
Friday, July 16, 2004

it's about ability

This month, Americans celebrate the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted into law on July 26, 1990. As the author of ADA, I remember that day as one of the proudest in my entire legislative career. Over the ensuing 14 years, America has made enormous strides in breaking down barriers – both physical and attitudinal – to people with disabilities. But let’s not kid ourselves. We still have a long way to go before we have truly opened up the doors of opportunity to everyone.

One Iowan who brilliantly illustrates the human potential unleashed by the Americans with Disabilities Act is Cheri Blauwet, from Larchwood. Cheri lost the use of her legs in a tractor accident when she was just 16 months old. Today, she is a true Renaissance woman: a Rhodes Scholar finalist, a student at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a world-class athlete. This year, she won the Los Angeles and New York City marathons for athletes using wheelchairs, and was named to the 2004 U.S. Paralympics Track and Field Team to compete in the d2004 Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece. And Cheri recently won another hard-earned honor: she was one of just four nominees for the 2004 ESPY Award for the Best Athlete with a Disability.

Cheri said, “I don’t think that a lot of people with disabilities realize their own potential.” And she has worked tirelessly to change these attitudes. She mentors people with disabilities. And she educates fellow students and physicians to understand that disability is a normal aspect of the human condition, and that it should not limit one’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

I have had the privilege of meeting and talking with Cheri. And let me tell you, you can immediately recognize her determination, intellect, and indomitable spirit. And that’s why I say that she illustrates all that we hoped to accomplish when we passed ADA. This law is about removing the social, attitudinal and architectural barriers that prevent people with disabilities from making full use of their gifts and talents.

So, on this anniversary, we congratulate Cheri for her achievements. And it is a good time to look into our own hearts and minds. Let’s rededicate ourselves to removing the remaining physical and attitudinal barriers that prevent people with disabilities from becoming fully participating members of our communities.