Washington, DC – This morning Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher, Chairman of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee released the following statement on President-elect Obama’s new national security team: 


“President-elect Obama has chosen a strong, experienced, and patriotic national security team.  From his first day in office, President Obama will have to address the threat of terrorism, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the proliferation of nuclear weapons and material, and instability around the globe.  He has assembled the right team.” 


“I share President-elect Obama’s belief in a balanced and multilateral approach to national security that operates from a position of strength, an approach that interweaves America’s military, diplomatic and economic power.  As he did last week, President-elect Obama is moving quickly and decisively to begin the process of rebuilding our military and our reputation around the world.”


“Among the selections announced today, I have had the honor of working closely with Senator Hillary Clinton, Secretary Robert Gates, and General Jim Jones.  All are patriotic public servants who understand the role the United States can play in the world.  I look forward to working with the President and each member of his new team.” 


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