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Lamont Has the Courage To Defy Bush and the War

August 25, 2006
Wall Street Journal, Page A15
By John Kerry

The sentiments expressed in "The Lamont Wing Is a Threat to Security" (Letters to the Editor, Aug. 22) will do nothing to make America safer. If the neoconservatives were half as good at fighting the war on terror as they are at misleading the American public, we'd be a lot safer than we are today.

The disastrous policy in Iraq has made America less safe. We were misled into a war which has become a dangerous distraction, and a profound drain on our financial and military resources. Nearly five years after the attacks of 9/11, it's clear that this administration hasn't learned the real lessons of 9/11 and failed to take the steps to make us as safe as we must be. Osama bin Laden is still on the loose. The 9/11 Commission's recommendations to secure our most vulnerable infrastructure remain virtually ignored. Homeland security funding has been cut for cities such as Boston and New York. Staying the current course in Iraq is not making the American people any safer at home or abroad and has hurt our fight in the war on terror.

Ned Lamont has had the courage to stand up to George Bush and make this cause a central part of his campaign. That's why Connecticut Democrats chose him over Joe Lieberman. Mr. Lamont will be tough and smart about our national security. He's boldly stepped forward to demand a winning strategy from Washington and he has put forward concrete ideas. Mr. Lamont vigorously supported the war in Afghanistan and will help restore America's focus on destroying Osama bin Laden and the enemies who actually attacked us on 9/11. He won't stand by and allow Afghanistan to continue to descend back into chaos. He'll fight for increased funding to protect our ports that have been left vulnerable and he'll fight to restore the cuts to the veterans' budget for our heroes coming home from Iraq. In fact, continuing the current course is a grave threat to our security and we'll be stronger with Ned Lamont in the Senate.

Sen. John F. Kerry (D., Mass.)


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