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CECC Annual Reports

2006 Annual Report

2005 Annual Report

2003 Annual Report

2002 Annual Report

CECC Topic Papers

None Available

CECC Roundtables

Freedom of Association for Chinese Workers (July 7, 2003)


Statements of Panelists

  • Phil Fishman
    Associate Director for International Affairs, AFL-CIO
  • Amy Hall
    Manager for Social Accountability, Eileen Fisher, Inc., Member of the Advisory Board for Social Accountability International

Codes of Conduct: U.S. Corporate Compliance Programs and Working Conditions in Chinese Factories (April 28, 2003)


Statements of Panelists

Health and Safety in Chinese Workplaces (November 7, 2002)


Statements of Panelists

  • Han Dong Fang
    Director, China Labor Bulletin Radio Call-in Show on Radio Free Asia, elected labor leader on Tiananmen Square in 1989
  • Dr. Trini Wing-Yue Leung
    Academic Researcher on labor issues

Issues Roundtable on Labor Rights in China (March 18, 2002)


Statements of Panelists

Links to Non-Governmental/ Non-Profit Labor Organization Web Sites

Labor and Human Rights Groups

Labor Standards/ Monitoring Organizations

Trade Unions

Links to PRC Government Authorized Web Sites

Government Sites

Links to Corporate Social Responsibility Web Sites

General CSR

Socially Responsible Investors


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The page was last modified on December 15, 2006
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