Dick Durbin - U.S. Senator from Illinois - Assistant Majoirty Leader
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Senator Durbin's Archive

Showing 1-25 of 1233 Records
where Record Type matches "News Release"

1  2  3  4  5  6  ...  50  Older >>
Date Title
12/31/08 Durbin Statement on the Situation in Gaza
12/30/08 Senate Democratic Leadership Statement on Gov. Blagojevich's Appointment of Roland Burris to the Vacant U.S. Senate Seat from Illinois
12/24/08 Durbin Statement on STB Final Approval of Canadian National Acquisition
12/22/08 Durbin: Springfield Lanphier High School Students to Be Part of Historic Inauguration
12/19/08 Statement of U.S. Senator Dick Durbin Regarding President-Elect Obama's Choice of Ray LaHood for Secretary of Transportation
12/19/08 Durbin: Mikva Challenge Students to be Part of Historic Inauguration
12/16/08 Sens. Durbin and Bingaman, Rep. Meek Visit Haiti as Part of Congressional Delegation
12/16/08 Durbin Urges District to Reconsider Legislation Allowing Extended Bar Hours During Inaugural Week
12/11/08 Durbin Questions DOD on Care for Service Members with Traumatic Brain Injury
12/11/08 Durbin is First Senator to Meet with New Amtrak CEO
12/10/08 Durbin Releases Letter Calling on Blagojevich to Resign
12/10/08 Durbin Statement on Meeting with Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder
12/09/08 Durbin Statement on Gov. Rod Blagojevich
12/06/08 Durbin Calls on Mayors Across Illinois to Support Increased Tracing of Crime Guns
12/05/08 Durbin: Final EIS Does Not Adequately Address Community Concerns
12/04/08 Durbin, Hare: Chicago Should Host Program to Fast Track Veterans Claims
12/04/08 Durbin Holds Hearing on Looming Foreclosure Crisis in Illinois and Nationwide
12/03/08 Durbin Concerned Relief to Lenders Could Hurt Student Borrowers
12/01/08 Durbin Releases Letter on Commutation for Governor Ryan
12/01/08 Durbin Statement on World AIDS Day
11/24/08 Durbin Announces Extension of Unemployment Benefits Now Law
11/20/08 Durbin Meets with FutureGen Alliance to Prepare for Next Congress
11/20/08 Durbin Statement on the Extension of Unemployment Benefits
11/20/08 Durbin and Senate Colleague Lay Down Marker for Lovell Center
11/19/08 Durbin Chairs Hearing on Helping Families Save Their Homes
1  2  3  4  5  6  ...  50  Older >>
Durbin's Podcast

Senator Durbin discussed the recent Medicare legislation that prevents a 10% cut in payments to doctors and the President's threatened veto.

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Blagojevich's Senate Appointment

Meeting with new Amtrak CEO

Meeting with Eric Holder

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