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IX. Appendix: Commission Activities in 2004 and 2005

Hearings | Roundtables | Web Resources | Newsletter


November 18, 2004 Religious Freedom in China Preeta Bansal, Chair, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Ngawang Sangdrol, International Campaign for Tibet Bob Fu, President, China Aid Association Joseph Kung, President, The Cardinal Kung Foundation Pitman Potter, Director, Institute of Asian Research and Professor of Law, University of British Columbia

July 26, 2005 Law in Political Transitions: Lessons from East Asia and the Road Ahead for China Gretchen Birkle, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Department of State Jerome A. Cohen, Professor of Law, New York University School of Law; Adjunct Senior Fellow on Asia, Council on Foreign Relations; Of Counsel, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton ∓ Garrison John Fuh-sheng Hsieh, Professor, Department of Government and International Studies, University of South Carolina John K. Ohnesorge, Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin School of Law; Professor and Assistant Director of East Asian Legal Studies, University of Wisconsin Law School


December 10, 2004 Coal Mine Safety in China: Can the Accident Rate be Reduced? Dave Feickert, Consultant, Industrial Relations, Ergonomics and Energy Peter McNestry, Member, Numerous British, European, and International Coal Mine Safety Boards and Committees Leo Carey, Executive Director of Government Services, National Safety Council

February 7, 2005 Environmental NGOs in China: Encouraging Action and Addressing Public Grievances Elizabeth Economy, C.V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director of Asia Studies, Council on Foreign Relations Patricia Adams, Executive Director, Probe International Jiang Ru, Ph.D. in Environmental Management and Planning, Stanford University

March 10, 2005Public Intellectuals in China Merle Goldman, Professor Emerita of Chinese History, Boston University; Executive Committee Member, Fair-bank Center for East Asia Research, Harvard University Hu Ping, Chief Editor, Beijing Spring Perry Link, Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Princeton University

March 14, 2005 China's New Regulation on Religious Affairs: A Paradigm Shift? Carol Lee Hamrin, Consultant and Research Professor, George Mason University Daniel Bays, Professor of History and Head of the Asian Studies Program, Calvin College Mickey Spiegel, Senior Researcher, Human Rights Watch

April 11, 2005 China's Ethnic Regional Autonomy Law: Does it Protect Minority Rights? David L. Phillips, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations Gardner Bovingdon, Assistant Professor, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University Christopher P. Atwood, Associate Professor, Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University

May 16, 2005 Intellectual Property Protection as Economic Policy: Will China Ever Enforce its IP Laws? Daniel C.K. Chow, Robert J. Nordstrom Designated Professor of Law, Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law Eric H. Smith, President, International Intellectual Property Alliance James M. Zimmerman, Partner and Chief Representative, Beijing Office, Squire, Sanders ∓ Dempsey LLP

May 23, 2005 Unofficial Religions in China: Beyond the Party's Rules Patricia M. Thornton, Associate Professor of Political Science, Trinity College David Ownby, Director, Center of East Asian Studies, University of Montreal Robert P. Weller, Professor of Anthropology and Research Associate, Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs, Boston University

June 22, 2005 Forced Labor in China Harry Wu, Founder and Executive Director, Laogai Research Foundation Jeff Fiedler, President, Food and Allied Service Trades Department, AFL�CCIO Gregory Xu, Researcher, Falun Gong Project

September 2, 2005 China's Household Registration (Hukou) System: Discrimination and Reform Fei-Ling Wang, Professor, the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology Chloé Froissart, Researcher, Center for International Studies and Research and Center for Research on Contemporary China

Web Resources< p>

The Commission maintains a Web site at, which features announcements of upcoming events, topical news items on issues within the Commission's mandate, transcripts of hearings and roundtables, and basic source materials on human rights and the rule of law. In addition, the CECC Virtual Academy ( provides users with convenient access to a wide array of news, useful Web links, and information about China prepared by Commission staff and other experts. Organized by topic area, the Virtual Academy currently has information on freedom of expression; commercial rule of law; criminal justice; labor rights; freedom of religion; and China's Uighur and Tibetan minorities. The Virtual Academy also provides timely summaries of stories from English and Chinese-language news media on important developments in human rights and rule of law, updated throughout the day. For those interested in learning more about China, the Virtual Academy includes extensive information on China's history, culture, and government.


On June 1, 2005, the Commission published the first edition of the China Human Rights and Rule of Law Update, a monthly newsletter that includes news and analysis from the Virtual Academy, as well as announcements of recent and upcoming Commission events. Current and archived editions of the newsletter are available on the Commission Web site at virtualAcad/newsletterListing.phpd. Those wishing to receive the newsletter may join the Commission's e-mail list by going to


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