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BOSTON – The Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR) has given Senator John Kerry their highest possible100% rating, citing his work on the minimum wage, immigration reform and his opposition to judicial nominees who disregard basic civil rights.

"LCCR fights every day for civil rights and equal opportunity, and too often has had to claw and scrape to hold on to the gains of the last thirty years in the face of an unprecedented, systematic campaign by the right wing to take us backwards. From extreme judicial nominees to the Alito filibuster to protecting opportunity for women and minorities, I'm proud to have stood up for the freedom and opportunity that makes America great, and I'll keep up that fight in the United States Senate,” said Senator Kerry.

"LCCR’s 100% rating of Senator Kerry highlights his staunch support of critical civil, social and human rights issues. LCCR's rating is never a political endorsement but a measure of commitment to these issues," said LCCR Executive Vice President Nancy Zirkin. "Over the years, Senator Kerry has continuously supported legislation that represents America’s highest aspirations for all of its citizens."

During his 35 years in public service – as a prosecutor, Lieutenant Governor, and throughout 23 years in the United States Senate – John Kerry has been a champion for civil rights. Kerry is a co-sponsor of the Civil Rights Act of 2008 which aims to increase accountability when civil rights and workers rights are violated. It will also help to restore rights that the Supreme Court has weakened through its flawed decisions over the last 8 years.

Kerry has been a stalwart supporter of comprehensive immigration reform that addresses our nation’s labor needs and keeps our borders secure but is also fair, humane and sensible. He has consistently opposed forcing local law enforcement officers to engage in immigration activities including demanding immigration status information. He believes such policies discourage interaction between the public and law enforcement and put our country at risk.

Kerry has introduced the Families First Immigration Enforcement Act to ensure that children and families are not destroyed because of immigration raids, such as the horrific raid in New Bedford last year. He is also a supporter of the DREAM Act, which helps children attend college and apply for citizenship.

Senator Kerry led the filibuster against Justice Samuel Alito and opposed Chief Justice John Roberts’ nomination. When Judge Leslie Southwick was nominated for the 5th Circuit he spoke out and opposed his nomination because he represented more of the same. Kerry believes that none of these men represent what the American people want in their judiciary and all three have shown a disregard for basic civil rights. Kerry also opposed Attorney General Mukasey because of his refusal to deem water boarding torture.

Kerry has also worked to secure voting rights for residents of Washington, DC. He believes that they should have voting representation in Congress like the rest of the country. Disenfranchising the population of our country’s capital city undermines our standing as the world’s greatest democracy.

Kerry was recently also given a 100% rating by the American Association of University Women for his work on strengthening hate crimes laws, making college more affordable, addressing the pay gap between men and women, and raising the minimum wage.


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