United States Senate Special Committee on Aging

Older Americans Act Programs

Senator Kohl is a strong supporter of the programs under the Older Americans Act (OAA) and supported its successful reauthorization in 2006. The OAA programs are extremely valuable for senior citizens across the nation. They provide funding for senior centers, congregate and home-delivered meals, elder abuse protection and support for family caregivers. As an original cosponsor of the Family Caregiver Support Act, which ensures that family members who care for an elderly or disabled relative receive the support and respite services they need, Senator Kohl was pleased to see its inclusion in the reauthorization.

Senator Kohl also worked with the HELP Committee to strengthen the Older American Community Service Employment Program through the reauthorization by improving program oversight and expanding eligibility criteria so more seniors can participate. It is the only federal workforce program specifically targeted to older people, providing community service and job training to low-income adults age 55 and over.