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Wilson Statement on Approval of US-Iraqi Security Agreement

December 5, 2008

: Ryan Murphy
(202) 225-2452 (Office)
(202) 689-4825 (Cell)

Wilson Statement on Approval of US-Iraqi Security Agreement

WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) issued the following statement after Iraq’s presidency council ratified the Strategic Framework Agreement and Status of Forces Agreement between the United States and Iraq.

“It is clear that the surge of American forces coupled with the rejection of Al Qaeda by the Iraqi people have led to a dramatic reduction in violence across Iraq. As a return on this success, members of the Iraqi and American military as well as our diplomatic corps have crafted a set of agreements that protect the right of Iraq to thrive as a sovereign nation while establishing a framework for a respectful and healthy cooperation between our two nations.

“I am grateful for the sacrifice of our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. Their dedication has ensured that these agreements reflect the strategic needs of the US and Iraq and not the desires of terrorists and extremists who continue to try and create chaos and instability throughout the region.”
