Internships PDF Print E-mail

If you are interested in an internship and have not already done so, please send a resume, cover letter, and short writing sample along with your expected start and end date to Liz Malerba in Congressman Larson's Washington D.C. office.  Since our mail delivery is often delayed, fax is preferred at (202)225-1031.  It is also recommended that you send a schedule of days and hours you will be able to volunteer during the week.  Once all the requested materials are received, your file will be reviewed and you will be contacted as soon as possible.  Please note that Congressman Larson represents Connecticut's First Congressional District and as a result, preference will be given to applicants who are from the First District and then to applicants who are from Connecticut.


Washington Intern Student Housing (WISH)

Internship Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Assist in legislative research for the Congressman, staff and constituents
  • Help with data entry of constituent letters
  • Provide back-up phone assistance
  • Attend briefings for staff members and write a summary memo to the appropriate staffer and the Congressman regarding the briefing
  • Assist in answering constituent mail, which includes research and letter writing
  • Help process Flag and Tour Requests

Interns generally spend several hours of their day working on clerical tasks, such as data entry and phone back-up.  However, interns are strongly encouraged to pursue their interests and to take advantage of the many seminars and unique opportunities that present themselves during their stay in Washington.  Former interns have attended Head of State receptions, press conferences, and have met with NASA astronauts, members of both the House and Senate and the First Lady.  Free computer classes are also offered for interns through the House of Representatives and interns are encouraged to attend.




Congressman Larson thanked Patrick Mellon of Bristol, DeVaughn Ward of East Hartford, Mallory Bogart of Hamden, and Matt LeBeau of East Hartford for their work in the Congressman's Washington office during the Spring 2007 semester.  Their efforts and enthusiasm will be missed.


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