Committee on Science and Technology
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Legislative Highlights :: January 18, 2007

The Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act

H.R. 547

Bill Status

Passed the House 400-3 (February 8, 2007)

At the end of January, the House Committee on Science and Technology unanimously reported H.R. 547, the Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act, which will help get alternative biofuels to consumers more quickly and affordably, and assist retailers in the transition to clean diesel fuels. 

This bill is based on provisions from a larger energy R&D bill (H.R. 6203) that passed the House under suspension of the rules in the 109th Congress.   


Section 1. Short Title The Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act

Section 2. Findings The nation should have a diverse fuel supply which includes biofuels, but incompatibility of some fuels with existing infrastructure presents significant and costly barriers to market penetration. Fuel additives or other technologies may allow such biofuels to be distributed and dispensed in existing infrastructure. Fuel retailers and distributors do not have ready access to technologies that verify fuels are in compliance with federal regulations for diesel fuels.

Section 3. Alternative Fuel and ULSD Infrastructure and Additives Research and Development. Directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in consultation with the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to conduct research and development of additives for biofuels to address infrastructure compatibility issues such as: corrosion of infrastructure materials, dislodging of storage tank sediment, water and microbial contamination, increased emissions, temperature-sensitivity. The program should also investigate various methods of refurbishment and cleaning of storage tanks, and other infrastructure-related problems as identified by EPA, DOE and NIST.

Section 4. Sulfur Testing for Diesel Fuels Directs the EPA and NIST to conduct research and development of portable, low cost, and accurate technologies for testing sulfur content of diesel fuels, and begin demonstrations of such technologies within one year.

Section 5. Standard Reference Materials and Data Base Development Instructs NIST to collect data on the physical properties of various alternative fuels, and develop the Standard Reference Materials (SRM) such as those that are available for conventional petroleum-based fuels.

Section 6. Authorization of Appropriations Authorizes $10,000,000 to EPA to carry out this Act.





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