February 13, 2007

Senator Clinton Calls on General Schoomaker to Provide Truthful Assessment of Conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan

Washington, DC - In a letter sent today, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton called on Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the Army Chief of Staff, to provide a thorough assessment of equipment shortages, readiness, and the immediate impact on force protection levels in Iraq and Afghanistan when he appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee this week. Citing several news reports, Senator Clinton reiterated her concern regarding the lack of body armor and equipment for troops conducting combat operations.

[The full text of the letter is below]

General Peter J. Schoomaker
Chief of Staff
United States Army
200 Army Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301

Dear General Schoomaker:

I write to you with great concern regarding the reported lack of armor and equipment for our troops conducting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. An article published in yesterday's Washington Post, for instance, indicated that our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan still lack thousands of HMMV armor kits - particularly the bolt-on FRAG Kit 5. In light of such reports, I urge you to provide a frank assessment of equipment shortages, readiness, and the immediate impact on force protection levels for our troops when you appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 15.

As you are aware, in my capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I have repeatedly raised this issue at hearings with Secretary Gates, General Pace, General Petraeus, Admiral Fallon, and General Casey. The responses I have received have been unsatisfactory. My concerns are shared with my colleagues and as recently as February 1 Senators Levin and McCain sent a letter to Secretary Gates requesting confirmation that all deploying troops will have all their necessary equipment.

Further underscoring my concerns is the recently published summary of a Department of Defense Inspector General Report that clearly shows how the United States Army has failed to adequately equip soldiers for their missions. Auditors found that soldiers were short on body armor, armored vehicles, jamming devices, and communications equipment. Many soldiers have gone without enough weapons, ammunition, and other necessary supplies. In a Washington Post interview on January 30, Army Lieutenant General Stephen Speakes, Deputy Chief of Staff for Force Modernization, confirmed that these critical shortages exist. As a result units and troops will be required to improvise and share equipment - the impact that this will have on mission success is unknown. I questioned General Casey on this issue on February 1, asking him if he could ensure that every soldier being deployed as part of the escalation would receive all the necessary equipment. He assured me, the Committee, and the American public that this was his goal.

The Washington Post article, "Thousands of Army Humvees Lack Armor Upgrade" indicated that U.S. Army units lack thousands of Humvee armor kits - the bolt-on FRAG Kit 5 - and more specifically that the unexpected deployment of five additional Army brigades to Baghdad has created an urgent need for 2,000 Humvees with the new Armor. It is imperative that you explain to the Committee how these life-saving kits will be fielded and how other reported equipment shortcomings will be overcome.

As leaders it is our duty not only to provide the best equipment to our troops serving in harm's way, but to ensure that accurate and frank assessments are provided so that these issues can be properly addressed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your testimony on Thursday.

Sincerely yours,

Hillary Rodham Clinton

CC: General George S. Casey
Senator Carl Levin,
Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee

Read more statements by Senator Clinton concerning the war in Iraq.


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