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U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley Introduces "Illegal Sports Betting
Enforcement Act of 2000;"
Blasts Anti-Las Vegas NCAA Bill

Washington, D.C. (April 13, 2000) — U.S. Representative Shelley Berkley (NV-1) today introduced legislation that would help reduce illegal sports gambling throughout the country, while protecting Nevadans’ rights to legal betting. Berkley stepped up her battle with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) by introducing the measure on the same day that the Arizona Senator forced votes on his own bill banning all betting on college sports. The Congresswoman recently testified in vehement opposition to the McCain bill, and offers her own measure as the common sense alternative.

“The NCAA bill currently being considered is a slap in the face to all Nevadans, and a grave intrusion by the federal government into what is fundamentally a state issue,” declared Berkley. “If you take the NCAA bill to its logical extreme, you’ve merely legislated the absurd. The bill I introduced today would increase penalties on illegal bookies, do a better job of enforcing existing laws, and demand greater action by the NCAA. This bill recognizes the problems of illegal gambling, and seeks to address those issues in a way that respects the will of the people and the rights of my constituents.”

The Senate Committee’s mark-up of the anti-betting bill was marked by reports of possible efforts to broaden the scope of the bill and disallow betting on games of the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the National Basketball Association. Another possible amendment would disallow newspapers from publishing betting lines. If such amendments are passed during full consideration of the bill, likely scheduled for next month, the anti-betting measures would virtually wipe out Nevada’s sports books, costing the state significant jobs and tax revenue.

“This is the logical conclusion of what happens when the federal government sets out to regulate morality,” continued Rep. Berkley. “This is only the nose of the camel appearing under the tent. First it’s NCAA. Now it’s the NFL and Baseball. But where do they draw the line?” Berkley’s bill enjoys both bi-partisan support, and the backing of Nevada’s Gaming and Resorts Industries.



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