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Frequently Asked Questions from Kids to Kerry
Q & A

Senator Kerry, what does a Senator do?
I represent the great people of Massachusetts and I do many things. I talk with state officials and constituents about problems and concerns across the state. I spend a fair amount of time listening to constituents talk about how proposed laws will affect their lives.�� I also vote, chair and attend committee hearings.��

Where do you work?
I have three offices���Washington, DC, Boston and Fall River.

Wow! How do you become a United States Senator?
I have been a United States Senator for 24 years. I got into politics because I wanted to do all I can to help people live the best life that they can live.

How many U.S. Senators are there?
There are 100 Senators, 2 from each of the 50 states.

What is the difference between a U.S. Senator and a State Senator?
A United States Senator deals with federal laws and works with the President in Washington, DC.�� A State Senator works with state laws and works with the Governor at the State House.��

Do like the Red Soxs or Yankees?
Of course I like the Red Sox the best.�� They���re from my home town of Boston, and they���re the better team!�� They���ve won two World Series championships in the past four years.�� The Yankees haven���t won any since last century!

What���s your favorite sport to play?
I like to ride my bike.�� It���s good exercise and its fun to be outside.

Do you have a favorite food?
Chocolate Chip cookies are my favorite food. ��

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
When I was a little boy, I wanted to be an astronaut and a pilot.

Offices Locations
Washington D.C.
304 Russell Bldg.
Third Floor
Washington D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2742
One Bowdoin Square
Tenth Floor
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 565-8519
Springfield Federal Building
1550 Main Street
Suite 304
Springfield, MA 01101
(413) 785-4610
Fall River
222 Milliken Place
Suite 312
Fall River, Ma 02721
(508) 677-0522