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Energy Subcommittee Hears Views on Human Activities Contributions to Global Warming (March 7, 2007)

Opening Statement of Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Chairman Boucher

"Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activity Contributing to a Warming of the Planet?"

March 7, 2007


            Today we examine the scientific evidence regarding global temperature changes and their relationships to human activity.


            At a later date the subcommittee will examine scientific opinion on the effects of temperature changes on weather patterns, ocean levels, and habitat.


            The scientists on our panel today all are noted experts in their field.


            Their presentations will address the questions of whether global temperatures are increasing, to what extent any changes in temperatures are a consequence of human activity rather than natural climate variability, and how future temperature may be affected by current and future human activity.


            Over the past several decades a vigorous debate has occurred over whether global temperatures are rising and whether any increases were being caused by human activity.


            The scientific opinion now appears to be solidifying with widespread agreement that temperatures are rising and that human activity is the principle cause.


            The recently released Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change report reflects the consensus.


            It concludes with more than 90% certainty that temperatures are rising and that human contributions are causing most of the observed increases.


            This conclusion stands in sharp contrast with the Panel report of several years ago reaching the same conclusions but with only 66% certainty.


            Today's witnesses will comment on the IPCC report and on relevant research findings and conclusions which can be drawn from those findings.


            I appreciate the attendance this morning of our expertise witnesses, and I look forward to hearing from them.