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Heads of State of the PRC

Central Military Commission
Hu Jintao  胡锦涛
Vice Chairmen:
Xu Caihou Guo Boxiong Cao Gangchuan
徐才厚   郭伯雄 曹刚川
President, Hu Jintao 胡锦涛
Hu Jintao was born in December, 1942 and is a native of Jixi, Anhui province. He currently serves as General Secretary of the CCP Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Hu graduated from the Water Conservancy Engineering Department of Tsinghua University with a degree in engineering. His past positions include:
  • First Secretary for the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League
  • Secretariat of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee
  • Secretary of the Party Committee on the Tibet Autonomous Region
  • Chairman of the All China Youth Federation
  • Vice President of the People's Republic of China

Vice President, Zeng Qinghong 曾庆红
Zeng Qinghong was born in July 1930 and is a native of Ji'an, Jiangxi province. In addition to being the Vice President of the People's Republic of China, Zeng Qinghong, is a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CCP Central Committee and of Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee. Zeng Qinghong graduated from the Beijing Institute of Technology and is an engineer by training. His past positions include:
  • Deputy Division Director of the General Office of the State Energy Commission
  • Deputy Secretary of the CCP Municipal Committee
  • Deputy Director of the General Office of the CCP Central Committee
  • Secretary of the Work Committee of the Offices Directly under the CCP Central Committee
  • Alternate Member of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee

Premier, Wen Jiabao 温家宝
Wen Jiabao is a native of Tianjin and was born in September 1942. Wen Jiabao serves as a Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee and Premier of the State Council. Graduating with a degree in Geological Surveying from the Beijing Institute of Geology, Wen joined the Communist Party in April of 1965. Wen's past positions include:
  • Director of the General Office of the CCP Central Committee
  • Alternate Member of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee
  • Secretary of the Work Committee of the Department Under the CCP Central Committee
  • Member of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee
  • Vice Premier of the State Council and Member of its Leading Party Members Group
  • Secretary of the Financial Work Committee of the CCP Central Committee

Vice Premier, Hui Liangyu 回良玉
Born in October 1944, Hui Liangyu is of Hui ethnic descent and a native of Yushu, Jilin province. Hui Liangyu is a Member of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee and Vice Premier. Holding the title of economist, Hui is a graduate of the Jilin Provincial Party School. His past positions include:
  • Deputy Secretary-General of the Leading Party Member Group of Jilin Provincial Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Department
  • Deputy Secretary of the CCP
  • Baicheng Prefectoral Committee
  • Head of the Rural Policy Research Office of the CCP Jilin Provincial Committee
  • Vice Governor of Jilin province
  • Deputy Head of Policy Research Office of the CCP Central Committee
  • Deputy Secretary of the CCP Hubei Provincial Committee
  • Chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Consultative Conference
  • Deputy Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Committee
  • Governor of Anhui province
  • Secretary of Anhui CCP Central Committee
  • Secretary of the CCP Jiangsu Provincial Committee

State Councilor, Zhou Yongkang 周永康
Zhou Yongkang, was born in December 1942 and is a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu province. Zhou Yongkang is a Member of the Political Bureau and Member of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee, State Councilor and Minister of Pubic Security. A graduate of the Beijing Petroleum Institute, Zhou holds the title of engineer with a rank equivalent to professor. His past positions include:
  • Deputy Director-General of the Liaohe Oil Exploration Bureau
  • Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Panjin City
  • Vice Minister of Petroleum Industry
  • Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation
  • Minister of Land and Resources
  • Secretary of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee

State Councilor, Cao Gangchuan 曹刚川
Cao Gangchuan was born in December 1935 and is a native of Wugang, Henan province. Cao Gangchuan is a Member of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee, Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission, State Councilor, Minister of National Defense and Director of the PLA General Armament Department. He is a graduate from the Military Engineering School of the Artillery Corps of the Soviet Union and currently holds the military rank of General. Cao's past positions include:
  • Director of Military Trade of Central Military Commission
  • Deputy Chief of the General Staff of PLA
  • Minister of Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense
  • Member of the CCP Central Military Commission
  • Director and Secretary of the Party Committee of the PLA General Armament Department

Supreme People's Court


Supreme People's Procuratorate


PRC Embassy in the United States


Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong 周文重
Zhou Wenzhong was born in August of 1945 and is a native of Jiangsu Province. Zhou Wenzhong serves as Chinese Ambassador to the United States. He attended Bath University and the London School of Economics. His past positions include:
  • Division Chief at the Translation and Interpretation Department of the Foreign Ministry
  • Consul General at the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco
  • China's Ambassador to Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda
  • Deputy Director at the Department of American Affairs
  • Consul General at the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles
  • Minister and DCM of the Chinese Embassy in the United States
  • China's Ambassador to Australia
  • Assistant Foreign Minister
  • Vice Foreign Minister

Permanent Representative to the UN, New York


Wang Guangya 王光亚
Wang Guangya was born in March of 1950 and is a native of Jiangsu province. Wang Guangya is China's Permanent Representative to the UN. He is a graduate of the British Council, Wales Atlantic United College and the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. Wang's past positions include:
  • Section Member to the Department of Translation and Interpretation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Staff member and then attaché to the Chinese Mission in the United States
  • Third secretary and then Deputy Division Chief of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Director for the Department of International Organizations and Conferences at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
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