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MP3 File Format

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Table of Contents
Identification and description
Local use
Sustainability factors
Quality and functionality factors
File type signifiers
Format specifications
Useful references
Format Description Properties
• ID: fdd000105
• Short name: MP3_FF
• Content categories: sound
• Format category: file format
• Last significant update: 2008-05-09
• Draft status: full

Identification and description Explanation of format description terms

Full nameMP3
DescriptionDe facto file format for sound that wraps MP3_ENC bitstreams, which may be post- or prepended by the informally specified ID3 metadata blocks.
  Production phase  Generally used for final-state, end-user delivery.
Relationship to other formats 
  ContainsMP3_ENC encoded audio
  May containID3v1 ID3 Metadata, Version 1
  May containID3v2 ID3 Metadata, Version 2

Local use Explanation of format description terms

LC experience or existing holdingsUsed extensively as non-streaming service format for American Memory. The accepted format for digital audio by the U.S. Copyright Office in the CORDS program, used until 2008 as a pilot for for electronic registration.
LC preferenceSee MP3_ENC

Sustainability factors Explanation of format description terms

DisclosureNot documented
  DocumentationSee MP3_ENC and its subtypes for documentation of the bitstream. See ID3 and its subtypes for documentation of the metadata blocks.
AdoptionVery widely adopted for World Wide Web dissemination and playback on specialized devices.
  Licensing and patent claimsNone for the file structure; see MP3_ENC for discussion of patent claims pertaining to the bitstream.
TransparencySee MP3_ENC
Self-documentationSee MP3_ENC and ID3 and its subtypes.
External dependenciesNone
Technical protection considerationsNone. The trade press, however, reported that the French company Thomson Multimedia and the German research organization Fraunhofer Institute plan to release protection elements for MP3 during 2004. (Not followed up at this Web site at this time.)

Quality and functionality factors Explanation of format description terms

Normal rendering for soundGood support.
Fidelity (support for high audio resolution)See MP3_ENC
Support for multiple sound channelsSee MP3_ENC
Support for downloadable or user-defined sounds, samples, and patchesNone
Functionality beyond normal rendering for soundNone. See also ID3v2.

File type signifiers Explanation of format description terms

Tag typeValueNote
Filename Extensionmp3 There is no "official" file format associated with MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 content. Many MP3 files contain both the audio bitstream and ID3 metadata.

Various auxiliary or related files exist; for example, m3u and pls files contain playlists associated with MP3; each of these formats works well with some players and not with others.
Internet Media Typeaudio/mpegFrom IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) RFC 3003
Internet Media Type audio/x-mpeg
Additional examples selected from The File Extension Source.
Magic numbers First eleven bits: 11111111111 If the encoded audio conforms to ISO/IEC specifications, the twelfth bit will also be 1. The first 12 bits are referred to as frame sync or MP3 sync word. The thirteenth bit indicates the ISO/IEC version: ISO/IES 11172-3 is 1; ISO/IEC 13818-3 is 0. The header information page for MPGEDIT software (consulted May 9, 2008) indicates that there is an unofficial encoding called "MPEG version 2.5" for which the twelfth and thirteenth bits are 01. MP3 headers are also described in File Structure section of the Wikipedia MP3 article (consulted May 9, 2008).
ID3 marker ASCII: 3DIWhen ID3 metadata is placed in a MP3_FF file, established conventions call for this marker. For ID3v1, the marker is positioned 10 bytes preceding the metadata. For ID3v2 data, the marker is positioned in the first 3 bytes of the file when the metadata is pre-pended and 10 bytes from the end of a file when it is post-pended.

Notes Explanation of format description terms


Format specifications Explanation of format description terms


Useful references

ID3 article in Wikipedia, consulted February 2007 (


Last Updated: Friday, 09-May-2008 16:15:11 EDT