December 12, 2008 - Specifying English as the Common Language of the Workplace: Every Employer’s Right or a Violation of Federal Law?
  Civil Rights Commission to Hold Briefing on “Specifying English as the Common Language of the Workplace: Every Employer's Right or Violation of Federal Law?” (PDF) (Press Release)
  USCCR Report Calls for Government Efforts to Restore Voter Confidence in the Integrity of the Electoral Process (PDF)
(Press Release)
  Federal Panel to Hold Briefing with DC Public School Chancellor and Former DC Mayor on Civil Rights Issues and School Choice (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission to Examine Minority Under Representation In Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Undergraduate Disciplines (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Federal Panel to Hold Briefing on Civil Rights Issues of Demographic Changes (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Kentucky Civil Rights Committee Releases Report on Loacal Fair Housing Enforcement (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Florida Civil Rights Committee Releases Report in Support of Restoration of Ex-Felon Voting Rights (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Appoints Eleven Members to its Arkansas Advisory Committee (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission To Examine U.S. Department of Justice Plans to Monitor Voting Rights Enforcement for the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission To Examine Effects of Illegal Immigration On Wages And Employment Of Low-Wage Black Workers (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission to Examine Prisoners' Religious Rights (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission Director to Step Down (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission Receives Clean Audit (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission to Examine Whether Minorities Are Misplaced in Special Education (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission To Examine Discrimination Against Native Americans In Border Towns (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Reports that School Districts Obtaining Unitary Status Do Not Exhibit Less Integration (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to Examine Race in Foster Care and Adoption (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  U.S. Civil Rights Commission Warns That Affirmative Action Might Harm Minority Law Students (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  USCCR Mourns The Passing of Renowned Civil Rights Attorney and Leader Oliver W. Hill (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission To Examine School Choice, The Blaine Amendments and Anti-Catholicism (PDF)
  Ending Campus Anti-Semitism Public Education Web Site to be Launched By U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission Vice Chair Acclaimed for Resolute Commitment to Equality (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission to Examine Covert Wiretapping in the War on Terror (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Congress Appoints Gail Heriot to the US Commission on Civil Rights (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission Vice Chair Recognized For Distinguished Scholarship (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission to Examine Whether School Districts are Facilitating or Impeding Supplemental Services for Low-Income Students (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  GPO Federal Depository Library Offers First-Ever Digital Collection of Civil Rights Documents (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  USCCR to Investigate the Status of Elementary and Secondary School Desegregation (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  USCCR Report Examines Benefits of Diversity in Elementary and Secondary Education (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission's New Work Honored, Described as "Groundbreaking and Historic" (PDF) (Media Advisory)
  Five USCCR Commissioners Urge the Attorney General to Investigate Alleged Harassment of Hispanic Voters (PDF)
(Media Advisory)
  USCCR to Examine Voter Fraud and Voter Intimidation at the Polls (PDF) 
(Media Advisory)
  USCCR to Probe Impending Division of Omaha School District by Race (PDF) 
(Media Advisory)
  USCCR Report Examines Incidents of Campus Anti-Semitism (PDF)  (Press Release)
  USCCR to Explore Benefits of Diversity in Elementary and Secondary Education (PDF)  (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission to Examine Affirmative Action in Law Schools (PDF)  (Media Advisory)
  Civil Rights Commission urges S. 147 Rejection (PDF)  (Press Release)
  Civil Rights Commission Finds DOJ Voting Rights Objections Have Declined Dramatically (PDF)  (Press Release)
  USCCR to Address Remaining Business from April 2006 Meeting (PDF) (Press Release)
  USCCR to Examine Historically Black Colleges and Universities (PDF) (Press Release)
  USCCR to Examine Census 2010 (PDF) (Press Release)
  USCCR to Call for End to Anti-Semitic Harassment (PDF)  (Press Release)
  USCCR Report Documents Progress Toward Voting Equality (PDF)  (Press Release)
  Omaha Public Schools Issues and Implications of Nebraska Legislative Bill 1024
  Strategic and Annual Plans
  Strategic Plan FY2008-FY2013
  USCCR Information Quality Guidelines
  Public Service Announcements
  No Fear Act: Statistics on Complaints of Employment Discrimination
(29 C.F.R. §1614)
  U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Public Education Campaign to End Campus Anti-Semitism

Recent Commission Reports
  Enforcing Religious Freedom In Prison - 2008 Statutory Report (PDF)
  Becoming Less Separate?: School Desegregation, Justice Department, and the Pursuit of Unitary Status (PDF)
  Voting Rights Enforcement & Reauthorization (PDF)
  Funding Federal Civil Rights Enforcement: The President's 2006 Request (PDF)
  Federal Procurement After Adarand (PDF)
Recent Briefing Reports
  Voter Fraud and Voter Intimidation (PDF)
  Affirmative Action in American Law Schools (PDF)
  Benefits of Diversity in K-12 Schools (PDF)  
  Campus Anti-Semitism (PDF)  
  Reauthorization of the Temporary Provisions of the Voting Rights Act (PDF)  
  Disparity Studies as Evidence of Discrimination in Federal Contracting (PDF)  
  Findings and Recommendations of the United States Commission on Civil Rights Regarding Campus Anti-Semitism (PDF)  
  The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2005 (PDF)  
  The Economic Stagnation of the Black Middle Class (PDF)  
Recent SAC Reports
  Fair Housing Enforcement in Kentucky (PDF)  
  Ex-Felon Voting Rights in Florida (PDF)  
  School Desgregation in Tennessee: 12 Districts Released from Desgregation Orders 17 Districts Remain Under Court Jurisdiction (PDF)  
  Desegregation of Public School Districts in Georgia: 35 Public School Districts Have Unitary Status 74 Districts Remain Under Court Jurisdiction (PDF)  
  An Analysis of Title I Allocations by North Carolina's Ten Largest School Districts (PDF)  
  Resources for Migrant Children Similar to Other Students but Achievement Still Lags (PDF)  
  Desegregation of Public School Districts in Florida (PDF)  
  Equal Education Opportunity: An Analysis of the Racial Achievement Gap In Kentucky Urban Schools (PDF)  
  The Farmington Report: Civil Rights for Native Americans 30 Years Later (PDF)  
  Language and Access to Health Care: Easing Barriers in New Hampshire (PDF)
Recent Correspondence

Letter from Chairman Reynolds and Commissioners Thernstrom, Kirsanow, Taylor, Heriot and Gaziano to President George W. Bush - Department of Transportation's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (PDF)


Letter from Staff Director Dannenfelser to the General Counsel of the Department of Education, Mr. Kent Talbert (PDF)


Letter from Commissioners Thernstrom & Melendez to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez - Alleged Voter Intimidation in Orange County, California. (PDF)


Letter from Chairman Reynolds and Commissioners Braceras, Kirsanow, Yaki & Taylor to Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez - Alleged Voter Intimidation in Orange County, California. (PDF)


Letter from Chairman Reynolds, and Commissioners Braceras, Kirsanow, & Taylor to the Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, The Honorable Sally Stroup (PDF)


Letter from Vice Chairman Thernstrom to the Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, The Honorable Sally Stroup (PDF)


Letter to Congressional Authorizing Subcommittees Recommending Extension of State Advisory Committee Terms (PDF)


Letter from Chairman Reynolds, Vice Chair Thernstrom and Commissioners Braceras, Kirsanow, & Taylor to the Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings (PDF)


Letter from Commissioner Yaki to the Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings (PDF)


Letter to Smithsonian Urging Prominent Place on Mall for African American History Museum (PDF)


Letter to Department of Justice Urging the Department to Investigate Alleged Racist Incidents in Spring Valley, Nevada

Recent Congressional Testimony

USCCR Performance and Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2007 (PDF)


USCCR Performance and Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2006 (PDF)


USCCR February 15, 2006 Corrective Action Plan for FY 2005 Financial Statement Audit (PDF)


USCCR Performance and Accountability Report, Fiscal Year 2005 (PDF)


USCCR September 30, 2005 Report to the Senate Appropriations Committee on USCCR Reforms (PDF)


USCCR September 15, 2005 Report to the House Appropriations Committee on USCCR Reforms (PDF)


Statements from March 17, 2005 House Oversight Hearing

Recent Meeting Transcripts
  November 7, 2008 (PDF)
  October 17, 2008 (PDF)
  September 30, 2008 (PDF)
  September 12, 2008 (Briefing) (PDF)
  September 6, 2008 (PDF)
  August 19, 2008 (PDF)
  July 28, 2008 (PDF)
  July 11, 2008 (PDF)
  June 6, 2008 (PDF)
  June 6, 2008 (Briefing) (PDF)
  May 9, 2008 (PDF)
  April 4, 2008 (Briefing) (C-Span Video)
  April 4, 2008 (Briefing) (PDF)
  March 7, 2008 (PDF)
  February 8, 2008 (PDF)
  February 8, 2008 (Briefing) PDF
  January 11, 2008 (Briefing) PDF
  December 3, 2007 (PDF)
  November 9, 2007 (PDF)
  October 12, 2007 (PDF)
  September 21, 2007 (Briefing) (PDF)
  September 21, 2007 (PDF)
  August 24, 2007 (PDF)
  August 2, 2007 (PDF)
  June 1, 2007 (PDF)
  June 1, 2007 (Briefing) (PDF)
  May 11, 2007 (PDF)
  April 16, 2007 (PDF)
  April 13, 2007 (PDF)
  March 9, 2007 (PDF)
  March 7, 2007 (PDF)
  February 9, 2007 (PDF)
  January 26, 2007 (briefing) (PDF)
  January 26, 2007 (PDF)
  December 14, 2006 (PDF)
  November 17, 2006 (PDF)
  October 13, 2006 (PDF)
  September 8, 2006 (PDF)
  August 18, 2006 (PDF)
  July 28, 2006 (PDF)
  July 5, 2006 (PDF)
  June 16, 2006 (PDF)
  May 5, 2006 (PDF)
  May 4, 2006 (PDF)
  April 3, 2006 (PDF)
  March 10, 2006 (PDF)
Recent Briefings and Papers
  New Paradigm for Welfare Reform: The Need for Civil Rights Enforcement
  Briefing and Recommendations on the Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

On January 7th, 2005, the Commission adopted a new policy on the public release and posting of reports and Commission documents. To comply with that new policy, the website has been updated and several draft reports that failed to receive a majority of Commissioners' votes have been removed. Those reports are available upon request.