Sustainability of Digital Formats
 Planning for Library of Congress Collections

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Specifications for Digital Formats

Listed here are selected specifications made available for downloading by the Library of Congress with the permission of their owners and the intention of ensuring permanent access to the specifications for the digital preservation community and other users. Also listed are URLs for sources of freely downloadable specifications for digital formats from standards organizations. Citations to specifications for particular digital formats, with links if available online, will be found in individual Format Descriptions.

Microsoft Office Binary (doc, xls, ppt) File Formats

The documents listed below are covered by the Microsoft Open Specification Promise. They are also downloadable from

Microsoft Word
  • Word 97-2007 Binary File Format (.doc) Specification
    • PDF []
Microsoft PowerPoint
  • PowerPoint 97-2007 Binary File Format (.ppt) Specification
    • PDF []
Microsoft Excel
  • Excel 97-2007 Binary File Format (.xls) Specification
    • PDF []
  • Excel 2007 Binary File Format (.xlsb) Specification
    • PDF []
Office Drawing
  • Office Drawing 97-2007 Binary Format Specification
    • PDF []
Supporting Technologies for Microsoft Office Binary File Formats
  • Windows Compound Binary File Format Specification
    • PDF []
  • Windows Metafile Format (.wmf) Specification
    • PDF []
  • Ink Serialized Format (ISF) Specification
    • PDF []

Other lists of freely downloadable specifications

These lists may include standards unrelated to digital formats.

Freely Available Standards from ISO
ECMA Standards
NISO Standards
OASIS Standards
W3C Technical Reports and Publications (including Recommendations)
ITU-T Recommendations

external link disclaimer icon     Inclusion of a specification in this list does not constitute the Library's endorsement of the digital format. View the Library of Congress disclaimer regarding external links, endorsement, and other legal matters associated with its Web sites.

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Last Updated: 05/ 2/2008