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Federal Depository Library STAT-USA Internet Account Validation Form

This account will provide you access to STAT-USA's subscription-only World Wide Web Servers.

Your account is good for two workstations. This site is to be used for free public access under the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). It is against STAT-USA policy to give out your account number or password to another organization or individual. Also, you may not allow organizations outside your library to connect to STAT-USA using your account and password via your library's computer network; public access workstations in the Federal Depository Library are permissible. Any violation of these terms will result in the termination of your account with STAT-USA.

Please complete the entire form and return it by fax to 202-512-2300.

Access Choice/Change: (Check ONLY one):

1. ____I request a password to access these services:


2.____ I request IP authentication that automatically logs in the two terminals without the need for user IDs or passwords (NOTE: This requires a depository library to have unique dedicated IP addresses for the two workstations from which access is provided. These IP addresses have to be fixed (not dynamically assigned) and cannot be shared by other terminals). I understand that choosing this option will eliminate any GPO depository access to these services by a password.

The IP addesses are:



Depository Number: _________________________________________

Depository Name: ___________________________________________

Library Address: ____________________________________________

Depository Librarian's Name: ________________________________

Phone Number: _______________

Email Address: ________________

User Support Contact Name (if different from above):


Phone Number: ____________________

Email Address: _____________________

If you agree to the terms expressed above, please sign below.

Library Director's Signature: _______________________________

This form will be used to validate your STAT-USA account and update your selection records. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

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