January 13, 2007

Senators Bayh and Clinton, Congressman McHugh Complete Iraq Visit, Leave for Afghanistan

View photos from Senator Clinton's visit to Iraq.

Washington, DC – Senators Evan Bayh (D-IN) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), and Congressman John M. McHugh (R-NY), completed a full day of briefings and visits in Iraq today. Their Congressional Delegation (CODEL) will now continue on to Afghanistan.

Below is a brief description of what the CODEL did on Saturday in Iraq:

• Met with General Casey, Commander of Multinational Force Iraq.

• Met with General Odierno, the new Commander of Multinational Corps Iraq.

• Met with General Martin Dempsey, Commander of Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq and Commander NATO Training Mission Iraq.

• Lunch hosted by U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad with Iraqi leadership, including the Iraqi Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Mahmud Zebari, Mowaffak Al-Rubaie, Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives Mahmud Dawud al-Mashhadani, and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Rafea Al Assawi.

• Met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki.

• Senator Clinton met with Iraqi women leaders.

Upon their return, the CODEL members will hold a Press Conference to discuss their trip at 2:00pm on Tuesday, January 16th in the Senate Radio & TV Gallery in the U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC.

Click here for more of Senator Clinton's statements concerning the war in Iraq


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