Unite States Senate Committee on Armed Services

All witnesses are asked to provide electronic copies of their opening statements.
Some witnesses' statements are missing because electronic copies of their remarks
have not been provided to the Committee.

  All witness statements are posted in Adobe Acrobat format.



MARCH 2003

APRIL 2003

MAY 2003

JUNE 2003

JULY 2003








MARCH 2003

April 2003

April 1, 02003 - SEAPOWER - To receive testimony on Navy and Marine Corps development
priorities, procurement priorities, and Navy shipbuilding
programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for
Fiscal Year 2004 and the Future Years Defense Program.

April 1, 02003 - READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To continue to receive testimony on the impacts of environmental
laws on readiness and the related Administration Legislative
Proposal in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2004.

April 2, 02003 - STRATEGIC FORCES - To receive testimony on the Department of Energy’s Office of
Environmental Management and Office of Legacy
Management in review of the Defense Authorization Request
for Fiscal Year 2004.

April 3, 02003 - AIRLAND - To receive testimony on Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force aviation
and air-launched weapons programs in review of the Defense
Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2004 and the Future Years
Defense Program.

April 8, 02003 - STRATEGIC FORCES - To receive testimony on strategic forces and policy in review of the
Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2004.

April 8, 02003 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on homeland defense in review of the Defense
Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2004 and the Future Years
Defense Program.

April 9, 02003 - READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on the readiness of the military services to
conduct current operations and execute contingency plans
in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2004.

April 9, 02003 - EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES - To receive testimony on the U.S. Special Operations Command in
review of the Defence Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2004.

April 10, 02003 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the military implications of NATO
enlargement and on post-conflict Iraq.

MAY 2003


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