October 16, 2008

Senator Clinton Hails Release of Funds to Provide Relief to New Yorkers Facing Skyrocketing Home Heating Costs

New York to Receive Major Boost as Prices Soar

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today welcomed the release of much-needed funds to provide relief to New York families struggling with the soaring cost of home heating oil. In accordance with legislation Senator Clinton helped secure into law last month, President Bush today released $5.1 billion in funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), including more than $500 million for New York, more than double last year’s amount. As the price of home heating oil skyrocketed this year, Senator Clinton repeatedly called for greater support for LIHEAP, which helps those most vulnerable to rising prices, including lower-income families and seniors. She also introduced legislation to offer home heating relief to middle class families.

“New Yorkers are paying more and more to heat their homes and this winter promises even higher prices. These soaring costs come at a time when so many other economic pressures are bearing down on working families, from the rising cost of gas, health care, and groceries to stagnant wages, diminished home values, and disappearing jobs. New Yorkers need relief and today that’s what we are providing. I am proud to have helped secure this important funding that will aid those Americans who need it most,” Senator Clinton said. “But this is just the beginning. I have proposed a refundable tax credit for middle-class homeowners and renters who are also feeling the squeeze of rising home heating costs. I am supporting efforts to reduce costs through weatherization and efficiency programs. And I continue to work for a new national energy future that will break our dependence on foreign oil, reduce global warming pollution, create new green collar jobs, and return stability to our energy prices.”

Last month Senator Clinton joined her colleagues in passing legislation to fully fund LIHEAP. (See: http://clinton.senate.gov/news/statements/details.cfm?id=303774) She also introduced her Home Energy Affordability Tax Relief (HEATR) Act to provide direct financial assistance in the form of a refundable tax credit for low-income and middle-class homeowners and renters. The bill is a companion to legislation introduced by Congressman John McHugh in the House of Representatives. (See: http://www.clinton.senate.gov/news/statements/details.cfm?id=303614)

According to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the statewide average price of home heating oil has jumped nearly 25 percent from this time last year. The latest New York data, including by region, is available here: http://www.nyserda.org/Energy_Information/nyepd.asp.

Senator Clinton has long fought to fully fund the LIHEAP program and provide relief to low-income families facing rising energy prices. This summer she spoke on the Senate Floor and voiced her strong support for the program. In April, Senator Clinton joined a bipartisan coalition of her colleagues in urging the Senate Appropriations Committee to fully fund LIHEAP at $5.1 billion in 2009.

Information on applying for LIHEAP assistance is available here: http://www.otda.state.ny.us/main/heap/.


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