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Links to Solar Materials

On this Website
On the Main EIA Website(for grownups)
On Other Sites

On this website:

pdf files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader - download pdf reader

   Energy from the Sun (pdf)- activity grades K-3
   Exploring Solar Beads (pdf)- activity grades K-3
   Sun or Shade (pdf)- activity grades K-3
   Solar Beads (pdf)- activity grades k-6
   Energy in the Round (pdf)- activity grades 6-9 (see Intermediate InfoBook from the NEED Project)
   Solar Distiller (pdf)- activity grades 6-9
   Solar Hot Dog Cooker (pdf)- activity grades 6-9
   New Technologies (pdf)- articles grades 6-12
   Glow in the Dark Toys (pdf)- activity grades 9-12
   Solar Sailor (pdf)- article grades 9-12 (see page 2)
related pages:
   recent renewables statistics
   solar power
   solar water heating

On the main EIA website (for grownups):

audio slideshow:
   How Much Renewable Energy Do We Use?- with sound
Energy in Brief:
   How Much Renewable Energy Do We Use?
summary materials:
   Solar Photovoltaic
   Solar Thermal

On other sites :

EIA Links Disclaimer: These pages contain hypertext links to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links provide additional information that may be useful or interesting and are being provided consistent with the intended purpose of the EIA website. EIA does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. EIA does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites, the views they express, or the products and services they offer.

National Energy Education Development(NEED) Project - materials for primary, elementary, intermediate, and secondary levels
Energy Story - Solar - on the California Energy Commission website
Solar Decathalon sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)�
Solar Energy Basics - on the National Renewable Energy Labaratory website
Solar Energy Lessons - on the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website
Solar Energy Technologies - on the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website
Kids Saving Energy - on the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website
Solar Energy Education - science materials on the Florida Solar Energy Center website
Solar Kid's Info for younger kids on the Solar Energy International (SEI) website
Solar Kid's Info for older kids on the Solar Energy International (SEI) website


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