration strategies;
      4. Assist in the development of criteria for selecting between competing systems.

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    2002 Item Selection Rate Chart Revised

    The chart titled New Item Selection Rate Averages by Size and Type of Library, January 2002, was published in the March 15, 2002 Administrative Notes. The information on the chart was taken directly from responses to the 2001 Biennial Survey, including additional size categories.

    The additional sizes make it difficult to compare library item selection rates over the years. To remedy this, a revised chart, shown below, uses the same size categories as in the past. Although the chart name remains the same, we will refer to the new edition of the traditional chart as the New Item Selection Rate Averages by Size and Type of Library, April 2002.

    Figures under the pound sign (#) represent the number of libraries of the designated size and type responding to the 2001 Biennial Survey. Figures under the percentage sign (%) denote the average percentage of items that are actually selected by the libraries. Size designations are based on the number of cataloged and uncataloged materials in the library system. All formats and all collections, depository and non-depository, under the purview of the depository’s library director are included. Data for library size and item selection percentage were derived from Questions 2 and 3 respectively of the 2001 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries, from 1293 responding depository libraries.




    Total #


    # %


    # %


    # %

    Academic, 4-year+


    124 19

    266 32

    271 61



    55 15

    6 24

    2 12

    Academic, Law


    19 12

    125 13

    9 18

    Federal Agency


    21 10

    15 19

    7 31

    Federal Court


    10 5

    3 7

    1 5



    76 15

    96 21

    80 45

    Service Academy


    1 17

    2 28

    1 26



    13 8

    7 11

    3 37

    State Court


    25 5

    10 11

    1 15

    State Library


    12 20

    10 20

    22 78

    Small = < 250,000

    Medium = 250,000 - 1,000,000

    Large = > 1,000,000

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    Readers Exchange

    Superseding CIA Maps (PREX 3.10/4):

    Barbara J. McCormack-Dunfee
    Government Documents Coordinator
    Devereaux Library
    South Dakota School of Mines and Technology


    [A version of this report appeared originally on GOVDOC-L.]

    Regional depositories must retain all of the CIA maps, however, if you are a selective depository, old maps may be superseded as new ones are released. Libraries that have constant patron requests for these older maps, such as those of the former Soviet Union, often choose to retain all editions. The Devereaux Library at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM&T) has little demand for current maps, let alone older ones, therefore about a year ago we decided to weed our older collection. Other libraries facing this situation may find our process and discoveries helpful.

    The CIA series of maps simply adds a new /# after the cutter, rather than using the old /# and adding a date when a new edition is released. The first thing to check is the number in small print under the map. One number is constant and is called the base number. The other number changes when a map is republished. When two base numbers match and the other numbers differ, one map supersedes the other. Near these numbers is the publication date, given in numerical form.

    To make matters more interesting (and more complicated), over the last 25 years the base numbering system has changed at least twice – there may be two maps that exactly match with different base numbers. These changes seem to have been phased in over a number of years, so there is no simple cut-off date; however, one seems to have happened in the early 1980s and the other in perhaps the early-mid 1990s.

    When SDSM&T weeded these maps, a visual comparison of the map edges was made to make sure they actually reproduced each other at the borders, generally by noting the positions of cities, latitude and longitude lines, or road intersections. If the maps duplicated exactly, one was superseded. If the maps were slightly different and over five years old, they were added to our weeding list. If they were less than five years old we retained them as part of our collection.

    When checking maps, keep in mind that generally each country has two maps, one that is strictly political boundaries, and another that includes the physical features. The political maps supersede each other, and the physical maps supersede each other, but the political ones do not supersede the physical and vice versa.

    Watch out for countries that have changed names, and therefore changed cutters, as well as oddities like North Korea being under K, but South Korea being under S. There are also a few two-word country names with cutters under both letters like East Germany, which means a superseded map might hide under an entirely different cutter. (You can tear your hair out now...)

    Having a large desk or countertop on which to sort was invaluable. It also helped to sort the small letter-size maps separately from the large maps. One solution that was used at SDSM&T was to place the small maps in a three-ring binder on top of our map case. This prevents them from being "lost" in normal map case drawers.

    Below is a list of country names that have changed. The list was created out of desperation during the process of sorting out superseded editions of CIA maps and State Department Background Notes. Congo is especially confusing since it can refer to either the Republic of the Congo or the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which are two entirely different and distinct countries. Any corrections or additions to this list will be most welcome.




    Old Name

    Current Name

    Afars and Issas




    Belgian Congo

    Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

    British Guiana


    British Honduras


    Central African Empire

    Central African Republic


    Sri Lanka


    may refer to either the Republic of the Congo, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Congo Free State

    Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)


    Republic of Benin

    Dutch Guiana


    Dutch West Indies

    Netherlands Antilles

    French Congo

    Chad, Gabon, Congo (Republic of the Congo), and Central African Republic

    French Equatorial Africa

    Chad, Gabon, Congo (Republic of the Congo), and Central African Republic

    French Somaliland


    French Territory of the Afars and Issas


    Ivory Coast

    Côte d'Ivoire

    Malagasy Republic


    Muscat and Oman


    North Yemen

    now part of Yemen

    Northern Rhodesia












    South-West Africa


    Southern Rhodesia


    Southern Yemen

    now part of Yemen


    variant spelling Suriname

    Trucial Oman

    United Arab Emirates

    Trucial States

    United Arab Emirates

    Upper Volta

    Burkina Faso

    Western Sahara

    now part of Morocco

    Yemen Aden

    Southern Yemen; now part of Yemen

    Yemen Sana

    North Yemen; now part of Yemen


    Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

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    SuDocs Letter to Directors
    on Information Security

    [Sent to all depository library directors and coordinators on 3/14/02.]

    March 14, 2002

    Dear Depository Library Director:

    One of the changes in the wake of the September 11 attacks has been a heightened awareness of information security issues, and increased tension between the goal of free public access to Government information and the need to safeguard sensitive information. Since this issue has received so much attention of late, I would like to inform you of the U.S. Government Printing Office’s (GPO) policies and procedures regarding the FDLP publications in depository library collections and the FDLP Electronic Collection. As one of 1,309 depository libraries in the Nation, your library plays an important role in informing the American public about our Government.

    The U.S. Government Printing Office is entrusted by Congress with the stewardship of depository materials for free distribution and public access. GPO acts as an agent of Federal publishing agencies, which make decisions to produce Government publications of public interest and educational value and thus appropriate for distribution to depository libraries. Agency publications that are classified, for official use or administrative use only are not in scope for the FDLP.

    Over the last two decades there has been an average of two tangible publications a year that GPO has been asked to remove from depository collections. Only the Public Printer and the Superintendent of Documents can legitimately order a library to withdraw a document from its depository collection.

    When an agency requests that a title be withdrawn, we follow established policies and procedures for the withdrawal of documents from the FDLP. Under the FDLP, the Government may request the removal of materials from depository libraries since the law (chapter 19 of Title 44) indicates that all FDLP materials remain Government property. Requests to withdraw happen rarely, however. Since FY 1995, the GPO has distributed 230,019 tangible product (print, microfiche, and CD-ROM) titles to depository libraries, and recalled just 20 (16 to be destroyed, 3 returned to the agency, 1 removed from shelves). Such actions are taken only on the request of the issuing agency, most commonly because the titles contain information that is erroneous or has been superseded.

    The Office of the Superintendent of Documents has no statutory ability to deny agency document withdrawal requests. Instead, my office works through a process with the issuing agency. We first verify that the title was distributed through the FDLP. Then we discuss the reasons for the recall, and inform the agency of recall options. Finally we inform the agency that GPO must receive an official requesting in writing. Only after GPO receives an agency request in writing do we request the item be withdrawn from depository library collections.

    Many of the questions raised in recent months have concerned the U.S. Geological Survey CD-ROM entitled Source Area Characteristics of Large Public Surface-Water Supplies in the Conterminous United States: An Information Resource for Source-Water Assessment, 1999, which, by my letter dated October 12, 2001, I requested depository libraries to withdraw from their collections and destroy. My letter was issued pursuant to a letter from the USGS, dated October 5, 2001, which asked the GPO to "request that depository libraries receiving the [Source-Water CD-ROM] be instructed to destroy their copies." When a member of the library community questioned the USGS on the need for this action, a USGS e-mail reply dated October 31, 2001, said: "Subsequent contact with the Government Printing Office and the USGS Committee that sets official policy on restriction of sensitive information has reconfirmed the validity of the original written instruction from USGS and GPO to destroy the report."

    The October 12 letter went to the 335 Federal depository libraries that had selected this document for their collections. The letter was subsequently published in our publication "Administrative Notes," which is made available to the entire depository library community and is posted online on the GPO's Web site, at http://www/access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad101501.html#7.

    My request applied only to copies of the Source Water CD-ROM distributed under the FDLP. GPO has no authority over copies of publications acquired through channels other than the FDLP.

    You may be aware that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation visited some depository libraries in Arkansas, to verify that the USGS CD-ROM had been destroyed. These visits were apparently initiated by the FBI, and took place without USGS’ or GPO’s knowledge or participation.

    Additional concerns have been raised regarding the sensitivity of some of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission microfiche in selected libraries. For several months we have been in communication with the Commission staff regarding the need to remove any of this material or impose access restrictions. Until NRC, as the responsible agency, completes their review process and asks that any titles be withdrawn from depository collections, GPO requires that depository libraries provide normal levels of public access to the NRC material. There is no statutory basis, nor is it consistent with the public purpose of the FDLP, for GPO or depository libraries to impose ad hoc access controls or restrictions on particular public documents.

    GPO has not been asked to withdraw any online titles on our Web site. A few agencies have removed electronic information products that we have cataloged and pointed to as part of the FDLP/

    Electronic Collection. We are redirecting the PURLs to agency notices or our own notice to explain the situation. A partner agency, the Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information, has pulled over 5,800 research reports from three national laboratories that were included in the Information Bridge. We have requested that these be reviewed and returned, as appropriate, for public access. Other agency withdrawals have been information beyond the purview of the FDLP.

    In partnership with Federal depository libraries, the GPO has been the Government's agent for providing public access to Government information for nearly two centuries. The GPO takes very seriously any Federal agency's request to restrict access to Government information that has been made public. However, the GPO also has a duty under the law to cooperate with Federal agencies in the appropriate distribution of the information they publish. As with all previous requests, any future agency withdrawal requests will be handled in accordance with law and established policy.

    Thank you for your participation in the FDLP. If you have questions or concerns about these issues, or wish to discuss any aspect of the FDLP, please do not hesitate to contact me on 202-512-0571, or by email at <fbuckley@gpo.gov>.

    Sincerely yours,


    Superintendent of Documents


    Copy to:

    Federal Depository Library Coordinator

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    Library Programs Service Contacts

    April 2002





    Gil Baldwin – Director




    Helene Williams – Secretary




    George Barnum – Electronic Collection Mgr.




    William Thompson – Program Analyst




    Laurie B. Hall – Supervisory Program Analyst





    James Mauldin - Chief




    Depository Claims Office




    Cornelius Greene - Chief





    Bonnie Trivizas – Chief





    Robin Haun-Mohamed – Chief




    Kathy Brazee – Inspector




    Regina Koo – Inspector




    Walter Zoller – Inspector





    Thomas A. Downing – Chief




    Theodore Defosse - Electronic Access




    Steve Uthoff - Cataloging Policy




    Michael Levinson - Chief, Cataloging Section 2





    Betty M. Jones – Chief




    Yvonne Washington – Publications Management Specialist




    Earl Lewter – Chief, Acquisitions and Classification




    John Tate – Chief, Acquisitions and Classification




    Micrographics Section




    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]

    Depository Library Council to the Public Printer

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2002:
    Linda Fredericks
    Government and Legal Librarian
    King County Library System
    1111 – 110th Avenue NE
    Bellevue, WA 98004-4508
    425-450-1782 425-450-2469 (fax)

    Robert A. Hinton
    Associate Librarian
    Reference Team/University College Team
    Government Documents
    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
    University Library, 2102A
    755 West Michigan Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195
    317-278-2317 317-274-0492 (fax)

    Mary Redmond
    Interim Director
    New York State Library
    Cultural Education Center
    Empire State Plaza
    Albany, NY 12230
    518-473-1189 518-486-6880 (fax)

    Andrea Sevetson
    P.O. Box 11437
    Takoma Park, MD 20913-1437

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2003:

    Charlene C. Cain
    Associate Librarian/Govt. Docs. Librarian
    Paul M. Hebert Law Center
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1010
    225-578-4957 225-578-5773 (fax)

    Cathy Nelson Hartman
    Texas Center for Digital Knowledge, Associate Fellow
    Head, Government Documents Department
    University of North Texas Libraries
    P.O. Box 305190
    Denton, TX 76203-5190
    940-565-3269 940-565-2599 (fax)

    Dena Hutto
    Documents/Social Sciences Librarian
    Reed College
    3203 SE Woodstock Boulevard
    Portland, OR 97202
    503-777-7572 503-777-7786 (fax)

    Greta E. Marlatt
    Information Services Manager
    Dudley Knox Library
    Naval Postgraduate School
    411 Dyer Road
    Monterey, CA 93943
    831-656-3500 831-656-2842 (fax)

    John A. Stevenson
    Coordinator, Government Documents and Maps
    University of Delaware Library
    181 South College Avenue
    Newark, DE 19717-5267
    302-831-8671 302-831-1046 (fax)

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2004:

    Paul A. Arrigo
    Head Librarian
    Lartz Memorial Library
    Penn State Shenango
    177 Vine Ave.
    Sharon, PA 16146
    724-983-2880 724-983-2881 (fax)

    Daniel C. Barkley
    Regional Government Information Library
    Zimmerman Library
    University of New Mexico
    Albuquerque, NM 87131-1466
    505-277-7180 505-277-4097 (fax)

    Barbara J. Ford
    Assistant Commissioner
    Chicago Public Library
    400 South State Street
    Chicago, IL 60605
    312-747-4070 312-747-4077 (fax)

    Doris Small Helfer
    Department Chair, Technical Services Department & Science Librarian
    University Library - 8328
    California State University-Northridge
    18111 Nordhoff St.
    Northridge, CA 91330-8328
    818-677-2562 818-677-4928 (fax)

    John C. Kavaliunas
    Chief, Marketing Services Division
    Marketing Services Office
    Room 3021, Bldg. 3
    U.S. Census Bureau
    Washington, DC 20233
    301-457-4090 301-457-2778 (fax)

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2005:

    Lynne Siemers
    Library and Media Services
    Washington Hospital Center
    110 Irving St., NW
    Washington, DC 20010-2975
    202-877-6260 202-877-6757 (fax)

    Michele T. McKnelly
    Government Documents
    Chalmer Davee Library
    University of Wisconsin - River Falls
    River Falls, WI 54022
    715-425-4482 715-425-0609 (fax)

    John Phillips
    Edmon Low Library
    Oklahoma State University
    Stillwater, OK 74078
    405-744-6546 405-744-7579 (fax)

    Mary W. Prophet
    William Howard Doane Library
    Denison University
    Granville, OH 43023-1064
    740-587-6512 740-587-6285 (fax)

    Laura Saurs
    Regional Depository Librarian
    The Newark Public Library
    PO Box 630
    Newark, NJ 07101-0630
    973-733-7812 973-733-5648 (fax)

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Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor, Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: May 6, 2002 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad041502.html
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