United States Senate Committee on Armed Services

All witnesses are asked to provide electronic copies of their opening statements.
Some witnesses' statements are missing because electronic copies of their remarks
have not been provided to the Committee.

  All witness statements are posted in Adobe Acrobat format.



MARCH 2005

APRIL 2005

MAY 2005

JUNE 2005

JULY 2005







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MARCH 2005

April 2005

April 4, 02005 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on strategic forces and nuclear weapons issues in
review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 5, 02005 - PERSONNEL - To receive testimony on active component, reserve component, and
civilian personnel programs in review of the Defense Authorization
Request for Fiscal Year 2006 .

April 6, 02005 - AIRLAND - To receive testimony on tactical aviation programs in review
of the Defense Authorization request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 6, 02005 - READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on military installation programs in review of
the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 7, 02005 - STRATEGIC FORCES - To receive testimony on Ballistic Missile Defense Programs in review of
the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 11, 02005 - EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES - To receive testimony on the Chemical Demilitarization Program of the Department of
Defense in review of the Defense Authorization
Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 12, 02005 - SEAPOWER - To receive testimony on Navy shipbuilding and industrial base
status in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2006.

April 13, 02005 - PERSONNEL - To receive testimony on active and Reserve military and civilian
personnel programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request
for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 13, 02005 - READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on high risk areas in the management of the Department of Defense in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 14, 02005 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on implementation by the Department of
Defense of the National Security Personnel System.

April 14, 02005 - AIRLAND - To receive testimony on Air Force Acquisition Oversight in review
of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 19, 02005 - SEAPOWER - To receive testimony on the United States Marine Corps ground and
rotary wing programs and seabasing in review of the Defense
Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 19, 02005 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the following nominations:

April 20, 02005 - READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on the readiness of military units deployed in
support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring
Freedom in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2006.

April 21, 02005 - PERSONNEL - To receive testimony on the present and future costs of Department
of Defense health care, and national health care trends in the
civilian sector.

April 21, 02005 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the following nominations:

April 22, 02005 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on U.S. Special Operations Command in
review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2006.

April 28, 02005 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on defense intelligence in review of the
Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal year 2006.

MAY 2005


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