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  Searched For: Holloman Results 1 - 10 of 263
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1. NM Delegation Welcomes F-22 Fighters To Holloman AFB
... Friday, June 6, 2008. NM Delegation Welcomes F-22 Fighters To Holloman AFB. ALAMOGORDO ...
Subcommittee. "Today is a big day for Holloman Air Force Base. ...
2. Spending Bill Contains Millions Bingaman Requested for Holloman ...
... Spending Bill Contains Millions Bingaman Requested for Holloman AFB. ... The bill contains
$24.95 million to prepare Holloman for its role as an F-22 Raptor base. ...
3. NM Delegation Welcomes F-22 Fighters To Holloman AFB
... NM Delegation Welcomes F-22 Fighters To Holloman AFB. ALAMOGORDO ... Subcommittee.
"Today is a big day for Holloman Air Force Base. ...
4. Spending Bill Contains Millions Bingaman Requested for Holloman ...
... Spending Bill Contains Millions Bingaman Requested for Holloman AFB.
WASHINGTON – US Senator Jeff Bingaman today announced that ...
5. Senate Committee Approves Spending Bill Containing Millions ...
... $8.3 million for a CV-22 simulator training facility at Cannon; $14.5 million to
construct a Low Observable Composite Repair Facility at Holloman; ...
6. Bingaman: Senate Approves Spending Bill That Funds NM Military ...
...             The bill also
contains funding for initiatives at Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands ...
7. Bingaman: Senate Begins to Write Bill to Support NM Military ...
...             The bill also
contains funding for initiatives at Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands ...
8. Bingaman: Key Military Spending Bill Signed Into Law
... For Holloman Air Force Base: ... 495,000 for design of a consolidated munitions
handling facility at Holloman. White Sands Missile Range: ...
9. Bingaman Announces Key Defense Bill Supports New Mexico Military ...
... And it authorizes the following levels of funding for Holloman Air Force Base. $14.5
million for a facility for maintaining the stealth coatings of the F-22,. ...
10. Bingaman: Senate Passes Key Defense Bill That Supports New Mexico ...
...             And it authorizes
the following levels of funding for Holloman Air Force Base: ...
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