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Classification Manual
(Revised July 1993)



D  |  E  | G  |  I  |  J  |  M  |  O  |  P   |  R  |  S 

A[ TOP ]
    Administration: See Bureau


    Any government Cabinet level or equivalent organization, independent or otherwise. For example: Department of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Labor Relations Authority, etc.

B[ TOP ]

    A subordinate organization within a government agency. For example: Census Bureau, Food and Drug Administration, Forest Service, etc.

D[ TOP ]

    An executive branch organization whose secretary is a member of the President's cabinet.

E[ TOP ]

    A new printing of an item that contains well-defined variations -- pagination, publisher, series number, author, title, etc.

G[ TOP ]
    Government author: See Publisher

I[ TOP ]
    Issuing agency: See Publisher

J[ TOP ]
    Jacket number:

    A five or six numerical digit code assigned by GPO to all jobs submitted for printing or procurement by different Government agencies. This number ordinarily is found on the last pages of the publication. For example: 461-539, 91-532

M[ TOP ]

    A two-dimensional representation of a portion of a planet's surface, including navigational charts, in which the text or illustrative material is subordinate in extent or importance to cartographic content.


    A non-serial publication complete in itself or intended to be completed in a finite number of parts.

O[ TOP ]
    Office: See Bureau

P[ TOP ]

    A portion of a publication issued in advance of the completed publication.


    Any Government issuance, whether it is a pamphlet, book, serial, map, microfiche, floppy diskette, compact disc, etc. The same basic classification rules apply to all.


    The person, firm, or corporate body undertaking the responsibility (i.e. authority) for the issuance of information products (such as pamphlets, books, serials, maps, microfiche, floppy diskettes, compact discs, etc.) to the public.

R[ TOP ]

    A new printing of a publication which has no changes from the original. The text, series number, pagination, etc., are the same.

S[ TOP ]

    Reprint of an individual article from a Government publication.


    A publication in any medium which:

    a) is issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations;

    b) is intended to be continued indefinitely; and

    c) has a title that is common to all issues.

    The original intent of the publisher is important when considering requirement "b" above. There will be instances that meet requirements "a" and "b", but each issue has distinctive title only, and therefore, it cannot be considered to be a serial.


    A common title assigned to a continuing group of publications.

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: December 5, 2000 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/classman/cl_gl.html
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