March 21, 2008

Clinton Urges Support for Key Program to Help Communities Meet Energy Needs

Washington, DC – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton joined a coalition of her colleagues in calling on Senate leaders to support a key program that would help city, county, and state governments expand on the success of local initiatives to increase energy efficiency, expand renewable energy supplies, and facilitate new employment opportunities. In a letter delivered to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water, the lawmakers asked that full funding be provided for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program in the Fiscal Year 2009 Energy and Water Appropriations bill as authorized in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

“With energy prices at historical highs our country now faces a crisis that is adding considerable strain on our already overburdened economy. In this critical time we must do all we can to support initiatives that expand renewable energy supplies and strengthen our economy,” said Senator Clinton. “By ensuring full funding for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program, we’re not just providing local governments with the resources they require to best meet the needs of their communities, we’re also taking a serious step in forming a partnership to address our nation’s overall energy efficiency and independence.”

Authorized at $2 billion annually, beginning with the current fiscal year, the law ensures that these resources are results-oriented, with recipients reporting each year on their energy efficiency gains. This program has strong support from the National Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities.

The full text of the letter is below -

March, 2008

Dear Chairman Dorgan and Ranking Member Domenici:

We respectfully request that you include full funding in the Fiscal Year 2009 Energy and Water Appropriations bill for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program as authorized in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Our country faces an energy crisis that affects national security, our national and global economy, and the planet as a whole. City, county, and state governments are ready to step up and address this problem, and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program allows them to do just that.

This new partnership program is exactly what local officials throughout the U.S. have been urging Congress to embrace --an opportunity to expand on the success of local initiatives to increase energy efficiency, expand renewable energy supplies, and facilitate new employment opportunities. Authorized at $2 billion annually, beginning with the current fiscal year, the law ensures that these resources are results-oriented, with recipients reporting each year on their energy efficiency gains.

These grants can be used for a variety of purposes, as determined by local officials who know best how to meet the specific energy needs of their communities. Possible uses include: developing and implementing efficient energy and conservation strategies; developing programs to conserve energy used in transportation; updating building codes and inspection procedures; installing renewable energy technology on or in government buildings; replacing traffic signals and street lighting with energy-efficient technology; energy audits; conservation programs; smart-growth planning and zoning; and installing technology designed to capture greenhouse gases.

A strong commitment to this newly-authorized program is critical, especially at a time when national economic growth is slowing and local revenues are declining due to weakening real estate markets. To sustain the significant progress already being made by many localities and to support even broader local action to secure greater energy savings and other gains for the nation, we urge you to provide the fully-authorized level of funding for this program in the Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriations process and through other available funding opportunities for this program. We thank you for your consideration of this request.


cc: Chairman Byrd
Ranking Member Cochran


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